Sunday, February 26, 2017


Give it up Meryl Streep, George Clooney, the late Madonna. THE ELECTION IS OVER and you, rather your candidate (and your way of life) has lost. Gone, done. It's over. At least for four (4) years, probably 8.
      At the beginning of the election of Ronald, I sat in the office of a county manager in Arizona who said to me, " Reagan stands for a way of life that doesn't exist anymore." Then he went on to win and changed America forever.
      Many of us who elected Mr Trump feel we are on the cusp of doing it again. We need the values lost during the Socialist regime of the past 8 years and we intend on recapturing it.
     Flawed candidate describes Mrs Clinton in the most generous of terms. I know of none on our side of the fence who wishes to denigrate her further. That's as generous as it gets. Moral Blindness is inexcusable in justifying a presidential candidate facing a possible ( some intimate "probable" FBI investigation and indictment ) into the highest office in the land, just because she's a woman. So, for the many millions of Americans dying to say this but so far unspoken, let me.
     Jesus, people - what THE HELL were you thinking??
     And, like the perpetual Influnza, she a gaudy, self-serving PSA recently about loyal Democrats should " RESIST & PERSIST, as if most Democrats weren't bright enough to come in out of the rain.
     Brainless Congress people are still being interviewed and declaring their resistance to Mr Trump by demonstrations at Tuesday's Congressional address, by disruptions at President Trumps expense. This lunkhead does so because of the president's comments made DURING THE CAMPAIGN.
    As I said at the beginning, this Connecticut Kamakazee pilot should realize - the election is over. Madonna, Ashley Judd, and the other Hollywood dunderheads, why don't you pitch in and if you can't help, do us a favor and SHUT THE HELL UP.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


If the "stars" feel ok with trashing my country on television during their Women's March for Freedom" ( I could never figure out what RIGHTS they didn't have in the year of our Lord 2017?)
     Ok so the scars.....stars, scuse, please, rant and rave about how their ticket buyers are screwing up their lives - Miss Ashley Judd (probably ending her career in the process) gettin' down and ugly in front of the cameras, and the other blonde bombshell Madonna (was a virgin in the last century) aiming a wish to blow up the White House, yes, I too wondered why she wasn't under arrest.
    Maybe President Donald hasn't yet gotten around to polishing up the knobs in the Secret Service, but it seems to me she qualifies for a jail cell for that remark. Yet another actress bespeaks ill of good taste, her name floats away in the wind. She runs her mouth off during the women's bad taste parade. She co-starred with Gere in the Mothman movie.
   Companies like Starbucks threaten to hire 10,000 Syrian refugees to work in their stores, while an equal number of our own unemployed veterans' go without jobs. The [president' daughter, Ivanka, has a clothing line out in various national stores.
    Our Lady of Nordstrom's chain is dropping Ivanka Trump's line of clothing using the excuse of light sales. Interviews of nationally known Democrats cluck approval. Ditto for the Macy's chain which has done the same.
   Politics makes strange bedfellows while half the country has hissy-fits over the Hillary Clinton election loss, the far left lemming-like reaction from Senator Schumer to your lowly city councilman seems to carry on. The Economy may soon faulter and fall as a result.
   If Hollywood can play "Ready - Fire - Aim," with stupid, mis-directed criticisms, so cn the general public. As Dr. Charles Krauthhammer said on Fox News, the people vote with their feet and their wallets.
   I for one will never vote another Democrat in my life. The childish behavior since the election is proof enough for me, their best interests and efforts are not for the country. I am an Independent, and that's the way I will stay for duration.
   I'm done with the idiots who rant and rave from Hollywood about my country, I won't put up with it. I will not patronize traitors.

Monday, February 6, 2017


The infernal griping by Democrats, leftists and semi-Communists continues unabated, and our new president hasn't been in the chair a full month, yet. Let him the Hell alone.
     I think back to any other example and only think of Ronald Reagan and hs chief critic, "Bomb Ticker" as Bill Buckley called him, saying Reagan promised a bushel of things, then, when elected had the temerity and gall to actually DO IT when elected.
For shame.
    Trump, typical CEO, not politician, actually accomplished MORE than his predecessor, BEFORE he moved in to 1600 than the day after, all due deference to his predecessor. Tra la.
    The Democrats, now in a flat dive for the ocean, criticize him for a sloppy roll out of the "BAN" as they put it, never mind they disastrous election result, November past, support for Obama's bug out and collapse of the Mid East and Rise Of ISIS. (...they gotta blame somebody, right?)
    On tonight's Tucker Carlson's TV show one lawyer known for his left leaning politics had the scrotum to say let Trump alone. Give him a chance, hell, he probably hasn't found the coffee pot and rest room in the West Wing yet.
,   Who knows, some of the Hollywood leftists may see their careers dwindle as they continue to shoot their mouths off in public about " their feelings " on President Trump.
     CONGRATULATIONS TO LADY GA-GA AT THE SUPER BOWL. You won our hearts for your tribute.