Saturday, March 28, 2015


REMEMBER GOETZ?  Way back in the hysterical days of Jimmy Breslin author of " the gang who couldn't shoot straight." Bernard Goetz had it up to " HERE" with black punks riding the New York City subways intimidating white riders (remember the movies - "Death Wish?" starring the late actor, Charles Bronson.), so Goetz packed a .38 caliber pistol

and started a payback in Manhattan.
     Memory fades on how many he gunned down that day, but I recall the weeping and gnashing of teeth by Breslin and the left wing of the political spectrum. "Oh, ....those poor boys never had a chance."
     To say nothing of their victims. White on black, call Rev Al, black on white, New York Times is hiding in the mens' room.
      The cops threw the book at Goetz, trash can, City Hall, the works. Hell, that was over twenty years ago, and he may still be in jail.
      Since the race riots of Ferguson, New York, and the uncounted insurrections connected to it around the country, mostly black crime on targeted white people, it baffles me how the Goetz syndrome hasn't taken hold in the populace.
l      Bernard Goetz must be puzzled. Or giggling.....or reloading.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

President Obama's New Rules

Let's review: the prez had his teeth handed to him last election in November. No need to review the results here, Except for his brother's hut in Africa, an occasional sled drivers in Alaska probably don't know that outcome, otherwise, we all got it.
     His reaction thus far has been, shall we say, snotty as some national media characterize it. " Two years more of doom and gloom."
     So, pen in hand, he writes ( or directs his minions to do so) the following: we can look forward to having the temperature and quantities of water in our showers monitored. Some sort of national crisis up there with ISIS no doubt looming.
     National mandate on voting coming our way-mandatory for all of us. If you're of voting age, you will be steered (I imagine all sorts of gruesome scenarios of herding us in trucks to the polls.) on election day. Can't wait to hear the justification around the Constitution on that one.
     Obama and Holder's plan on disarming the American people takes on weird outgrowths as we progress onward into his 7th year: dry up ammunition. His ban on importation of less expensive foreign cartridges is being held up in a court fight. (God bless Federal Court Justices beholden to no one). His administration's constant attack on the 2nd Amendment has been the most continued assault on the Bill of Rights for the entire 6 miserable years of his presidency. Lack of space here prevents me from listing all his progress BUT, his latest is an attack on the banking industry attempting to dry up banking services for gun stores, gun retailers, adult stores, and other outlets deemed contrary to his arbitrary choosing. Remember, no public input was involved in the establishment of this " so called public nuisance " list, only comprised inside the White House.
     Dozens of such shops have lost their businesses because of their inability to transact financial deals through local banks: credit cards, deposits.
     The point?  The Obama Administration can't close GITMO on the first day of his office, 6 years ago. It is STILL OPEN. Keep a list of the items the president has promised, then check off those that he has jumped the shark on - " If you like your doctor, you can KEEP YOUR DOCTOR." (I lost my doctor of 12 years only yesterday, a victim of ACA stress.)
     My wife's doctor said to us yesterday, that "if it wasn't for this building we are in that we have to pay off, I'd go be a waitress someplace else." She, a Harvard graduate.
     My question? Are we out of control?

Monday, March 23, 2015

Losing Control of America

   It feels like it. I am a man from the last century. Remembering when Dwight Eisenhower was in charge, one felt safe, covered, relaxed, and settled in a way of life that was comfortable in a work - life - religious routine that progressed through t terms of political stability.
   Ike called a meeting of his "Board" chatted with his supervisors, asked them ' hows it going boys?" took a day or two to go around the table, told them to go back to work with the admonition, " keep in touch, and no surprises, please. 
   And he went back to a clumsy press conference and a golf game. Except for ending the Korean War
as he promised he would, a bout with ileitis and a stay at an Army hospital in Denver, his service to the country was exemplary. Everybody loved his steady hand and the feeling that everything was going to be ok. 
   When the economy sagged for a bit, he made an announcement that everybody should go out and buy a refrigerator or stove. We all did. The suppliers groaned under the demand. 
    Today, our president is overexposed on television. Each day, he appears with different messages on differing subjects that appear to change, flip-flop and counter each other from day to day. It's impossible to count on a consistent message, plan or policy that the public can count on, coming from the White House. The president's hired hands are equally inconsistent. Elements of the national media have fallen to calling the chief executive of our current government, " amateur." The current government has, in some domestic circles been labelled, " bush league." One is caused to wonder if such bad form is anything but purposeful.
    Few if any corroborate what he insists are his dictum's from day to day, which must leave spokespeople, line workers and certainly political pols in a state of confusion. With the constant state of shifting sands on foreign and domestic policy for what was once the greatest nation on earth, is it any wonder the bad actors of the world are shifting tanks, planes, guns, murder and death around the globe at a frightening pace. The lunch organizer of south Chicago seems to be in over his head on the world stage, showing up at the G-8 summit in Europe chewing gum.

Saturday, March 14, 2015


It didn't happen overnight. We got pregnant by accident.
     " I'll be alright, " she said over the phone, " as long as you stand by me."
      I'm a man from the old school, the last century, born in 1940, John Wayne, Steven Canyon,voluntarily enlist in the service, you know, stand up and do the right thing.
      So, I did. I married the little lady and set down to make a life with her. Our child came along, a beautiful lovely little red-headed girl with an IQ, BTW that was extraordinary. ( got it from...).
      My wife was a sewer. Made everything by hand: sweaters, gloves, all baby clothes, she loved doing it, I loved her doing it. Breast fed our little girl in magical moments I'll never forget.
      Flash forward to two girls, early teen age years, wife is home doing Mom things, wifely things, now BORED to death. Too much Betty Freidan, I guess. Love that Ms. subscription.
     Now things around the house are never good enough. Arguments over money, who/what/where kids go,do,how often - ALL THE TIME.
      One day, she springs the following on me without any advance notice: " I'm tired of being Mrs nobody. I'm not fulfilled. I'm going to get a job. Being a housewife and mother doesn't satisfy me anymore. I want you to know I'm actively looking for outside work."
      Thunderstruck, I babbled something like, " can we at least talk about this?"
      " Sure, talk. But, I'm doing it." (so much for negotiations)

       Our children were too small to be left alone after school, so they became latch-key kids. Me? I was off running the 7th largest mall on the globe, 10 hours or more a day. She? Blowing a whistle in a school yard, chasing 3rd graders away from water fountains.
       " I've got to be me," she said.
       As John Wayne used to say, " conversation sort of dried up."That was the last century, and, the last time I'll ever let anyone decide my future. As Doctor Phil says, it's better to be FROM an unhappy marriage than IN one. I wasted 18 and 1/2 years of my life. I should have gone to law school, or journalism, or stayed in the Air Force and retired there. What a waste.

Friday, March 13, 2015


The push to put women into " all positions " in the military (make no bones about it, the feminists meant in combat), started aggressively with President James Earl Carter, our peanut farming Georgia preacher ex-Governor.  " Women in the Military" by Brian Mitchell refers to a history of fudging numbers, lowering standards, deliberate flirting with rules, women, traditions, morale and pigeon holing the massive complaints of the service academies already enrolled in cadet training for officer positions within all of our service academies.
     The Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs was the first target. 
     Jimmy Carter loaded the deck against any tradition already in place. Women were appointed in positions of authority with virtually no  previous experience with military aircraft, supervision of large bodies of troops, or administration. They ruled only political ethos, and rule they did. Women enrol lees into the Academy begun to flow in and received preferential treatment in lower physical standards i.e. stress free periods in physical training, re-wired educational courses to fit their gender specific needs, as well as social interactions.
     Nature taking it's course, pregnancies cropped up, percentages of female cadets starting to drop out increased. These numbers were painstakingly kept quiet. 
     " Were it not for intense political pressure, there would be virtually no women in the military today," ......Brian Mitchell, USAF.  No other country depends so heavily on women as America. Israel and Canada come in a close second.
     You can't place women so close to the fighting without them accidentally (or on purpose) being involved in it. There are women who are in it to win it, an element of women whose hormones drive them to prove " I'm as good as any man." 
     No? How do you explain Major Rhonda Cornum, doctor, co-pilot, prisoner of War in Iraq 18 years ago? Her personal resume reads like the fictional cartoon character Steven Canyon. Shot down by the Republican Guard over Iraq, taken prisoner with two broken arms she was one of only five Americans left alive after a Blackhawk crashed. Subjected to brutalities not fit to mention here she was eventually released after General Schwartzkoff personally intervened. In my opinion, having reviewed her book "She went to War" and my studies of human behavior, I doubt seriously whether anyone could have stopped her from doing what she did that got her captured. Wife of a jet pilot, mother of a daughter back home, she was compelled to place herself in the most dangerous position and then prayed to get back to safety, involving America's top commander on site to do it. 
     In my opinion, if we did not have women involved, the overwhelming instincts of men, to protect women - at all costs - would not distract them from the primacy of combat. Such is also mentioned in her book. She seems to treat that person as a man with a defect, like having a broken leg. When as a man, he fellows his natural instinct.
     Then there is the newly elected Congressperson from Arizona an Air Force Major and ex-A10 Wart Hog fighter pilot who led countless attacks in Iraq. Both women in combat positions. To win the House position, she eschewed the Air Force combat gear and dressed in feminine costume ear rings make up and accoutrement to project the image of one of the folks. She won.
     An Air Force Major, public relations officer deep from the bowels of the Pentagon was quoted on the subject of Women in the Military especially in combat that " it's going on, we haven't had much feedback from the public, I guess it's no big deal." 
     Of course not, that's because in my opinion, no one knows about it. The media has not covered it, thee have been no wide coverage, no cover stories, no reporters riding along in the back seat of two seat er fighters, nothing. 
     Once again, the Media is flying cover for the Obama administration. We are still in the dark as to what's going on. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Mrs Clinton's Emails - the solution

It has been reported on the Sunday talk shows that she WANTS to turn them over. So far, they are no where to be seen, still locked up in Hillary's castle.
     "Want" is a desire, Hillary. Not an action.
     Here is my solution: thumb drive the emails from your very expensive server, place in briefcase.
  • call cab
  • proceed to airport
  • board NYC/DCA shuttle
  • proceed to Senate Committee office
  • hand over briefcase full of thumb drives
go home. That wasn't so hard was it? You can full fill your obligations by lunchtime
so far, at the half time, its the Lions 3 and the Christians, nothing.

Happy Benghazi

Roger Fulton
Tucson, Az

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Friday, March 6, 2015

American Politics: Break the logjam

What now? What's next? I got it, all the right wing blaring, Obama did this, didn't do that, violated the Constitution, harassing citizens rights, ran up the debt ----GOT IT!
     So what? Now what?
     I've heard all the preaching, hollering, proselytizing I can stand, it's keeping me up nights. Now, I have one nagging question that everyone from Greta to Hannity cannot answer.
     What do you do to make this stop? Who does what to whom to bring this insanity to a close why aren't you talking about it?
se? Do you recall him, impeach him - what? If it's impeachment, why arent you talking about it?
      Who does WHAT next to stop this express train to hell?
     Enough with the continual yadda yadda, ---I've got it. We've all got it out here in the boon docks, we're with you - you're the guys with the degrees, the TV cameras, the audience and the ear of the higher ups,  -  MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN.
     For God sakes do something, you're all lawyers aren't you???