Sunday, June 11, 2017


This culture of HATE since President Trump got elected got me to thinking about our culture  has fallen in the last 15 years or so.
      Those of younger years  don't know how we lived in the 40's and 50s.  Or, how the advent of drugs, pornography, the commercialization of all that into TV, Rock, Movies, and a pervasive fall into mediocrity of our educational system.
      Women, mothers, daughters had a pervasive feeling of protection, respect and first in line" when in public. At least in my southwest Philadelphia working class row-house neighborhood. In those days, churches jammed the streets just passed noon.
      Today, those same neighborhoods look like the back lots of movie sets for " Mad Max and the ThunderDome."
      I remember when New York passed a law saying colleges HAD to admit anyone that walked up, paid tuition and said, let me in, no entrance exam, thank you very much It was reported classes jammed for years. Fall out rates sky rocketed, until, realizing their idea hadn't worked, common sense took hold and normalcy reinstated.
     Now, success AND happiness must go hand in hand with a blonde under one arm, a fast car in the other and your bank account spread between the PNB, a Bahamas Bank and an unknown teller and a number in Geneva.
     Any young man over the age of 21 knows what it takes to win the heart (attention ) of his lady. There are more women in college today than men, and studies today show man do not care.  Selective birth rates are going down, women are upping college enrollment stats, and loving it.
     Look on ANY city street that 40 years ago gathered a fleet of children playing. Today there are none to be found playing basket ball, hula hoops or skating. Most likely it's drugs, money, or mindless video games in a cellar. Interpersonal relationships are best handled through Video Cathode RayTubes.
     Instead of values, we blame. The "War against Women." Or lately, Against Men, (poor dears). Then, it's against Muslims, or Christians, everybody is a VICTIM, besides Hillary Clinton who can't stop crying over the election of last year. Can you imagine what she would be like if elected as President and the Senate pissed her off?) 
     This country has turned into a nation of cry=babies, everybody has a beef and like a crowd of 5 year olds, they cry about it.

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