Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Officer Harris - Ferguson====MIA??

I read a news report today that the blonde haired policeman who was involved in the shooting in Ferguson is now among the missing. No further word............what is going on?

Marysville, Washington = Seattle Area School Shooting

Frustrations are boiling over at that High School, parents, students, the media, they are all going nuts on the subject of gun violence in schools. Everybody is throwing up their hands, what to do? Who to blame? I'm surprised they are not picketing the big, bad NRA.
      In a way, I don't blame them. They don't know what to do, and in this case, I would recommend the following - DO NOTHING.
      Yup. Sit tight til everything cools down. This one is far too complicated to just jump in and react to what has already been an emotional set up. Don't think so? Try this on for size. The following elements have been virtually " cocked and ready for such a tragedy"
                           Brady Handgun Control out of DC
                           Democrats running for election looking for " something" to grab hold of
                                   i.e. " the October Surprise."
                          Washington is a far left liberal state and they are fishing for a cause to push for a
                                   virtual GUN BAN law. This may be their ammo.
                           Indians hate White law and will fight any such movements tooth and nail.
       Obvious problems that will stick in the craw of common sense: show me (or you) any law they will pass that would have prevented the HS shooting under the current fact load.
        1   shooter 15, illegal to own, carry, shoot pistol in that state.
        2   Father's gun, readily accessible to son. Under state (or tribal law?) was he liable for not
             locking up the pistol? It was under his care custody and control? Not reported but
             was shooter & family living on reservation? (different laws)
        3.  Would ANY law have prevented the boy shooter from obtaining Dad's gun, texting his
              COUSINS to the lunch table and prevented him from shooting them?
        4.   There are enough handguns in America to give one to every man, woman and child -
               COLLECTING HANDGUNS WILL BE MORE SUCCESSFUL being as the ownership is
               guaranteed a right under the Constitution???
        5.    Oh, yes, remember the public discussion sometime back about metal detectors at schools?
               also armed teachers and security guards. Don't tell me you FORGOT?? Yes, that would
               helped. To paraphrase Samuel Colt, " better that they were there and you didn't need it than
               need it and it not be there."
The English tried to take our firearms away 200+ years ago and it didn't work out so well for them, either. 70 years ago, the Germans confiscated (they thought) guns from the French. Near wars end, the renegades dug them up and killed a lot of Nazis with them.
     So tell me, what law or laws do you suggest that will quell the handgun violence? What solution will be effective? Maybe, the answer is to screen people who want to buy them? Think about that?

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Guns--Creeping Gun Confiscation --- An unarmed public ---Abe Lincoln

When I was a young passionate hot-head (about  nearly everything) I belonged to various clubs, associations and organizations in my 20's through my late 30's. Marriage, two kids, a school board appointment, feeding, housing, clothing the family and fighting my way through two bastard economic downturns diverted the passions to more practical considerations.
     However, my membership in the NRA was useful in that I read back in the 70s about their various concerns about government confiscation of guns. Gun registration, they said would come first, mandatory registration, knocking on doors, demanding to see paperwork, maybe even police confiscating firearms from the home some day.
     This was the 'fever' back in the mid 70's. Ok, I thought, I wasn't excited about it, but I listened.
     The Constitution is a valuable thing. Tear it down and there is nothing that protects us. Nothing. In 45 years I have gone from a mildly interested bystander ( I owned a gun when my attorney said,
" I would join the NRA if I were you, guns are under attack legally - all the time.") and this from a five foot, wall-eyed homosexual Philadelphia lawyer in the mid 70's.
     So, I did. Not so much as a "gun nut" but, I had a minor in law from Wharton, so thought I'd
" take it out for a walk" so to speak.
     Now, today, the constitutional amendment is so under attack, branches of our government seek to undermine, by any means necessary  Amendment 2.
     No? you say? The administration has banned the importation of cheaper ammunition into this country that target shooters have been using for decades.
     Politically friendly northeastern states have hiked taxes on gun manufacturers who founded their businesses in those states during the American Revolution, so high, they have been forced to move to the south lands where they have been greeted warmly by job-hungry and low tax environments.
     Bills in left wing states like California and New York that crush individual rights on gun ownership continue to be introduced and/or passed have yet to reduce gun crimes because DC politicians have yet to grasp that thrill killers, bank robbers and convenience store stick up men don't follow laws - any laws. Gun bans in Chicago are laughable, the murder capital of the US where no guns are allowed, none, and the cops there admit to a dozen murders every weekend. The FBI KNOWS of 8 million handguns in the city where it is ILLEGAL to buy or sell them.
      Ask yourself two questions: in Chicago, how could your practically stop those punks from killing each other with guns? (remember, I said PRACTICAL) 2. In 2 years, Obama & Co is moving to Hollywood Hills to a mansion. He's moving, leaving, gone. If the President can't fix it?
In Connecticut a certain kind of rifle was purchased by a whole bunch of people and they had to register it with the police. Then, later, it was declared illegl, they had to turn it in. They didn't. Last I heard ( no the media didn't cover the story - surprised?) the cops said they were going into that neighborhood to knock on every door and collect the guns.  Now the cops had the lists. Police went to the homes and took the guns away, door to door. Harken back 40 years to the NRA's worst fear: REGISTRATION LEADS TO GUN CONFISCATION.
      My question to the reader -- why does the government want your guns?? 99.9% of all gun owning Americans didn't shoot anybody last night.
      Abe Lincoln said it best, " If America falls, it will be because of the enemy within."

Friday, October 24, 2014

Wyatt Earp's Guns -- I know where they are......

Glenn G. Boyer told me many years ago, cloistered in the book-filled basement of this then residence in southern Arizona near Tombstone. My friend Glenn and I had become very close in those years, he tutored me in writing skills, and I spent many weekend overnights in his basement spare room, reading volumes of his collected works, doodling on his computers and venturing out over Wyatt Earp Country.
     He passed away just about a year and a half ago, so revealing his secret about Wyatt Earp Guns, kinda, doesn't seem altogether unfaithful on my part. I know where they are.
     Glenn told me that over the years, many, many attempts were made by charletons to " disclose" there whereabouts or discovery by false claims, all of which were false. One such, he said, was a man from Australia who called and made a bid on a "Wyatt Gun" (emphasis mine) which he never even saw, of over $5 grand, site unseen.
     He always had to prove  to me, how close he was to the Earp family.
     As a bomber pilot in World War II, he and his crew flew in the Pacific on some hairy missions. When he got back his passion had been to track down and write about the " Earp Boys from Tombstone." That's a big club he joined, me, too.
     After the war, Boyer bought a giant reel-to-reel tape recorder and searched out all the Earp descendants he could find and spent his Air Force retirement hot roding around the country interviewing them about the Earp family, and the boys from Tombstone. The results were a ton of his books in that basement I was sleeping in during the weekends. And I wasn't the only one, Glenn was generous with his time and talent with a lot of younger writers.  
     On day, to prove a point, or maybe out of frustration, or maybe one of his books weren't selling well, I'm not sure - he just popped. We were down in his cellar/den he picked up the tape recorder and played one of phone recent phone calls he made to a relative of Josephine Marcus Earp's. Remember, Josie was Wyatt's wife, Jewish, and a member of a very rich clothier family from San Francisco.
     The phone call was with a woman, " Oh, hi Glenn, the woman said. " Very familiar with Glenn, the call went on for 30 minutes about family matters, then Glenn broaches Wyatt Earp, " did you see this recent nonsense about Wyatt's guns in the national press?"
     " Oh yes, " she says, " why do they do that. We know that's a lie, Wyatt's guns are up here in the......" and Glenn cuts off the tape so I don't hear the exact location in San Francisco.
     I KNOW where they are, Glenn intones in that deep vibrato of his. And he never told me where. I can guess, I can make an approximation but when it comes down to it.
     I don't know. Glenn died about two years ago and all his " stuff " s now scattered to the winds. All the history is gone. What a sad tale.

Friday, October 17, 2014

" TO HELL......IN A HANDBASKET" .......Americans View their Country

We are so low, so depressed as Americans the polling companies, those organizations that "take out temperature" have found that about 58% of us feel that our country is going to "Hell in a Handbasket." This is an old American saying that we've been shot in the rear end, going down to the ground, we're out of gas, grinding to a halt, we're done, out of ideas, energy, nothing works, depleted, out of options.
     You get the idea.
      For just myself, the cause is 6 years of Barack Obama and his fiddling with the rudder of the nation. I shant explain further. Traveling over the world, I've gotten a feel of the mindset of other places, some very good, others complacent, some indifferent, some evil, bad, bloodthirsty, some we must be eternally vigilent against. 
      There will always be enemies here at home, always. Tearing us down, chewing at out roots, weakening our super structure they see our collapse for good or ill, as some pay off, for what I know not. To me, they are as dangerous as the enemy abroad. 
      Some paint us in such a bad light, with such eloquence as to sway other Americans to their lights, I am often confounded by others stupidity. Other nations dwll on pain and suffering and inhuman degredation of women, children, animals and defenseless, while we give shelter to homeless and worry about the the safety of all, and weep about the little dogs that are household companions of care givers. 
     We shelter the poor, while fighters in other nations willingly debauch the unprotected. 
      My culture raised me in the belief that the calvulry will come galloping over the hill in one last thundering beat, bugle blasting, swords and rifles blaring, rescuing the undermanned, saving those souls left abandoned to certain death. Americans need to care for the down trodden.
     Pictures of GI's taken in the battlefields of the world are sent back hugging babbies Japanese, Iraquis, even back in the Civil War, troops from both sides often were seen and photographed with children. 
     It seems thi

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Have the Communists Returned?

When I was 13, I sat in the Benn Theatre in south Philadelphia, back in the days when they showed the "movie-tone" news clips before the feature show. At the height of the Korean War, the Communists were committing all kinds of barbarous acts, stuff I never dreamed of. The Army newsreels showed us the Korean villages with kids, women, old people shot dead, bodies stack up like chord wood, all lined up in a row, 20 feet, 30 feet long, as high as your waist. 
    Dead bodies, all dressed in white linen, blood stains everywhere, little kids, riddled with bullet holes. These bastards didn't care who they killed, young girls - dead, shot in the head. Old grandmothers - clothes ripped off of them, cut up, shot in the head. 
    Some of our soldiers were crying it was so awful. Our soldiers were THERE, trying to help, trying to rescue them from the barbaric slaughter. 
    Flash forward 60 years, we have a chief golfer who sits on his hands now with a whole town full of Christians surrounded by animals with guns, who openly threaten to do the same to 50,000 people. 
    The same thing. We do what our military chiefs laughingly call pin prick air strikes. They even make jokes about it. " No more deadly than dropping hand grenades." 
    And our chief? He goes GOLFING, HE GOES TO FUND RAISING. And he meets his saviour, he will have to answer for this.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Paso Por Acqui...........I Went This Way

It seemed like only yesterday that I sat inside my armoire in my second floor back bedroom listening to the rainstorm rattle on the tin roof of my south Philadelphia row house. It was 1947, two years after the end of the war, my dog Gem nestled at the foot of my bed, room dark, rain poured down, the light of the far away refinery torch flared up and down. I was seven.
      I pushed my kid sister down the front lawn covered in snow. She shot out on the street right under an oil truck. Thanks God, she was unhurt. The driver had a heart attack, Mom cried, I died, we all had hot cocoa, and sis and I joked about that until a week before she died in Yuma, Arizona 60 years later.
      Pat had a career of helping kids, probably because she had no help from mom or dad. Teaching school, she gave back a hundred fold, they loved her. Her children eventually became governors, launched rockets from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, became teachers, doctors, had families, heroes, went to war and died.
      And me? I lived a life that took me from south Philadelphia around the world. I cleaned fish in Portugal, had dinner at a castle in Faro, Portugal where El Cid was killed, made it to the Vatican twice, stood on the grave of TS Eliot in Westminster and sat quietly in the apartment of Percy Bythe Shelley in Rome where his wife, Mary wrote Frankenstein.
     I did other stuff, too. And still, I feel unfulfilled.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Tell me I'm dreaming. Tell me I'm imagining things. The race riots in St. Louis are peaking up again. The blacks are in the streets after another shooting, this time the incident is clear: policeman fired upon by black shooter three times. Policeman (unidentified as to race) returns fire kills shooter. Shooter's gun AND slugs recovered.
    Doesn't matter, the rioters are in the street anyway hollering " DON'T SHOOT." I don't get it, Don't Shoot???" The guy shot at the cop, right? Cop shot back. In any town in America, that's ok. As one radio DJ put it, they have no back up in St. Louis, no police chief, no Mayor, no Governor to watch their backs. TOTAL LAWLESSNESS.
    Mexico's president calls us racists for trying to enforce our border laws against his citizens for crossing over into our country. IMAGINE? Infuriating!! He thinks we're racists for enforcing our laws in OUR country. And he has the gall to live it up in Governor Moonbeam's mansion over in California a couple of months ago.
    All Americans should re-think that vacation south of the Border and head north, just to make a point.
    Meanwhile, our pin-prick air strikes are barely giving ISIS an Excedrin headache as they bare down on that border town in Syria while they sharpen their knives on that town's 10,000 trapped women and children.
    Our Golfer and chief managed to make off for another fund raiser or two while those poor people make peace with their God while awaiting their beheadings. I wonder how long it will take our fearless leader to dream up a foolproof way to denude our Republic of our own personal firearms so we won't have personal protection when ISIS hits our shores??