Thursday, February 19, 2015


For the first time in my life, I turn 75 next week, I don't feel safe, Barack. It has been my job as a father, a husband, an adult, to preserve, protect and defend my children, my wife, house, dogs, and myself for as long as I can remember.
     And now, I don't feel safe. Oh, I can handle a gun, alright. I know my way around pis

tols, rifles, shotguns and the like, quite comfortable with all of them. And my house is outfitted with enough to fend off anything that might come our way until the police arrive. But that's not the problem.
     I don't feel safe in my own town, my own state, my own country. 
     And, I blame you. 
     You are an adult, intelligent and at times, well reasoned. There is no time for argue. No time for a tit-for-tat debate. You know you are double=speaking to the American people, and so do I. The world is a mess, you are not leading, you are barely following. You can not do this. Now, you may not be able to do it, and if that's the case, step up to the plate, Man up and admit it.  
     We are no longer in a leadership position in the world. The Barbarians are not only at the gates, I feel like they're about to burn them down, most are dressed in black and carrying large, ugly knives. 
     You seem to disparage Christians  and Jews of late and excuse the ISIS murderers are wanton, errant school boys, this has begun to keep me up at night. A word of encouragement along the lines of Franklin Delano Roosevelt would be appreciated, sir, maybe with a little of John Kennedy thrown in. It would make us all feel a lot more confident??
     And, if not up to all this, you w

Monday, February 9, 2015


Take an important position, say Vice President of Finance of a manufacturing plant - an aviation facility, for instance. Make it a company that partially supports government work. Place it in a rural environment where high skilled work is required, so surrounding employees are grateful for the work.
     Your CFO is by accident an Ivy League graduate in finance, accounting and business administration, - a lucky break. His experience on $88 million dollar budgets far exceeds your needs, he rolls in the door, up to his desk and exceeds your $35 million dollar expectations.
     Within 7 or 8 months, the younger generation in the executive suite note that his age, well over 55 doesn't quite " fit in " with the prevailing " hipsters " culture of the top-floor 6 to 8 pm cocktail party crowd that forms after the days end at the Board Meeting Ranch.
      He lunches alone, spends an extra hour or two over the books after work, shuns social hours with the " gang " but generally, is pleasant and easy going with everybody. But.....still, something is missing. One young lady describes it as the " icy wall."
      The thin blue line becomes thicker, he doesn't get memos, misses meetings as a result, gets more distant from Mr. Boss, problems result. His numbers are on target, sheets balance, projections super accurate, work is up to snuff. Inter-personally, things are cock-eyed.
      Mr. Boss and he have " the talk," and he is replaced with a 30 year old blue eyed blond senior accountant from the " pool." Big surprise. Her salary is half his.
      In January 55 year old were unemployed totalling a million and a half. Nearly half were long term. Why? Age. They had been out 27 weeks or LONGER. As one older person quipped, grey hair makes you invisible. Average time for job hunting over 55 is 43 weeks, DOUBLE that for anyone UNDER 55 years of age.
     That's not opinion folks but fact. Now factor in a quarter of a million who blew their enthusiasm and dropped out to quit looking - like me. No one sends resumes out in the mail anymore. It's done by computer, and face facts, it's far easier to hit delete on the other end of the computer. If you're over 55, and in my case WAY over 55, the farther out, the more they hit DELETE.
     We are no longer contributing to our retirement. We are living off it. Drawing it down. Sucking it up. Taking our Social Security earlier and earlier. Due to the collapse of the social structure, the piranha like nature of American corporations that would eat their young, there is no other choice.
      I've made my own set of decisions, BUT, I've had the best education, graduated from an Ivy League school with a classmate who will next fall run for President of the United States. Bad Luck.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


As of this writing,  Brian Williams is temporarily off the air. Official announcements say internal investigations looking into the matter as to his statements will determine his future.
     Ok, so, it has grown so bad, he has written the bosses saying he voluntarily pulls himself off the air because he is " a distraction. "
     What we know. It appears as if he lied, in my opinion, admitting to " errors of the fog of war" while others who were there so it ain't so, Joe.
     So the " late " Brian Williams now heads for the Dan Rather dump site (also caught in the same
credibility hoax over President Bush) and another legend broadcast channel gets pitched into the dumpsite.
     One now wonders as does the chief execs at NBC, WHAT ELSE DID HE FAKE? HOW FAR BACK. Like lawyers caught up in faking cases, what kind of liability is this going to CO$T U$??
     Credibility angle #2: Al Gore once owned a TV channel which he sold to the Arabs, Al Jazeera was born. NBC in their eternal stupidity hires a reporter out of that tent, whose name escapes me, and knucklehead appears on MSNBC program " Morning Joe" and utters this review of the American Sniper movie, " Well, his behavior was bizarre, especially when he was out on one of his KILLING SPREES. ( my emphasis.)
      This I remind you is from an Arab, who now works for MSNBC who once worked for Al Jaz, criticzing a slain American Hero.
      Morning Joe, BTW, wasted all of three seconds before jumping down this clown's throat, had I been on set, I would have been right behind him, bayonet in hand.
      My point: gone are the days of Huntley Brinkley when you tuned them in, you were getting THE NEWS. Now you tune in NBC, or the cartoon version, MSNBC, you get the film noir version of Sesame Street.
      As a reasonably intelligent, logical person-who the hell would you trust, or, if you still do, call me and I'll send over a case of your favorite Kool Aide.