Friday, July 3, 2015


Fourth of July, so America has been around since 1776, and today, the day before July 4, it seems everyone is got a stiff neck, a headache, cops out on the street, ready for trouble. Why?
       Because of 30,000 lunatics in the middle east running around in black underwear with large knives and machine guns threatening the US. Seven years ago, we would never have put up with this.
       Our stellar president recently compared himself to Ronald Reagan. Proportions of the body politic are so delusional (as he is) that I fear they actually believe him. When Reagan was elected back in the 80's he actually changed the culture of America. No one believed he could, but he did.
Politics at the top can affect change - he proved it.
       Under obama he was elected by the poor, dispossessed and downtrodden. Fed a constant diet of pablum and lies, he was shown the front door of the White House. And, elected, again. We are the weakest as a nation that we have ever been since before World War I.
       Our current leader has racked up more national debt, total, than ALL the presidents before him, combined, and no one seems to notice or care. Under his tutelage, we've had credit ratings of our chief form of bonds - wrecked to a level just above "junk bond" status. That means if we wish to borrow money as a nation, we're going to pay higher interest rates.
       The City of Detroit has gone bankrupt, has an appointed receiver managing it, and is just now getting the street lights back on. Puerto Rico missed a payment on their debt and is a couple of billion in debt, which news reports say, they cannot meet. Bankruptcy or bailout is in the future.
       California as a state has a debt larger than all of the countries in Central America combined. In essence, their credit card is overdrawn 40 billion dollars. Payment is now due. The governor, Jerry Brown, is busy approving new building projects, signing checks which he probably can't cover and not paying attention inside his own finance department.
       Obama has fired all the Generals he disagrees with, kept the suck ups, and when those left tell him what he needs to know to keep the country safe - he doesn't listen. He ignores them. He makes jokes when he makes speeches, though. Good jokes.
       And the public, as slow now as they were to catch on when the Japanese hit us at Pearl Harbor, continue to look at our first black president as if to say, " ah, he's alright. Everybody makes mistakes. Give the guy a break."
       Oh Yeah?  Until when?
       The picture below is our stock of B-52s now in storage in the desert in Tucson, Arizona. Time to crank them up?

1 comment:

  1. at the end of WWII there was a field in No Az filled with B-17s that weren't even used-hundreds of them. I showed the fotos to old Nazis who came thru a 17 Museum. They couldn't believe it. Here is afield at Tucson with 17 SECTIONS of these airplanes still here. And, to our enemies, 13 million of us say, Go ahead, Make our Day.
