Thursday, January 29, 2015


Ok, so there is just under two years before we switch chairs at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and the coronation of Lady Hillary of Clinton draws near, I thought I would bring up some old news.
     Oldies, but goodies.
     For those of you who remember back when she was " first lady," she was also called
("MSNBC") the real Vice President. Remember? Or, remember the press reports during and just after the campaign - " your really getting two for one - a package deal."
     Yeah, well, remember this came with the package, on Bill's last day in office, he issued a presidential pardon to over 200 criminals (as was the custom for most presidents on their last day in office). But 200? That was a stretch by anybody's measure.
     I have in my hand the complete list of criminals released as of January 20, 2001. It reads like the Rogue's Gallery at San Quentin.

  •     An armed bank robber from Florence Mississippi
  •     8 convicts for selling and distributing cocaine, and that just on the first two pages of this 14 page report.
  •     Mail fraud, Medicaid fraud,      
  •     White collar crimes from fiddling with accounting books to bank stick ups.   
  •      Criminals from everywhere, Maine to San Diego, Seattle to Port Richey, Florida.
  •      And who can forget Marc Rich, high flier in the world of big shot swindlers, IMO, got away scot free into Switzerland and still resides there. Press reports on the fall out for that pardon fill the morgues of newspapers around the country. Still, Mr. Clinton sucks up the adoration of the Kool Aide crowd. Ms Clinton will probably skate into the nomination wearing Mr. Rich's fur coat, it is said by some press report. Personally, I don't think that has been validated as of yet. t
  • Why did the President pardon two convicts serving time for ARMED BANK ROBBERY?
  • James Lake was pardoned for " illegal corporate campaign contributions and wire fraud." strange they didn't indicate in the report TO WHOM the illegal contributions went TO. (italics mine)        
  • (17 were from Arkansas)
     The question remains: 'RE-ELECTING THE CLINTONS do you want to do this all over again?

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Robbing the FBI - Heros?

Yes, according to the fanciful Philadelphia Magazine. Recent additions show full face dart board size fotos of Mr. and Mrs burn out hippies a'la 70's from Main Line Philadelphia who as sensitized activist liberals decided from the breaks as Temple University profs to go stick up the Media Pennsylvania FBI office back in early 70's.
     Yup, we all heard about it. They, the aloof, 'we know better' cause we're enlightened, wanted to show the great unwashed (that us, folks) that the government was spying on us. In this endless babble from tome, they flower trip on these senior folk, now out of the shadows about how brave they were, " how ordinary people could do this in the face of a powerful government."
     How about that, in the weeds of this slavering piece about " fighting big brother," no where do they mention that President Obama is committing triple the sins of whomever was doing whatever they copped out of the third floor of the corner office in Media, Pa.
    So how come Meadow Muffin and hubby John found out about the " spying" which by today's standards barely qualifies as section d, back page compared to the Jesse James antics of Obama and company, race baiting, NSA, CIA, IRS....I know I've forgotten at least two other government agencies culpable in at least dabbling behind closed doors or at best screwing something up.
   These self styled heroes penned by Nothing about surreptitious DOJ selective spying, prosecution? Nothing? Not one word? Any wonder, the DOJ just announced the probability of prosecuting the Ferguson police officer after an extensive HUMONGOUS search of the case  = zero.
    These are the FACES OF AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARIES ???  I don't think so. these are the faces of American hippies, and if memory serves, we can thank our lucky stars, they didn't pawn their kids off to others of their ilk while they tried to sabotage troop trains in Jersey, knock on doors of families who suffered KIA casualties or go to Army Navy stores to buy and wear In-Country Army uniforms with bloody bullet holes in them. Because I witnessed it all in that area.
    I lived around the block from the FBI office at the time of robbery. Speaking as one American who believes in Duty, Honor and Country, I'm glad I wasn't walking my dog RPG that night.


Unless I missed a press release or TV spot in the last 6 hours, Bill Cosby has not YET said one word about any of the incidents or allegations of the women that have said he
                                  a.  raped (?)
                                  b.  assaulted (?)
                                  c.  drugged (?).................them.
Call me wrong if I missed the mark, please.
I have thought long and hard about Cosby and this situation. You (and I) can spin this any which way to come up with whatever one is disposed with.

Here's my take. Remember the movie " Anne of a thousand Days"? Remember the King accusing Sir Thomas Moore of everything under the Sun including treason? What was Moore's strategy against the King's Court?

Silence. Under the King's own law, silence was deemed a lack of guilt and presumption of innocense.
Moore remained silent under the onslaught of a dozen of phoney witnesses the King drummed up against Sir Thomas. The finger verdict was foretold - Guilty.

Then, and only then, Sir Thomas unloaded on the King, discharging his mind fully on the King's wrong doing within the kingdom. SILENCE is not to be judged a position of guilt, under English law, it is the presumption of innocense, if and until positive proof that is to say PROOF is presented in court against the defendant.

Cosby has cloaked himself in silence as his right. I don't know if he did it or not, and neither does anyone else. That has yet to be proven.
There were over 40 attempts on the life of Hitler, 40 that we know of, all failed. Adolph drafted or hired over 50,000 bodyguards called the S.S. to watch over him. Still, the attempts continued. He got too paranoid, he began executing his own people.
     He surrounded himself with Yes-Men. They couldn't agree with him fast enough.
     When our president got the top chair, he immediately began a program of firing top Generals in the military and replacing them with weaker, more pliable military men and WOMEN who would bend more closely to his will. It's gotten so embarrassingly now that firing the head of the Pentagon, Dempsey, would probably set off impeachment proceedings. Dempsey has been so blatant in his opinions diametrically opposed to the president, he has stated so publicly, but always with, I'll advise the president, then do as he wishes.
     The war time generals are gone. As in the Third Reich, they too were gone, so many killed off, run off or hung on meat hooks, or executed as Rommel had been.
     Hitler as in our president, totally disregarded the advise of his top generals, over-riding them at almost every turn. Hitler placed his country in jeopardy of defeat as a result. President Obama has consistently ignored the safety of our country, in my opinion, on so many fronts, in so many ways as to belabor the topic here, as to ever edge us towards catastrophe. Some here fear similar disaster.
    There are distinct differences in this country than almost all the rest in Europe. American character and America has - firearms.
    Adolph had a bug about disarming his fellow Germans. Funny thing about a country with no guns. They can't fight back. Now, ever since Obama got into 1600, he's been trying to dismantle the 2nd Amendment - our right to hold on to firearms. He's tried everything. A chip here, a dent there, not much progress thanks to Federal Courts, the Supremes, the National Rifle Association and five million or so Americans who are members.
    No Barack, we will NOT go quietly into that good night. We will never surrender. Never. We have history on our side. We may be a dumber country than we were 70 years ago, but we're not washed up yet.
    Not yet.

Friday, January 16, 2015

On the Brink of a Revolt?: TIME FOR THE END OF TALK GROWS NEAR

On the Brink of a Revolt?: TIME FOR THE END OF TALK GROWS NEAR: Criticism of this current president has grown over the past year to a crescendo. Arguments in the media have folded that it emanates only fr...


Criticism of this current president has grown over the past year to a crescendo. Arguments in the media have folded that it emanates only from the right handed bull horns just two short years ago. The president has gotten his clock cleaned at the ballot box, yet has turned his back on
vox populii several times, now, too numerous to mention here.
    The left wingers, too, have uncovered his duplicitous nature, he, having lied so much about his intentions before being elected, then double crossing the electorate, the liberals now openly take shots at his nibs as he loses votes, support and some say money from that quarter of America. 
    In short, the prez is getting it from all sides, except the loyal fan base of the black community from whence he emanates. His support there, it is said, is in the high 80's. Analysis of his voter turnout from objective sources has been his targeting the poorest of voter precincts, promising them what they want, and cashing in their votes. 
    The great Socialist experiment has paid off. We are losing the America we were born into. 
    The political base that loves our votes has been pandering for our attention with talking points: prez is bad, free enterprise is good. What he is doing should be stopped, can be stopped, is despicable, is breaking the Constitution, bad for the country.
    We have endured months of this barrage of down talk tedium ad naseum, and, they may be right. Now the government is back in Republican hands. 
    Now what? The prez now wants to play Wyatt Earp. All that talk from the right wing, and so far what do we get? ..............nothing.
    Somebody has got to make this all stop, and make it stop NOW.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

the FRENCH GUNS, where did they come from?

It didn't take long after the gun smoke settled over the "Charley" landscape in Paris for the elbows and camera lenses to fly every which way, did it?
     Speculations, hysteria, wild eyed panic seemed everywhere. Even in the States, dire warnings of gunfights in Kindergartens and shoot-outs in Pizza Parlors raised their ugly heads.
     Now some four days after the bloody cartoon office showdown, this side of the pond has begun to calculate the forensics of the gunfight:
       1. France has tighter gun controls than the city of Chicago.
       2. Where did these clowns get their machine guns?
       3.  CIA advisor Bob Baer comments on Fox News " AK 47's? easy to pick up in France." And that in a country that outlaws just THINKING about getting a machine gun.
       4.  Nervous babble by some American media that prattle on about worldwide Al Qaeda networks, millions in funds, zillions of terrorists in waiting, and what happens in Paris? Four Parisians citizens and a wife show up with 3 illegal guns  and enough ammo they can carry, jump into one car and manage to get 40 miles away before getting killed by half the French Army. Hmmm.
      5.  I contend two Navy Seals in shorts and clogs could have turned them off by lunch.
What the American media has done is scare the hell out of our citizenry with this overblown hype with the assistance of mister president hanging on for dear life somewhere near the help of our foundering ship.