Monday, July 11, 2016


I think it was Dr. Livingstone that said that once, upon being discovered in the jungles by an English colleague hunting feaverishly for him.     I feel that way.
     Almost daily now, there is reported a riot, somewhere in my country, guns blazing, bodies dropping, Police and apparently white citizens dying. Here's what I am thinking. What's going through my head. Maybe it has nothing to do with reality, but it's what is going on in my hand divisin among and heart: IT'S TIME TO BUY AN AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN.  and, while I'm at it, a handgun with a large caliber that has stopping power, like a .44 caliber. As a lone citizen of my country, I feel helpless and abandoned by a government who, in my opinion has done little or nothing to cast some sort of comfort and or protection out over the citizenry during the stressful time of terror among us.
      I went out the other night for some of my favorite donuts at Circle K. I do that a lot. Normally, nothing scares me, I'm 6'3" and 220 pounds. My wife said before I left, " carry your gun." My wife HATES GUNS. She's never said that before - ever.
 Had I assessed Tucson, Arizona the wrong way? One hour I $got back, there was a shooting on the west side of the tracks, 1 dead, 1 wounded.
     Now it occurred to me with the randomness of it all, that I could be walking into the next black on white ambush in a shopping center, nut=ball type ISIS machine gun party at the local Y, without even knowing what's next.....
     The Boy Scout Motto: BE PREPARED. I now carry a gun. Always. And I advise every one of you to carry, two. We're down to the knuckles, folks.

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