Friday, September 19, 2014

N.F.L......$250+ MILLION DOLLARS .BEER MONEY.....$44 Mill salary ......Beating up the families

1  The top guy at the NFL gets over $40 Mill in salary per year I am told. That's called golden handcuffs in the high-roller trade. You can hush up a lot of crap to keep that kind of gold rolling into your checking account. Just sayin' Reviewing his resume in Wicked, he has a degree in Economics from (I don't believe from an Ivy League) school, and spent his "quality" time with Tagliabeau his predecessor on the way up to the head seat. i.e. "massive letter writing campaign. "
2. Much has been made of the statistics of the abusive nature of the players in the NFL being " half" of what the general Population is. Uh-huh. Now, how do you suppose, hundreds of over sized, under-educated giants raised in the south in poorly educated families ( Charles Barkley, CBS sports broadcast last week quoted) who are by nature VIOLENT, are 1/2 as violent with their women and kids as Willie-Boy at the local Bodega at 4th and Slaughter Streets. I can offer a suggestion: the head office is hiding the statistics.
3. Let's talk about race and violence. Within the last two months, 5 arrests were made of NFL players, all of them were they size of Sequoia trees - huge, all black, all from southern families. Mr. Charles Barkley commented on CBS sports TV after the Alexander domestic violence affair,
      " all these guys are from southern black families. They all were raised by fathers that did this to them. I WAS RAISED LIKE THIS. DO SOMETHING WRONG, AND YOU GET A BEAT DOWN. YOU GET WELTS AND BRUISES. IT HAPPENED ALL THE TIME. Look at me, I turned out alright." 
4. My point, who says he is alright? Him? Who is he to judge? His reputation in public is certainly open to question, I am not a fan of his sport or of his public pronouncements.
5. If the public wants the weight of the law on the NFL, their collective judgement has to be on ticket sales, and on beer sales. The sponsor invests over $250 million dollars into this venture and the more notoriety in bruisers beating up helpless wives and children will soon eat into their profits The public will have to choose: Morals, or Monday Night Football?

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