I quoted that Insurance executive in an article I wrote for a regional business magazine in Phoenix about 30 years ago.
It took me that long to find out - he was right. As a free-lance reporter for a half dozen business magazines and feature publications in the four state area, I wrote and followed up on trends like this one. Strangely, I would live long enough to suffer under the consequences of his predictions.
We are currently being nagged to death about "HEALTH CARE' at the Federal Level. PAY ATTENTION, FOLKS. As a young adult, I remember a visit to a family doctor cared for my young wife, talked with us for a half hour, implanted a Lanteen Cap, (you figure it out) chatted some more about the 1918 flu and pocketed the $10 fee he charged.
Today, the HMO I belong to shuffles me off to a Nurse Practitioner (plays at Doctor) who takes no chances, refers out to "expert MDs" who can, and that is like pulling horse teeth, while telling me that I don't have something, not that I do.
The real Docs are stretched so thin, they dump routine stuff on the nurses (ear wax, sore throats, minor cuts and abrasions, skinned egos, etc) and I find, as a result, the NPR - the lady Nurses subbing for the docs, are overwhelmed.
They say they work 13 hours a day, are given their own assistants and their next door offices are filled with people who last names are " Narwal, Deepa, Castenada, and Yongho." More girls than guys are in college today, population trends are down in the USA, there are no masses of kids in our streets anymore, but our ladies are active, trying to get a better education, better future.
We are importing more foreign doctors, so look for the stranger in your future. And LONGER WAIT TIMES, both for appointments and in their office. PS, ever wonder why Canadians come down here for medical treatment? If we keep this HMO/Socialized medicine March toward the sea going, we may go north. They sometimes have to list their appointments 8 or 9 months in advance.
Let's hope our new foreign doctors learn English real, faster and " better-ist."
Monday, July 31, 2017
Sunday, July 16, 2017
DANA LOESCH and the N.R.A.
I am a dedicated NRA member long before DL came along. I don't know much about her but as a beautiful, long tall, drink of water, she's easy to fall in love with.
Until you read her book, Hands off my Gun. Beautiful, yes, but a hard as nails, tough cookie, back country, chew you fingers off to the knuckle kinda-girl.
From a life-time of marketing and sales promotion, it was a stroke of genius for the guys at head office to have her at spear point. Good job. For the consumer, men and women, disabuse yourself of the notion that she is the gentle, sweet socker mom with loving kiddies in the station wagon at the ball field.
I doubt it. More tough as shoe leather, she knows her stuff, .22 to .45 caliber and beyond, and thanks to her tough raisin' back home in the hills, it has been a good background for her in the NRA, probably marriage and the kids. When she says, keep your hands ' OFF MY GUN!! " I think it's good advice. I'd take it.
Read the book.
Until you read her book, Hands off my Gun. Beautiful, yes, but a hard as nails, tough cookie, back country, chew you fingers off to the knuckle kinda-girl.
From a life-time of marketing and sales promotion, it was a stroke of genius for the guys at head office to have her at spear point. Good job. For the consumer, men and women, disabuse yourself of the notion that she is the gentle, sweet socker mom with loving kiddies in the station wagon at the ball field.
I doubt it. More tough as shoe leather, she knows her stuff, .22 to .45 caliber and beyond, and thanks to her tough raisin' back home in the hills, it has been a good background for her in the NRA, probably marriage and the kids. When she says, keep your hands ' OFF MY GUN!! " I think it's good advice. I'd take it.
Read the book.
Remember during the campaign Hillary's Umpeenth speech about guns, somebody asked her how she felt about ' AUSTRALIAN GUN CONTROL"? ( they had just outlawed private ownership, demanded civilian surrender of guns upon pain of awfulness), and Hillary said, " I'LL HAVE TO TAKE A LOOK AT THAT."
Flash forward to today: Australia gathered truckloads of everything that shoots. Tons of the stuff, pictures everywhere to prove it. Burned, crushed, buried, gone. OK?
That was quite a while ago. The leftist government down under made the same tired old argument our Democratically run large city governments make - turn 'em in, you'll be safer. ( sure...like Chicago, tightest gun laws in the USA)
Some smart ass University types conducted rigorous studies on crime rates before and after the "GUN-CONFISCATION!!" Purpose? Did the government's demand to loot the public's self defense of all their firearms actually lower the rate of crime in Australia?
After extensive scientific research, the answer was recently published. Guess what it was?
Nope. Not one bit.
### Wyatt Earp
Flash forward to today: Australia gathered truckloads of everything that shoots. Tons of the stuff, pictures everywhere to prove it. Burned, crushed, buried, gone. OK?
That was quite a while ago. The leftist government down under made the same tired old argument our Democratically run large city governments make - turn 'em in, you'll be safer. ( sure...like Chicago, tightest gun laws in the USA)
Some smart ass University types conducted rigorous studies on crime rates before and after the "GUN-CONFISCATION!!" Purpose? Did the government's demand to loot the public's self defense of all their firearms actually lower the rate of crime in Australia?
After extensive scientific research, the answer was recently published. Guess what it was?
Nope. Not one bit.
### Wyatt Earp
His Protege
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
" CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?" Reginald Denny
Feminists: bad enough when Freidan got us rolling, split men and women up, looking at each other over barbed wire fences. Divorce rates up, kids confused, angry, husbands hanging out in psyche's offices, NOW, the femmes are so splintered, they're hollering at EACH OTHER. Wanna "tussle" with a feminist? I imagine you gotta pass a test first.
Politics, we're split up worse than ever. At the half time, the score is: " THE LIONS THREE, THE CHRISTIANS ZERO." Who would have believed the Democrats would be so vicious about Hillary Clinton losing??
Gunfights.....the crowds go nuts. Gunplay in America is outta site, the crowds go wild. Nowhere do I see as the NRA says, " the good guy with a gun" steps forward and saves the day. Have you? There are plenty of chances, too, but where are they?.Arguments for gun control all say the same thing: COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL. Next time you read that, ask yourself this question: WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?
There are enough guns in our country for everyone to have at least ONE. About 1/3 of the states now allow most people to carry them hidden without a license or a permit. Every one of our Continental Founding Fathers basically said we would be nuts to every give up our fire-arms. We'd be crazy to do it, and should fight the impulse.
So, where are our heros? Some states, some school districts even allow teachers to arrive at school packing handguns One assumes they do so discreetly.
The public insanity loosed since the election continues to baffle me, as it should you. A school principal declares " what do we tell our children!!" (good God, lady, GET A GRIP) The public persona making all sorts of acclimation of Senator Bernie Sanders an avowed Socialist, when Venezuela is crumbling as we speak under the yoke of that very same governance. NO ONE IN OUR COUNTRY HAS EDUCATED OUR CITIZENS AS TO SOCIALISM AND WHAT IT WROUGHTS. In Venezuela, there are food riots, bank failures, police riots, shootings, civil disturbances as art form, death and destruction. And, our children laud Bernie as something different in the American political system, something WE SHOLD REALLY TRY.
Politics, we're split up worse than ever. At the half time, the score is: " THE LIONS THREE, THE CHRISTIANS ZERO." Who would have believed the Democrats would be so vicious about Hillary Clinton losing??
Gunfights.....the crowds go nuts. Gunplay in America is outta site, the crowds go wild. Nowhere do I see as the NRA says, " the good guy with a gun" steps forward and saves the day. Have you? There are plenty of chances, too, but where are they?.Arguments for gun control all say the same thing: COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL. Next time you read that, ask yourself this question: WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?
There are enough guns in our country for everyone to have at least ONE. About 1/3 of the states now allow most people to carry them hidden without a license or a permit. Every one of our Continental Founding Fathers basically said we would be nuts to every give up our fire-arms. We'd be crazy to do it, and should fight the impulse.
So, where are our heros? Some states, some school districts even allow teachers to arrive at school packing handguns One assumes they do so discreetly.
The public insanity loosed since the election continues to baffle me, as it should you. A school principal declares " what do we tell our children!!" (good God, lady, GET A GRIP) The public persona making all sorts of acclimation of Senator Bernie Sanders an avowed Socialist, when Venezuela is crumbling as we speak under the yoke of that very same governance. NO ONE IN OUR COUNTRY HAS EDUCATED OUR CITIZENS AS TO SOCIALISM AND WHAT IT WROUGHTS. In Venezuela, there are food riots, bank failures, police riots, shootings, civil disturbances as art form, death and destruction. And, our children laud Bernie as something different in the American political system, something WE SHOLD REALLY TRY.
Monday, July 3, 2017
Let's get REALLY serious for a moment: the "fake" media. Our president leads CNN and that night-tand most all of the other media broadcasts stories about them for weeks.
Te tie up the airwaves ( ime joke of a channel MSNBC, around by the nose, with these ' tweets,' and print what seems to be longer than migraine headaches, babbling about how grossed out they are at his "in-" presideantialness.
Gimmie a break.
Here in Tucson, we have the Arizona Daily Star, far left, hippie-style newspaper loaded with 60's style wanna-be protester news writers sucking on the toes of Pearl Jam on Pearl Street in Boulder, Colorado than anything they've done so far, but here they are, in Tucson, cactus and head, trying to make their bones.
Today's headlines, ABOVE the fold? The City is digging up new ways to tax residents for water consumption.
Never mind North Korea draws ever nearer to a atomic rocket launch into our back yard, the Border Patrol reports some ISIS incursions 60 miles south of here. and that we live in the 6th poorest town in America with a Democratic City Council, none of which has ever heard of a college course called " ECONOMICS."
Te tie up the airwaves ( ime joke of a channel MSNBC, around by the nose, with these ' tweets,' and print what seems to be longer than migraine headaches, babbling about how grossed out they are at his "in-" presideantialness.
Gimmie a break.
Here in Tucson, we have the Arizona Daily Star, far left, hippie-style newspaper loaded with 60's style wanna-be protester news writers sucking on the toes of Pearl Jam on Pearl Street in Boulder, Colorado than anything they've done so far, but here they are, in Tucson, cactus and head, trying to make their bones.
Today's headlines, ABOVE the fold? The City is digging up new ways to tax residents for water consumption.
Never mind North Korea draws ever nearer to a atomic rocket launch into our back yard, the Border Patrol reports some ISIS incursions 60 miles south of here. and that we live in the 6th poorest town in America with a Democratic City Council, none of which has ever heard of a college course called " ECONOMICS."
Sunday, June 11, 2017
This culture of HATE since President Trump got elected got me to thinking about our culture has fallen in the last 15 years or so.
Those of younger years don't know how we lived in the 40's and 50s. Or, how the advent of drugs, pornography, the commercialization of all that into TV, Rock, Movies, and a pervasive fall into mediocrity of our educational system.
Women, mothers, daughters had a pervasive feeling of protection, respect and first in line" when in public. At least in my southwest Philadelphia working class row-house neighborhood. In those days, churches jammed the streets just passed noon.
Today, those same neighborhoods look like the back lots of movie sets for " Mad Max and the ThunderDome."
I remember when New York passed a law saying colleges HAD to admit anyone that walked up, paid tuition and said, let me in, no entrance exam, thank you very much It was reported classes jammed for years. Fall out rates sky rocketed, until, realizing their idea hadn't worked, common sense took hold and normalcy reinstated.
Now, success AND happiness must go hand in hand with a blonde under one arm, a fast car in the other and your bank account spread between the PNB, a Bahamas Bank and an unknown teller and a number in Geneva.
Any young man over the age of 21 knows what it takes to win the heart (attention ) of his lady. There are more women in college today than men, and studies today show man do not care. Selective birth rates are going down, women are upping college enrollment stats, and loving it.
Look on ANY city street that 40 years ago gathered a fleet of children playing. Today there are none to be found playing basket ball, hula hoops or skating. Most likely it's drugs, money, or mindless video games in a cellar. Interpersonal relationships are best handled through Video Cathode RayTubes.
Instead of values, we blame. The "War against Women." Or lately, Against Men, (poor dears). Then, it's against Muslims, or Christians, everybody is a VICTIM, besides Hillary Clinton who can't stop crying over the election of last year. Can you imagine what she would be like if elected as President and the Senate pissed her off?)
This country has turned into a nation of cry=babies, everybody has a beef and like a crowd of 5 year olds, they cry about it.
Those of younger years don't know how we lived in the 40's and 50s. Or, how the advent of drugs, pornography, the commercialization of all that into TV, Rock, Movies, and a pervasive fall into mediocrity of our educational system.
Women, mothers, daughters had a pervasive feeling of protection, respect and first in line" when in public. At least in my southwest Philadelphia working class row-house neighborhood. In those days, churches jammed the streets just passed noon.
Today, those same neighborhoods look like the back lots of movie sets for " Mad Max and the ThunderDome."
I remember when New York passed a law saying colleges HAD to admit anyone that walked up, paid tuition and said, let me in, no entrance exam, thank you very much It was reported classes jammed for years. Fall out rates sky rocketed, until, realizing their idea hadn't worked, common sense took hold and normalcy reinstated.
Now, success AND happiness must go hand in hand with a blonde under one arm, a fast car in the other and your bank account spread between the PNB, a Bahamas Bank and an unknown teller and a number in Geneva.
Any young man over the age of 21 knows what it takes to win the heart (attention ) of his lady. There are more women in college today than men, and studies today show man do not care. Selective birth rates are going down, women are upping college enrollment stats, and loving it.
Look on ANY city street that 40 years ago gathered a fleet of children playing. Today there are none to be found playing basket ball, hula hoops or skating. Most likely it's drugs, money, or mindless video games in a cellar. Interpersonal relationships are best handled through Video Cathode RayTubes.
Instead of values, we blame. The "War against Women." Or lately, Against Men, (poor dears). Then, it's against Muslims, or Christians, everybody is a VICTIM, besides Hillary Clinton who can't stop crying over the election of last year. Can you imagine what she would be like if elected as President and the Senate pissed her off?)
This country has turned into a nation of cry=babies, everybody has a beef and like a crowd of 5 year olds, they cry about it.
Saturday, June 3, 2017
WHAT SCARES ME,---Mr Trump..........JUNE, 2017
I never thought I'd write this, but I believe it. The "Indians" are circling around the President and his administration, things are crazy at Fox News. There is fear and hate everywhere, and it is NOT deserved.
During Nixon's reign, buses encircled the White House and hippies set fire, rocking them, trying to knock them over and storm the building. It looked like a palace take-over in Viet Nam.
And now, this......
* It seems to me that a conspiracy seems to be developing around the former administration and Russian involvement in our 2016 election. Facts are muddied and confused. TV interviews proclaim "there's nothing there." Yet, generalized LEFT-WING stations blare out assertions that contain so much generalizations, factless statements with now proof that seem to pass off as truth and are abwsorbed as faith by voters. Street level interviews indicate Joe Six Pack buys it.
* A sex scandal at Fox News scared off most of the right wing reporters who have]
gravitated to a low rated left wing competitor touted for hysterical unsubstantiated, at times, statements by some reporters and guests.
* Mr. Trump and his crew seem to lack coordination. " speak your mind" he tells and that sometimes gets in the way of his over arching message.
* The president uses tweet too much and it gets in the way of his message. At times it may make him look vindictive and off-message.
* This Russian-Flynn affair appears to be nothing, he should not let it fester as ammunition for the opposition. Dispatching it immediately would be the best course of action for him, the White House and the country.
* Daily press conferences are a bad idea. I would call one a week, at most, give Spicer something else to do and stuff the Press Corps in a locker Room doing it.
* Avoid personal personal jabs at personalities in the private sector like emotionally disturbed individuals like Kathy Griffin. As the most Power man on earth, you are above that.
* Lastly, the twerp in North Korea spins up nukes like breakfast, dropping them ever closer in the pond, while American media chops up our President over the dopey Paris climate decision. All these damn dopes are worried (SICK) about is the air we breathe while Ducke Soupea over in Korea wants to set our air ON FIRE. You tell me "who is crazy?"
During Nixon's reign, buses encircled the White House and hippies set fire, rocking them, trying to knock them over and storm the building. It looked like a palace take-over in Viet Nam.
And now, this......
* It seems to me that a conspiracy seems to be developing around the former administration and Russian involvement in our 2016 election. Facts are muddied and confused. TV interviews proclaim "there's nothing there." Yet, generalized LEFT-WING stations blare out assertions that contain so much generalizations, factless statements with now proof that seem to pass off as truth and are abwsorbed as faith by voters. Street level interviews indicate Joe Six Pack buys it.
* A sex scandal at Fox News scared off most of the right wing reporters who have]
gravitated to a low rated left wing competitor touted for hysterical unsubstantiated, at times, statements by some reporters and guests.
* Mr. Trump and his crew seem to lack coordination. " speak your mind" he tells and that sometimes gets in the way of his over arching message.
* The president uses tweet too much and it gets in the way of his message. At times it may make him look vindictive and off-message.
* This Russian-Flynn affair appears to be nothing, he should not let it fester as ammunition for the opposition. Dispatching it immediately would be the best course of action for him, the White House and the country.
* Daily press conferences are a bad idea. I would call one a week, at most, give Spicer something else to do and stuff the Press Corps in a locker Room doing it.
* Avoid personal personal jabs at personalities in the private sector like emotionally disturbed individuals like Kathy Griffin. As the most Power man on earth, you are above that.
* Lastly, the twerp in North Korea spins up nukes like breakfast, dropping them ever closer in the pond, while American media chops up our President over the dopey Paris climate decision. All these damn dopes are worried (SICK) about is the air we breathe while Ducke Soupea over in Korea wants to set our air ON FIRE. You tell me "who is crazy?"
Saturday, May 27, 2017
I grow tired of reading books on the Clintons that repeat themselves on scandal, shady bank transfers, multimillion dollar deposit into bank accounts that disappear into black holes across international borders and Chinese Communists sucking on the toes of the Arkansas duo.
Nearly the same drum beat repeats itself book-to-book, different authors, different time frames, different co-conspirators bathing in the luxurious fountain of cash, corruption, naked women, lesbians cruising the halls of the White House, of Chi-Comms with free passes to the Oval offices bag in hand.
Read whatever books, research whatever material you wish, the results you find, the history of our Arkansas CEO at 1600 seems to be the same. In My Opinion, fueled by money, power, a high powered glandular drive and a wife's lust for a free ride to a place for power, we were a hair's breadth away from destruction.
And, a gullible American public went for the corn pone ride, just lovin' it. And when he got caught with his zipper down, most of us just laughed- " that ole boy" Slick Willie!!
And, he orchestrated the largest tax increase in American History.
And NOW, we almost elect HIS WIFE as president?? Are you all crazy? And the hysteria arising from the American people because she lost - fair and square - is enough to gag me. Fair and Square!! Read the Constitution, folks, the Electoral College is there for a GOOD REASON. Mr. Trump is not the first president to have won on that basis. Grow up, America.
Nearly the same drum beat repeats itself book-to-book, different authors, different time frames, different co-conspirators bathing in the luxurious fountain of cash, corruption, naked women, lesbians cruising the halls of the White House, of Chi-Comms with free passes to the Oval offices bag in hand.
Read whatever books, research whatever material you wish, the results you find, the history of our Arkansas CEO at 1600 seems to be the same. In My Opinion, fueled by money, power, a high powered glandular drive and a wife's lust for a free ride to a place for power, we were a hair's breadth away from destruction.
And, a gullible American public went for the corn pone ride, just lovin' it. And when he got caught with his zipper down, most of us just laughed- " that ole boy" Slick Willie!!
And, he orchestrated the largest tax increase in American History.
And NOW, we almost elect HIS WIFE as president?? Are you all crazy? And the hysteria arising from the American people because she lost - fair and square - is enough to gag me. Fair and Square!! Read the Constitution, folks, the Electoral College is there for a GOOD REASON. Mr. Trump is not the first president to have won on that basis. Grow up, America.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
If ever there was a validation of thery that Invasion of the Body Snatchers had slipped into our Planet, check out the above cable station. My doctor advises something
more calming for my television watching. So I purchased a series of Governator movies to look forward to shooting up the landscape with himself, hoping he someday wanders into those studios.
This is Tuesday May 23rd, and the anti-President Trump, suck up Hillary loser tone in their pseudo broadcast got so bad I had to leave and get back to my book writing and this.
It is the position of the political right, Fox News , and most American opinion
I read that these morons who persist in driving wedges down the middle of American opinion face no discernible logical conclusion except more radical confusion, anger, and possible civil violence.
In short, what's THEIR plan? Trump resigns and Hillary takes over? I don't think so.
( A MILLION AND A HALF) Ask yourself - why in hell would they want THAT? and why just in Florida? and are they fishing around in other states?
And, now, do you see why you should NOT REGISTER YOUR FIREARMS.
more calming for my television watching. So I purchased a series of Governator movies to look forward to shooting up the landscape with himself, hoping he someday wanders into those studios.
This is Tuesday May 23rd, and the anti-President Trump, suck up Hillary loser tone in their pseudo broadcast got so bad I had to leave and get back to my book writing and this.
It is the position of the political right, Fox News , and most American opinion
I read that these morons who persist in driving wedges down the middle of American opinion face no discernible logical conclusion except more radical confusion, anger, and possible civil violence.
In short, what's THEIR plan? Trump resigns and Hillary takes over? I don't think so.
( A MILLION AND A HALF) Ask yourself - why in hell would they want THAT? and why just in Florida? and are they fishing around in other states?
And, now, do you see why you should NOT REGISTER YOUR FIREARMS.
Sunday, May 21, 2017
.....and the little back biters at home are still at it - gnawing away at:
1. Them damn Russkies
2. That damn Comey fella
3 I wonder how the competition is going to play that? Maybe them spy fellas
left over from the Obama days.
4 Them commies from CNN n' MSNBC, n lessee, I've forgotten....
here he is off around the world smoothing things over in areas that have been walking softly n/ carrying a big stick with regarding us, since Obama left town. I wonder .how the competition is going to play that? Hmm, let me guess. THE MRS DIDN'T WEAR A HEAD SCARF? And that good lookin' daughter of theirs, she's gallavantin all over the place touching everybody, with her blonde hair flying. Gosh, no respect at all, I'll betcha. I wonder how many of those Arab guys ....well, I dunno.
Now, the president's next stop is Israel, The Peace Pipe comes back out so Benjamin knows he can begin to rely on us again. OUR COUNTRY needs to remember that our Lord and Master of us all walked that holy ground, and President Trump is there to respect it AGAIN for us. And the negative noodniks here in the states needs to remember that. President Trump is returning the honor to our Country. Think about it.
1. Them damn Russkies
2. That damn Comey fella
3 I wonder how the competition is going to play that? Maybe them spy fellas
left over from the Obama days.
4 Them commies from CNN n' MSNBC, n lessee, I've forgotten....
here he is off around the world smoothing things over in areas that have been walking softly n/ carrying a big stick with regarding us, since Obama left town. I wonder .how the competition is going to play that? Hmm, let me guess. THE MRS DIDN'T WEAR A HEAD SCARF? And that good lookin' daughter of theirs, she's gallavantin all over the place touching everybody, with her blonde hair flying. Gosh, no respect at all, I'll betcha. I wonder how many of those Arab guys ....well, I dunno.
Now, the president's next stop is Israel, The Peace Pipe comes back out so Benjamin knows he can begin to rely on us again. OUR COUNTRY needs to remember that our Lord and Master of us all walked that holy ground, and President Trump is there to respect it AGAIN for us. And the negative noodniks here in the states needs to remember that. President Trump is returning the honor to our Country. Think about it.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
I am ...or was a Fox News addict. Bought it all: 7 am news break right on through O'Reilly. Loved it, even took notes. Just thought I'd that up front.
Now, on to this sex thing going on at Fox. No One appreciates the ladies more than I do. No one. I am of the old school, a gentleman, one must ask first. I know, I sound like a Boy Scout, but it works. And the ladies love you for it. Are you with me?
I don't like how this sex scandal is being handled at Fox. They are trying to bury it, cover it up, and on-air, pretend it doesn't exist. That's NOT to their benefit.
They juggle staff around the schedule, make up new programming, so far, so good, and continue whistling through the graveyard hoping no one will notice. The competition will. It (the suspicions, the stories, the whispers, the wonderings) will not go away. Think of the last time this happened and the man/men clammed up. Yeah, we're still wondering, right? Still.
Someone at Fox has got to do the right thing by these women, and tell the whole story. There has to be a FULL disclosure by an impartial reporter, interviewing everyone, telling everything that's going on so that the public can absorb the gravity of what we perceive as the " fall from grace" that our favorite cable channel has experienced
Don't think so? A few of the women that have left-some viewers may have differing views with, political views notwithstanding. But, Greta? C'mon. I swore by Fox, now, not so much. Where do I go for ' The Truth ' now?
Do it, Fox. pull the trigger, otherwise, those much ballyhooed figures will begin to melt away. You heard it here.
Now, on to this sex thing going on at Fox. No One appreciates the ladies more than I do. No one. I am of the old school, a gentleman, one must ask first. I know, I sound like a Boy Scout, but it works. And the ladies love you for it. Are you with me?
I don't like how this sex scandal is being handled at Fox. They are trying to bury it, cover it up, and on-air, pretend it doesn't exist. That's NOT to their benefit.
They juggle staff around the schedule, make up new programming, so far, so good, and continue whistling through the graveyard hoping no one will notice. The competition will. It (the suspicions, the stories, the whispers, the wonderings) will not go away. Think of the last time this happened and the man/men clammed up. Yeah, we're still wondering, right? Still.
Someone at Fox has got to do the right thing by these women, and tell the whole story. There has to be a FULL disclosure by an impartial reporter, interviewing everyone, telling everything that's going on so that the public can absorb the gravity of what we perceive as the " fall from grace" that our favorite cable channel has experienced
Don't think so? A few of the women that have left-some viewers may have differing views with, political views notwithstanding. But, Greta? C'mon. I swore by Fox, now, not so much. Where do I go for ' The Truth ' now?
Do it, Fox. pull the trigger, otherwise, those much ballyhooed figures will begin to melt away. You heard it here.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
I am a freelance writer, retired and living in Tucson. About 30 years ago, I was very close to Glenn G Boyer, a freelance writer and prolific author on the Earp Brothers of Tombstone dring the melee down there.
He knew them, their families, wives and some of the off-spring. Glenn spent A LOT of time down in Tombstone after he left the Air Force, he lugged his famous two reeler tape deck down there and recorded everything. He had every letter that transpired between the relatives, and between the family members and him. A pile of them.
It took a long while for them to open up to him, they did, and he respected. Here's one I share with you. He and I toured the countryside where the cowboy gang roamed when Earp and the posse chased them. In their gang was among others , the Clantons, Curley Bill, and John Ringgold). Glenn always bugged me to use his full last name - Ringgold.
Glenn and I rode down an old wagon trail parallel to Turkey Creek and stopped short of a clearing. of to the right was a clearing, where Glenn said Ringo parked his horse, sread his blanket one night and was literally going to the bathroom, trap door down.
Earp and Holliday horsebacked it up the same road we were on, saw him, Wyatt yanked his rifle and began shooting at him. As Ringo ran, one hand on his shorts, the other on his pistol towards the other cowboys with him, he was hit twice by Wyatt and
keeled over.
Earp and Holliday commenced shooting, the other cowboys fled or died and Ringo was punctuated with rifle and pistol shot within the next ten minutes.
Now, get this. He was such a famous pistolero, and Holliday a darkly comic personality, he suggested spiking the body in the arms of a nearby tree trunk, but first, he insisted to strap the gunman's pistol belt on - UPSIDE DOWN. Holliday thought that a devastating funny joke. No one got it, none of the papers back east even printed it.
My friend, Glenn Boyer was one of the most assiduous researcher of western history that I know. He wouldn't release a piece unless he had three (3) references who could swear to the accuracy.
This I know.
He knew them, their families, wives and some of the off-spring. Glenn spent A LOT of time down in Tombstone after he left the Air Force, he lugged his famous two reeler tape deck down there and recorded everything. He had every letter that transpired between the relatives, and between the family members and him. A pile of them.
It took a long while for them to open up to him, they did, and he respected. Here's one I share with you. He and I toured the countryside where the cowboy gang roamed when Earp and the posse chased them. In their gang was among others , the Clantons, Curley Bill, and John Ringgold). Glenn always bugged me to use his full last name - Ringgold.
Glenn and I rode down an old wagon trail parallel to Turkey Creek and stopped short of a clearing. of to the right was a clearing, where Glenn said Ringo parked his horse, sread his blanket one night and was literally going to the bathroom, trap door down.
Earp and Holliday horsebacked it up the same road we were on, saw him, Wyatt yanked his rifle and began shooting at him. As Ringo ran, one hand on his shorts, the other on his pistol towards the other cowboys with him, he was hit twice by Wyatt and
keeled over.
Earp and Holliday commenced shooting, the other cowboys fled or died and Ringo was punctuated with rifle and pistol shot within the next ten minutes.
Now, get this. He was such a famous pistolero, and Holliday a darkly comic personality, he suggested spiking the body in the arms of a nearby tree trunk, but first, he insisted to strap the gunman's pistol belt on - UPSIDE DOWN. Holliday thought that a devastating funny joke. No one got it, none of the papers back east even printed it.
My friend, Glenn Boyer was one of the most assiduous researcher of western history that I know. He wouldn't release a piece unless he had three (3) references who could swear to the accuracy.
This I know.
I could have written this in 1863 and there would have been little surprise amongst the readers and little change in the news copy Today.
I heard a cacophony of political experts recently decry the sad state of the mental capacity of Congress on both sides of the rail just in the last few days. The cause? Who cares? You name it. I second the motion for the poor boobs out here who actually believe it.
The intellects on the scene posit that if the outcome of the election last year were reversed, the same lard heads would be running their mouths off in reverse.
Some Congress person yesterday said that the N.R.A. was as potent an enemy as ISIS. (...and I'll his home state gives him a license to drive cars!!)
Ok Watters World Fans, we all know Jerry Lee Lewis got in trouble marrying a 13 year old cousin. Darn near blew his career up. Alright. How many times was he married in total, and, how old was he when he first married? Some Harvard Graduate has GOT to know that.
I heard a cacophony of political experts recently decry the sad state of the mental capacity of Congress on both sides of the rail just in the last few days. The cause? Who cares? You name it. I second the motion for the poor boobs out here who actually believe it.
The intellects on the scene posit that if the outcome of the election last year were reversed, the same lard heads would be running their mouths off in reverse.
Some Congress person yesterday said that the N.R.A. was as potent an enemy as ISIS. (...and I'll his home state gives him a license to drive cars!!)
Ok Watters World Fans, we all know Jerry Lee Lewis got in trouble marrying a 13 year old cousin. Darn near blew his career up. Alright. How many times was he married in total, and, how old was he when he first married? Some Harvard Graduate has GOT to know that.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
In this country, America, they used to be illegal. The FBI spent a lot of time trying to fish them out of the pool, so to speak. Google Herbert Philbrick and "I lead Three Lives."
Some genius after that war decided to make them "legal" and as a result, most of them surfaced. Now, we have the Communist Party, USA, with scads of 'Americans' members, all over the place.
If Jesse Watters from Watters World (Fox News) were to hit the street, camera and mike in hand, and quiz our current day college campuses, most wide eyed kids wouldn't know what Communism was, nor, would they know that some of their profs are Communists.
When I was at the front part of my life, during the Korean War, Saturday movies always began with a film called " The Big Picture." The US Army produced a black and white showing how the armed conflict was going north and south of the 38th Parallel. They pulled no punches. I know all about the Chosin Reservoir.
Each village that was liberated from north Koreans our guys would film the casualties: in almost everyone, piles of villager bodies were stacked five and six deep in a row, sometimes 15 to 20 feet long. All dead, all shot or chopped up, men, women, old people, young children used for bayonet practice.
I saw this, at 13. Saturday after Saturday, I witnessed the barbarism of the North Korean Communists who would slaughter their OWN people because the southerners wanted to live free, unencumbered by dictatorial village chieftains and party chairmen.
Joseph Stalin headed the shop in Moscow. He was the man in charge. He has been analyzed to death in the years since his demise. In his history, it has been written he personally ordered the execution of 25 million of his own people. One historian chronicled a military report that to save ammunition, Stalin ordered two men to have their heads bound together and the rifleman to shoot once, killing both instantaneously.
Communism: not taught in our schools. Socialism, also not taught in our schools. I venture to say, quiz half of our legislators this question, " Define Socialism?"
Some genius after that war decided to make them "legal" and as a result, most of them surfaced. Now, we have the Communist Party, USA, with scads of 'Americans' members, all over the place.
If Jesse Watters from Watters World (Fox News) were to hit the street, camera and mike in hand, and quiz our current day college campuses, most wide eyed kids wouldn't know what Communism was, nor, would they know that some of their profs are Communists.
When I was at the front part of my life, during the Korean War, Saturday movies always began with a film called " The Big Picture." The US Army produced a black and white showing how the armed conflict was going north and south of the 38th Parallel. They pulled no punches. I know all about the Chosin Reservoir.
Each village that was liberated from north Koreans our guys would film the casualties: in almost everyone, piles of villager bodies were stacked five and six deep in a row, sometimes 15 to 20 feet long. All dead, all shot or chopped up, men, women, old people, young children used for bayonet practice.
I saw this, at 13. Saturday after Saturday, I witnessed the barbarism of the North Korean Communists who would slaughter their OWN people because the southerners wanted to live free, unencumbered by dictatorial village chieftains and party chairmen.
Joseph Stalin headed the shop in Moscow. He was the man in charge. He has been analyzed to death in the years since his demise. In his history, it has been written he personally ordered the execution of 25 million of his own people. One historian chronicled a military report that to save ammunition, Stalin ordered two men to have their heads bound together and the rifleman to shoot once, killing both instantaneously.
Communism: not taught in our schools. Socialism, also not taught in our schools. I venture to say, quiz half of our legislators this question, " Define Socialism?"
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
I hear more complaints now from the main line media that the natives are growing restless, rude and oftimes CRUDE in the expression , opinion of the White House, Republicans and all things contrary to November 8th outcome.
Disgusting is more like it.
I became sentient during the Eisenhower years. He, the Chairman of the Board, was a gentleman, in control, and spoke with manners, courtesy and strength. What he said, you could believe. He brought our troops home from Korea. He ended a cruel recession by simply telling Americans it's time to go buy refrigerators if you need them. We did. Everyone felt safe when he was in charge. He was in control.
That ended with Kennedy.
Double that with President Johnson, drugs everywhere, the Communist infiltration well into the core of our society, insurrection in the government and downright incivility from some American citizens that drove the rest of us nuts.
The 70's got crude, rude, the "kids" grew out of control, draft dodgers who previously were a national scandal became almost an ideal, one becoming a president.
Riots common place, Abortion was the law of the land, police morphing into public enemies thanks to rebellious
press - it seemed our societal norms were on the verge of being upset.
Ronald Reagan saved the culture by reverting us back to our national, mainstream senses with two terms of common sense administration, followed by his Vice President's full term following him.
James Carter, peanut farmer was later cast as possibly the worst president
the nation had ever endured.
Republican president George Bush had two terms of the most outrageous press biased against him since Abraham Lincoln. Still, the public spoke loudly in his favor, voting him in twice.
The tone of American Society had steadily circled the drain in the last twenty years, partially due to the type of candidate running for national and regional office: their educational backgrounds continue to deteriorate as expressed in reports on high school and college school standards further collapse in score levels.
Language, comprehension, and general attitude of our representatives sure reflect a one-sided and partisan view of the world and lesser non-partisan view engendered by political dogma, and not open minded exploration or greater academic adventure.
Hence, stupidity seems to win the day.
Disgusting is more like it.
I became sentient during the Eisenhower years. He, the Chairman of the Board, was a gentleman, in control, and spoke with manners, courtesy and strength. What he said, you could believe. He brought our troops home from Korea. He ended a cruel recession by simply telling Americans it's time to go buy refrigerators if you need them. We did. Everyone felt safe when he was in charge. He was in control.
That ended with Kennedy.
Double that with President Johnson, drugs everywhere, the Communist infiltration well into the core of our society, insurrection in the government and downright incivility from some American citizens that drove the rest of us nuts.
The 70's got crude, rude, the "kids" grew out of control, draft dodgers who previously were a national scandal became almost an ideal, one becoming a president.
Riots common place, Abortion was the law of the land, police morphing into public enemies thanks to rebellious
press - it seemed our societal norms were on the verge of being upset.
Ronald Reagan saved the culture by reverting us back to our national, mainstream senses with two terms of common sense administration, followed by his Vice President's full term following him.
James Carter, peanut farmer was later cast as possibly the worst president
the nation had ever endured.
Republican president George Bush had two terms of the most outrageous press biased against him since Abraham Lincoln. Still, the public spoke loudly in his favor, voting him in twice.
The tone of American Society had steadily circled the drain in the last twenty years, partially due to the type of candidate running for national and regional office: their educational backgrounds continue to deteriorate as expressed in reports on high school and college school standards further collapse in score levels.
Language, comprehension, and general attitude of our representatives sure reflect a one-sided and partisan view of the world and lesser non-partisan view engendered by political dogma, and not open minded exploration or greater academic adventure.
Hence, stupidity seems to win the day.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
....and on and on it goes. Michelle Obama said on her husband's election " at least I'm proud of my country." I was shocked, as were other Americans.
I live and learn. Now it is me who is ashamed of my country, no longer proud of some of my fellow citizens: take for instance:
The Mayor of New York, I don't dare speak his name. Mr. Sanctuary City. And, all the other clown Mayors who voice the same ruptured legal principals " I CHOOSE TO UPHOLD SOME LAWS, VIOLATE OTHERS AT WILL." So be it. The Federal Government chooses (I hope) to withhold federal funds from your cities until you comply.
ex-Pres Obama once threatened seniors with, " I can't guarantee Social Security checks this August." Hmm.
Actor Samuel L. Jackson falls somewhere SOUTH of racist with his radio TV spot spot violently (he's good at that) spewing diatribe at President Trump about...you guessed it, " he's a racist." We're all impressed with Hollywood actors expressing their political opinions against Republican presidents, aren't we, Jane Fonda, the much over=exposed Madonna, and the "girls" from the violently sexual movies of late.
Even Fox News Shepard Smith seems to be sniveling out some swipes against POTUS recently on his daily telecast. Of course, Fox walks a fine line with current administration, fair and balanced as it were. But with Smitty, of late, I've wanted to ask him, " what's your beef with Trump?"
The Tax Day demonstrations all across the land? Who knows, my theory is this - pry open their voting records and I'll bet $5 for every Republican you find in every one of those crowds. Gut feeling is, the crowds are a set-up driven by the sour grapes Hillary-lost crowd and we're gonna belly ache until the country rolls over and kvetches.
Trump hasn't been in office 4 months, probably just found the coffee pot and mens room in the White House, been working 16 hours a day and already the sour-puss Democrats are hounding the hell out of him.
Yeah,.....I don't either.
I live and learn. Now it is me who is ashamed of my country, no longer proud of some of my fellow citizens: take for instance:
The Mayor of New York, I don't dare speak his name. Mr. Sanctuary City. And, all the other clown Mayors who voice the same ruptured legal principals " I CHOOSE TO UPHOLD SOME LAWS, VIOLATE OTHERS AT WILL." So be it. The Federal Government chooses (I hope) to withhold federal funds from your cities until you comply.
ex-Pres Obama once threatened seniors with, " I can't guarantee Social Security checks this August." Hmm.
Actor Samuel L. Jackson falls somewhere SOUTH of racist with his radio TV spot spot violently (he's good at that) spewing diatribe at President Trump about...you guessed it, " he's a racist." We're all impressed with Hollywood actors expressing their political opinions against Republican presidents, aren't we, Jane Fonda, the much over=exposed Madonna, and the "girls" from the violently sexual movies of late.
Even Fox News Shepard Smith seems to be sniveling out some swipes against POTUS recently on his daily telecast. Of course, Fox walks a fine line with current administration, fair and balanced as it were. But with Smitty, of late, I've wanted to ask him, " what's your beef with Trump?"
The Tax Day demonstrations all across the land? Who knows, my theory is this - pry open their voting records and I'll bet $5 for every Republican you find in every one of those crowds. Gut feeling is, the crowds are a set-up driven by the sour grapes Hillary-lost crowd and we're gonna belly ache until the country rolls over and kvetches.
Trump hasn't been in office 4 months, probably just found the coffee pot and mens room in the White House, been working 16 hours a day and already the sour-puss Democrats are hounding the hell out of him.
Yeah,.....I don't either.
Saturday, April 15, 2017
The black actor from the movies best known for showing anger, resentment, hostility and violence (don't think so? Google his movies. Try to find on that didn't involve guns). Shooting people, or racial strife aimed at.......guess who? Yup, us - white people.
That First Amendment cuts both ways, Sir, so - here's my two cents as my mother used to say. Ok, subject at hand this morning it was aired his interview about his Ad that will run escoriating Prez Trump as a (get ready) " racist." Yup, he called our President a racist. Here is a guy who is quoted as telling black community before Obama's second election, " Wake The F%^#" Up!!"
And to him President Trump is a racist.
In this country, the majority of people who violently disagree with someone's rude, angry and offense behavior usually vote WITH THEIR WALLETS. That is the country I was born into, Sam.
As for me, this is just another drop from the "we're pissed off that Hillary Lost" crowd. Drip-drip-Oh,show us your taxes Don, crowd. It will NEVER end. But, Mr. Trump, if I guess right, will ignore this heavy mass of pestilence and keep on, keeping on. Remember citizens, he is NOT a politician - he's a CEO. Different breed of cat.
By the way, Mr Jackson, WHAT'S IN YOUR WALLET?
That First Amendment cuts both ways, Sir, so - here's my two cents as my mother used to say. Ok, subject at hand this morning it was aired his interview about his Ad that will run escoriating Prez Trump as a (get ready) " racist." Yup, he called our President a racist. Here is a guy who is quoted as telling black community before Obama's second election, " Wake The F%^#" Up!!"
And to him President Trump is a racist.
In this country, the majority of people who violently disagree with someone's rude, angry and offense behavior usually vote WITH THEIR WALLETS. That is the country I was born into, Sam.
As for me, this is just another drop from the "we're pissed off that Hillary Lost" crowd. Drip-drip-Oh,show us your taxes Don, crowd. It will NEVER end. But, Mr. Trump, if I guess right, will ignore this heavy mass of pestilence and keep on, keeping on. Remember citizens, he is NOT a politician - he's a CEO. Different breed of cat.
By the way, Mr Jackson, WHAT'S IN YOUR WALLET?
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Give it up Meryl Streep, George Clooney, the late Madonna. THE ELECTION IS OVER and you, rather your candidate (and your way of life) has lost. Gone, done. It's over. At least for four (4) years, probably 8.
At the beginning of the election of Ronald, I sat in the office of a county manager in Arizona who said to me, " Reagan stands for a way of life that doesn't exist anymore." Then he went on to win and changed America forever.
Many of us who elected Mr Trump feel we are on the cusp of doing it again. We need the values lost during the Socialist regime of the past 8 years and we intend on recapturing it.
Flawed candidate describes Mrs Clinton in the most generous of terms. I know of none on our side of the fence who wishes to denigrate her further. That's as generous as it gets. Moral Blindness is inexcusable in justifying a presidential candidate facing a possible ( some intimate "probable" FBI investigation and indictment ) into the highest office in the land, just because she's a woman. So, for the many millions of Americans dying to say this but so far unspoken, let me.
Jesus, people - what THE HELL were you thinking??
And, like the perpetual Influnza, she a gaudy, self-serving PSA recently about loyal Democrats should " RESIST & PERSIST, as if most Democrats weren't bright enough to come in out of the rain.
Brainless Congress people are still being interviewed and declaring their resistance to Mr Trump by demonstrations at Tuesday's Congressional address, by disruptions at President Trumps expense. This lunkhead does so because of the president's comments made DURING THE CAMPAIGN.
As I said at the beginning, this Connecticut Kamakazee pilot should realize - the election is over. Madonna, Ashley Judd, and the other Hollywood dunderheads, why don't you pitch in and if you can't help, do us a favor and SHUT THE HELL UP.
At the beginning of the election of Ronald, I sat in the office of a county manager in Arizona who said to me, " Reagan stands for a way of life that doesn't exist anymore." Then he went on to win and changed America forever.
Many of us who elected Mr Trump feel we are on the cusp of doing it again. We need the values lost during the Socialist regime of the past 8 years and we intend on recapturing it.
Flawed candidate describes Mrs Clinton in the most generous of terms. I know of none on our side of the fence who wishes to denigrate her further. That's as generous as it gets. Moral Blindness is inexcusable in justifying a presidential candidate facing a possible ( some intimate "probable" FBI investigation and indictment ) into the highest office in the land, just because she's a woman. So, for the many millions of Americans dying to say this but so far unspoken, let me.
Jesus, people - what THE HELL were you thinking??
And, like the perpetual Influnza, she a gaudy, self-serving PSA recently about loyal Democrats should " RESIST & PERSIST, as if most Democrats weren't bright enough to come in out of the rain.
Brainless Congress people are still being interviewed and declaring their resistance to Mr Trump by demonstrations at Tuesday's Congressional address, by disruptions at President Trumps expense. This lunkhead does so because of the president's comments made DURING THE CAMPAIGN.
As I said at the beginning, this Connecticut Kamakazee pilot should realize - the election is over. Madonna, Ashley Judd, and the other Hollywood dunderheads, why don't you pitch in and if you can't help, do us a favor and SHUT THE HELL UP.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
If the "stars" feel ok with trashing my country on television during their Women's March for Freedom" ( I could never figure out what RIGHTS they didn't have in the year of our Lord 2017?)
Ok so the scars.....stars, scuse, please, rant and rave about how their ticket buyers are screwing up their lives - Miss Ashley Judd (probably ending her career in the process) gettin' down and ugly in front of the cameras, and the other blonde bombshell Madonna (was a virgin in the last century) aiming a wish to blow up the White House, yes, I too wondered why she wasn't under arrest.
Maybe President Donald hasn't yet gotten around to polishing up the knobs in the Secret Service, but it seems to me she qualifies for a jail cell for that remark. Yet another actress bespeaks ill of good taste, her name floats away in the wind. She runs her mouth off during the women's bad taste parade. She co-starred with Gere in the Mothman movie.
Companies like Starbucks threaten to hire 10,000 Syrian refugees to work in their stores, while an equal number of our own unemployed veterans' go without jobs. The [president' daughter, Ivanka, has a clothing line out in various national stores.
Our Lady of Nordstrom's chain is dropping Ivanka Trump's line of clothing using the excuse of light sales. Interviews of nationally known Democrats cluck approval. Ditto for the Macy's chain which has done the same.
Politics makes strange bedfellows while half the country has hissy-fits over the Hillary Clinton election loss, the far left lemming-like reaction from Senator Schumer to your lowly city councilman seems to carry on. The Economy may soon faulter and fall as a result.
If Hollywood can play "Ready - Fire - Aim," with stupid, mis-directed criticisms, so cn the general public. As Dr. Charles Krauthhammer said on Fox News, the people vote with their feet and their wallets.
I for one will never vote another Democrat in my life. The childish behavior since the election is proof enough for me, their best interests and efforts are not for the country. I am an Independent, and that's the way I will stay for duration.
I'm done with the idiots who rant and rave from Hollywood about my country, I won't put up with it. I will not patronize traitors.
Ok so the scars.....stars, scuse, please, rant and rave about how their ticket buyers are screwing up their lives - Miss Ashley Judd (probably ending her career in the process) gettin' down and ugly in front of the cameras, and the other blonde bombshell Madonna (was a virgin in the last century) aiming a wish to blow up the White House, yes, I too wondered why she wasn't under arrest.
Maybe President Donald hasn't yet gotten around to polishing up the knobs in the Secret Service, but it seems to me she qualifies for a jail cell for that remark. Yet another actress bespeaks ill of good taste, her name floats away in the wind. She runs her mouth off during the women's bad taste parade. She co-starred with Gere in the Mothman movie.
Companies like Starbucks threaten to hire 10,000 Syrian refugees to work in their stores, while an equal number of our own unemployed veterans' go without jobs. The [president' daughter, Ivanka, has a clothing line out in various national stores.
Our Lady of Nordstrom's chain is dropping Ivanka Trump's line of clothing using the excuse of light sales. Interviews of nationally known Democrats cluck approval. Ditto for the Macy's chain which has done the same.
Politics makes strange bedfellows while half the country has hissy-fits over the Hillary Clinton election loss, the far left lemming-like reaction from Senator Schumer to your lowly city councilman seems to carry on. The Economy may soon faulter and fall as a result.
If Hollywood can play "Ready - Fire - Aim," with stupid, mis-directed criticisms, so cn the general public. As Dr. Charles Krauthhammer said on Fox News, the people vote with their feet and their wallets.
I for one will never vote another Democrat in my life. The childish behavior since the election is proof enough for me, their best interests and efforts are not for the country. I am an Independent, and that's the way I will stay for duration.
I'm done with the idiots who rant and rave from Hollywood about my country, I won't put up with it. I will not patronize traitors.
Monday, February 6, 2017
The infernal griping by Democrats, leftists and semi-Communists continues unabated, and our new president hasn't been in the chair a full month, yet. Let him the Hell alone.
I think back to any other example and only think of Ronald Reagan and hs chief critic, "Bomb Ticker" as Bill Buckley called him, saying Reagan promised a bushel of things, then, when elected had the temerity and gall to actually DO IT when elected.
For shame.
Trump, typical CEO, not politician, actually accomplished MORE than his predecessor, BEFORE he moved in to 1600 than the day after, all due deference to his predecessor. Tra la.
The Democrats, now in a flat dive for the ocean, criticize him for a sloppy roll out of the "BAN" as they put it, never mind they disastrous election result, November past, support for Obama's bug out and collapse of the Mid East and Rise Of ISIS. (...they gotta blame somebody, right?)
On tonight's Tucker Carlson's TV show one lawyer known for his left leaning politics had the scrotum to say let Trump alone. Give him a chance, hell, he probably hasn't found the coffee pot and rest room in the West Wing yet.
, Who knows, some of the Hollywood leftists may see their careers dwindle as they continue to shoot their mouths off in public about " their feelings " on President Trump.
CONGRATULATIONS TO LADY GA-GA AT THE SUPER BOWL. You won our hearts for your tribute.
I think back to any other example and only think of Ronald Reagan and hs chief critic, "Bomb Ticker" as Bill Buckley called him, saying Reagan promised a bushel of things, then, when elected had the temerity and gall to actually DO IT when elected.
For shame.
Trump, typical CEO, not politician, actually accomplished MORE than his predecessor, BEFORE he moved in to 1600 than the day after, all due deference to his predecessor. Tra la.
The Democrats, now in a flat dive for the ocean, criticize him for a sloppy roll out of the "BAN" as they put it, never mind they disastrous election result, November past, support for Obama's bug out and collapse of the Mid East and Rise Of ISIS. (...they gotta blame somebody, right?)
On tonight's Tucker Carlson's TV show one lawyer known for his left leaning politics had the scrotum to say let Trump alone. Give him a chance, hell, he probably hasn't found the coffee pot and rest room in the West Wing yet.
, Who knows, some of the Hollywood leftists may see their careers dwindle as they continue to shoot their mouths off in public about " their feelings " on President Trump.
CONGRATULATIONS TO LADY GA-GA AT THE SUPER BOWL. You won our hearts for your tribute.
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Thank God for our First Amendment, you remember that - freedom of speech. That which has been closed down on most American campuses. It is if you express ANY opinion slightly to the right of Marx, Lenin the political haze covering North Korea or Vlad's Desha.
Anyway, A quarter million girls show up in force in DC to proclaim their " rights," scared to death that the new Imperator, President Trump will somehow take them away. Watching carefully all the TV coverage, I've spotted their signs proclaiming
charactures of Hitler, Stalin, Murderer, he hates women ( yeah, sure - notice his penchant for beautiful blondes??).
One interview on CNN asked "Why are you here", attractive lady with her daughters in tow. She answered something to the affect, to make our future bright for our children. The rest of her answer was just as cloudy.
The Seattle-type violence the night before was typical. I expected that. The new police tactics are not to push them too far, but effectively. As long as they do so, arrest the bad guys (200 & counting) so be it.
You just knew the "demonstrations" were going to be a bad scene, and, it ain't over yet. Laughably, all the fuss of President Trump is on his 2nd day in office. I'd be surprised if he's found his personal water closet and coffee pot, yet. So much for the critics logic.
The TV interviewers deftly handled the ladies swathed in pink without rousing a screaming match in anti-war, anti-Trump cacophony. Kudos.
Ratings were out: Fox News again the winner in coverage, I think CNN came in 2nd, no word on Meghan Kelly, last seen teetering on the edge of a tall building somewhere having turned down $100 million to stay put. 100 Million!! Think of it.
Understand, I love women. I once met Gloria Steinham and chatted briefly with her here in Tucson. She personally called me a feminist, I was proud of that. I know she comes off as strident, but personally, I think she just needs to be loved a lot more. Then, she'll warm up. Love ya, Gloria.
I hope the feminists do their thing, and keep in mind, we're all in the same boat, all of us. And as I told Gloria, the more we work together (men and women) the happier we all can be. We need to stop the yelling at each other, dear.
Anyway, A quarter million girls show up in force in DC to proclaim their " rights," scared to death that the new Imperator, President Trump will somehow take them away. Watching carefully all the TV coverage, I've spotted their signs proclaiming
charactures of Hitler, Stalin, Murderer, he hates women ( yeah, sure - notice his penchant for beautiful blondes??).
One interview on CNN asked "Why are you here", attractive lady with her daughters in tow. She answered something to the affect, to make our future bright for our children. The rest of her answer was just as cloudy.
The Seattle-type violence the night before was typical. I expected that. The new police tactics are not to push them too far, but effectively. As long as they do so, arrest the bad guys (200 & counting) so be it.
You just knew the "demonstrations" were going to be a bad scene, and, it ain't over yet. Laughably, all the fuss of President Trump is on his 2nd day in office. I'd be surprised if he's found his personal water closet and coffee pot, yet. So much for the critics logic.
The TV interviewers deftly handled the ladies swathed in pink without rousing a screaming match in anti-war, anti-Trump cacophony. Kudos.
Ratings were out: Fox News again the winner in coverage, I think CNN came in 2nd, no word on Meghan Kelly, last seen teetering on the edge of a tall building somewhere having turned down $100 million to stay put. 100 Million!! Think of it.
Understand, I love women. I once met Gloria Steinham and chatted briefly with her here in Tucson. She personally called me a feminist, I was proud of that. I know she comes off as strident, but personally, I think she just needs to be loved a lot more. Then, she'll warm up. Love ya, Gloria.
I hope the feminists do their thing, and keep in mind, we're all in the same boat, all of us. And as I told Gloria, the more we work together (men and women) the happier we all can be. We need to stop the yelling at each other, dear.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
American Women - our National Treasures
In the quiet reflective moments of retirement, the clouds part on the questions of today, the war we seem to have between the sexes, (don't tell me we don't have one - we do), and I feel closer to the truth, as to why we fight between why we fight with women.
And, we they resist men so much.
I can only see and feel it in the quiet moments, without the distractions, yelling, name calling, the anger that we hear so much. As a descendant of two the women in American History who helped change the course of our Nation' history,nder - look her up in Google. When she died, there was a minor shift in the " space/time continuum" as the Star Trekees like to label. She ultimately contributed to an awareness to our nation's focusing on the dangers of booze. We're still fighting that one.
Another ancestor of mine was a mistress of President of the United States Warren G Harding. Her full name had "Fulton" placed in the middle of her signature. It is pertinent to note here that history claims she blackmailed the President for some money, succeeded in getting a few dollars, the scandal forced Harding to leave the White House and never seek another elected office. (there were other women involved)
Harding was quoted in the press as saying, " Boys, I'm glad I wasn't born a woman. I'd be pregnant ALL the time. I just can't say NO." My ancestor passed away peacefully early in the 20th Century in upstate New York in a rest home.
It is in this recent history, since women have entered their era of " equal rights" that they have experienced in what I term a Male Backlash.
This is driven by a certain section of men who frankly, can't handle the independence of women who have chosen to go their own way in the world, inspite of what their male partners think, want, desire, or hope for in their intimate relationships.
Fair? Of course not. But, you are asking for a seismic shift in what was a pattern of behavior most men were raised under, trained, and molded for by their parents, other men, and the traditions of countless culture norms. Now, "Mom" dons a uniform leaves the husband and kids and goes off to war??
She EXPECTS hubby to house bound himself and shelve his career ( that maybe he loves, went to college for, and maybe was paying big bucks for?) And, what drives most men NUTZ, some guys do it.
Recent FBI stats show an alarming trend of women arrests for drunk & disorderly, vehicle infractions, and various violent crimes. TV reality shows like COPS record arrests in police stations around America of increasing mothers drunk, violent and spending the night in the drunk tank.
All of this is new, recent and trending downward since the era in which I was born during the World War II era. Television shows depict violent dramas almost always involving young women beaten, raped and murdered. It's always women. We are up to our hips in brutalizing women. It's infecting our culture and the way we think.
And, we they resist men so much.
I can only see and feel it in the quiet moments, without the distractions, yelling, name calling, the anger that we hear so much. As a descendant of two the women in American History who helped change the course of our Nation' history,nder - look her up in Google. When she died, there was a minor shift in the " space/time continuum" as the Star Trekees like to label. She ultimately contributed to an awareness to our nation's focusing on the dangers of booze. We're still fighting that one.
Another ancestor of mine was a mistress of President of the United States Warren G Harding. Her full name had "Fulton" placed in the middle of her signature. It is pertinent to note here that history claims she blackmailed the President for some money, succeeded in getting a few dollars, the scandal forced Harding to leave the White House and never seek another elected office. (there were other women involved)
Harding was quoted in the press as saying, " Boys, I'm glad I wasn't born a woman. I'd be pregnant ALL the time. I just can't say NO." My ancestor passed away peacefully early in the 20th Century in upstate New York in a rest home.
It is in this recent history, since women have entered their era of " equal rights" that they have experienced in what I term a Male Backlash.
This is driven by a certain section of men who frankly, can't handle the independence of women who have chosen to go their own way in the world, inspite of what their male partners think, want, desire, or hope for in their intimate relationships.
Fair? Of course not. But, you are asking for a seismic shift in what was a pattern of behavior most men were raised under, trained, and molded for by their parents, other men, and the traditions of countless culture norms. Now, "Mom" dons a uniform leaves the husband and kids and goes off to war??
She EXPECTS hubby to house bound himself and shelve his career ( that maybe he loves, went to college for, and maybe was paying big bucks for?) And, what drives most men NUTZ, some guys do it.
Recent FBI stats show an alarming trend of women arrests for drunk & disorderly, vehicle infractions, and various violent crimes. TV reality shows like COPS record arrests in police stations around America of increasing mothers drunk, violent and spending the night in the drunk tank.
All of this is new, recent and trending downward since the era in which I was born during the World War II era. Television shows depict violent dramas almost always involving young women beaten, raped and murdered. It's always women. We are up to our hips in brutalizing women. It's infecting our culture and the way we think.
Where is the respect for our women? The gallantry borne from " Women and Children first!!" ? Have we bred a new nation of callous cowards? Our precious women are the bearers, the carriers of our future generations, and deserve our respect, admiration and protection now and in the future. Espectially from the cut-throat dogs in the Middle East who would gladly put them under the knife without a second's hesitation. We should be the first to defend them. Now and always. America, we are the cavalry.###
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