Wednesday, April 26, 2017


I hear more complaints now from the main line media that the natives are growing restless, rude and oftimes CRUDE in the expression , opinion of the White House, Republicans and all things contrary to November 8th outcome.
    Disgusting is more like it.

    I became sentient during the Eisenhower years. He, the Chairman of the Board, was a gentleman, in control, and spoke with manners, courtesy and strength. What he said, you could believe. He brought our troops home from Korea. He ended a cruel recession by simply telling Americans it's time to go buy refrigerators if you need them. We did. Everyone felt safe when he was in charge. He was in control.
    That ended with Kennedy.
    Double that with President Johnson, drugs everywhere, the Communist infiltration well into the core of our society, insurrection in the government and downright incivility from some American citizens that drove the rest of us nuts.
    The 70's got crude, rude, the "kids" grew out of control, draft dodgers who previously were a national scandal became almost an ideal, one becoming a president.
Riots common place, Abortion was the law of the land, police morphing into public enemies thanks to rebellious
press - it seemed our societal norms were on the verge of being upset.
    Ronald Reagan saved the culture by reverting us back to our national, mainstream senses with two terms of common sense administration, followed by his Vice President's full term following him.
    James Carter, peanut farmer was later cast as possibly the worst president
the nation had ever endured.
    Republican president George Bush had two terms of the most outrageous press biased against him since Abraham Lincoln. Still, the public spoke loudly in his favor, voting him in twice.
    The tone of American Society had steadily circled the drain in the last twenty years, partially due to the type of candidate running for national and regional office: their educational backgrounds continue to deteriorate  as expressed in reports on high school and college school standards further collapse in score levels.
     Language, comprehension, and general attitude of our representatives sure reflect a one-sided and partisan view of the world and lesser non-partisan view engendered by political dogma, and not open minded exploration or greater academic adventure.
     Hence, stupidity seems to win the day.

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