Showing posts with label President Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President Trump. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


In the  wake of the newest school shoot-out (Fla), I seek to find out something new. Frankly, ANYTHING new. And, alas, this one bristles with all kinds of bad-ass stuff we all should holler, scream and like the Mad Mob in the Frankenstein Movie, head to City Hall, torches aflame, and raise hell with everyone who screwed up.
     Screw up? Who dat? Yes, practically everyone did starting with the FBI. Don't feel safe anymore?.Well, you shouldn't. They dropped so many balls....reminded me of a news story about lack of border enforcement on Mexican/Arizona line. At the time it was so weak, a comedian said he could cross undetected. So he mounted an ELEPHANT, crossed the river into the  US of A, and marched the beast up Main Street of the nearest small town, undetected.
      The Fla shooter did everything to and for the FBI except a leaflet airdrop of the J Edgar Hoover Building giving time and date of his mass execution. RESULT: NOBODY HOME. ZERO. School Resource officer, it was reported on  duty on the other side of the state's largest campus "without" a gun.
       As an aside, President T
rump is right when it comes to the issue of mental health for our kids. Don't think so? Read the television listings for the programs. Read the TV series considered 'entertainment.' Some of that crap could bend anyone's mind. A young girl was recently jailed for murder involving a television fictional character. Movies are now geared to fantasy land: Captain Superworld and his ray gun. I know 20+ year olds who play games with others via net connections with other ner do wells around the world and little else.
       Some student today at a "rally" stands up in front of the state assembly and bitchiest about the NRA and their 241 year old, out of date II Amendment crutch they lean on while "us kids have to die" in schools.
       Meanwhile, where are Mom and Dad?
       The adults in America need to pry open the curriculum these kids are being fed in schools when the " students " parrot such drivel. For if they come away in such emotional dishevelment..   they are not armed to lead the country in the next generation.  Or, as an alternate plan, they can brush up on their Russian.

Sunday, June 11, 2017


This culture of HATE since President Trump got elected got me to thinking about our culture  has fallen in the last 15 years or so.
      Those of younger years  don't know how we lived in the 40's and 50s.  Or, how the advent of drugs, pornography, the commercialization of all that into TV, Rock, Movies, and a pervasive fall into mediocrity of our educational system.
      Women, mothers, daughters had a pervasive feeling of protection, respect and first in line" when in public. At least in my southwest Philadelphia working class row-house neighborhood. In those days, churches jammed the streets just passed noon.
      Today, those same neighborhoods look like the back lots of movie sets for " Mad Max and the ThunderDome."
      I remember when New York passed a law saying colleges HAD to admit anyone that walked up, paid tuition and said, let me in, no entrance exam, thank you very much It was reported classes jammed for years. Fall out rates sky rocketed, until, realizing their idea hadn't worked, common sense took hold and normalcy reinstated.
     Now, success AND happiness must go hand in hand with a blonde under one arm, a fast car in the other and your bank account spread between the PNB, a Bahamas Bank and an unknown teller and a number in Geneva.
     Any young man over the age of 21 knows what it takes to win the heart (attention ) of his lady. There are more women in college today than men, and studies today show man do not care.  Selective birth rates are going down, women are upping college enrollment stats, and loving it.
     Look on ANY city street that 40 years ago gathered a fleet of children playing. Today there are none to be found playing basket ball, hula hoops or skating. Most likely it's drugs, money, or mindless video games in a cellar. Interpersonal relationships are best handled through Video Cathode RayTubes.
     Instead of values, we blame. The "War against Women." Or lately, Against Men, (poor dears). Then, it's against Muslims, or Christians, everybody is a VICTIM, besides Hillary Clinton who can't stop crying over the election of last year. Can you imagine what she would be like if elected as President and the Senate pissed her off?) 
     This country has turned into a nation of cry=babies, everybody has a beef and like a crowd of 5 year olds, they cry about it.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

WHAT SCARES ME,---Mr Trump..........JUNE, 2017

I never thought I'd write this, but I believe it. The "Indians" are circling around the President and his administration, things are crazy at Fox News. There is fear and hate everywhere, and it is NOT deserved.
       During Nixon's reign, buses encircled the White House and hippies set fire, rocking them, trying to knock them over and storm the building. It looked like a palace take-over in Viet Nam.
      And now, this......
   * It seems to me that a conspiracy seems to be developing around the former administration and Russian involvement in our 2016 election. Facts are muddied and confused. TV interviews proclaim "there's nothing there." Yet, generalized LEFT-WING stations blare out assertions that contain so much generalizations, factless statements with now proof that seem to pass off as truth and are abwsorbed as faith by voters. Street level interviews indicate Joe Six Pack buys it.
   * A sex scandal at Fox News scared off most of the right wing reporters who have]
gravitated to a low rated left wing competitor touted for hysterical unsubstantiated, at times, statements by some reporters and guests.
   * Mr. Trump and his crew seem to lack coordination. " speak your mind" he tells   and that sometimes gets in the way of his over arching message.
   * The president uses tweet too much and it gets in the way of his message. At times it may make him look vindictive and off-message.
   *  This Russian-Flynn affair appears to be nothing, he should not let it fester as ammunition for the opposition. Dispatching it immediately would be the best course of action for him, the White House and the country.
   *  Daily press conferences are a bad idea. I would call one a week, at most, give Spicer something else to do and stuff the Press Corps in a locker Room doing it.
   *  Avoid personal personal jabs at personalities in the private sector like emotionally disturbed individuals like Kathy Griffin. As the most Power man on earth, you are above that.
   *  Lastly, the twerp in North Korea spins up nukes like breakfast, dropping them ever closer in the pond, while American media chops up our President over the dopey Paris climate decision. All these damn dopes are worried (SICK) about is the air we breathe while Ducke Soupea over in Korea wants to set our air ON FIRE. You tell me "who is crazy?"

Sunday, February 26, 2017


Give it up Meryl Streep, George Clooney, the late Madonna. THE ELECTION IS OVER and you, rather your candidate (and your way of life) has lost. Gone, done. It's over. At least for four (4) years, probably 8.
      At the beginning of the election of Ronald, I sat in the office of a county manager in Arizona who said to me, " Reagan stands for a way of life that doesn't exist anymore." Then he went on to win and changed America forever.
      Many of us who elected Mr Trump feel we are on the cusp of doing it again. We need the values lost during the Socialist regime of the past 8 years and we intend on recapturing it.
     Flawed candidate describes Mrs Clinton in the most generous of terms. I know of none on our side of the fence who wishes to denigrate her further. That's as generous as it gets. Moral Blindness is inexcusable in justifying a presidential candidate facing a possible ( some intimate "probable" FBI investigation and indictment ) into the highest office in the land, just because she's a woman. So, for the many millions of Americans dying to say this but so far unspoken, let me.
     Jesus, people - what THE HELL were you thinking??
     And, like the perpetual Influnza, she a gaudy, self-serving PSA recently about loyal Democrats should " RESIST & PERSIST, as if most Democrats weren't bright enough to come in out of the rain.
     Brainless Congress people are still being interviewed and declaring their resistance to Mr Trump by demonstrations at Tuesday's Congressional address, by disruptions at President Trumps expense. This lunkhead does so because of the president's comments made DURING THE CAMPAIGN.
    As I said at the beginning, this Connecticut Kamakazee pilot should realize - the election is over. Madonna, Ashley Judd, and the other Hollywood dunderheads, why don't you pitch in and if you can't help, do us a favor and SHUT THE HELL UP.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


If the "stars" feel ok with trashing my country on television during their Women's March for Freedom" ( I could never figure out what RIGHTS they didn't have in the year of our Lord 2017?)
     Ok so the scars.....stars, scuse, please, rant and rave about how their ticket buyers are screwing up their lives - Miss Ashley Judd (probably ending her career in the process) gettin' down and ugly in front of the cameras, and the other blonde bombshell Madonna (was a virgin in the last century) aiming a wish to blow up the White House, yes, I too wondered why she wasn't under arrest.
    Maybe President Donald hasn't yet gotten around to polishing up the knobs in the Secret Service, but it seems to me she qualifies for a jail cell for that remark. Yet another actress bespeaks ill of good taste, her name floats away in the wind. She runs her mouth off during the women's bad taste parade. She co-starred with Gere in the Mothman movie.
   Companies like Starbucks threaten to hire 10,000 Syrian refugees to work in their stores, while an equal number of our own unemployed veterans' go without jobs. The [president' daughter, Ivanka, has a clothing line out in various national stores.
    Our Lady of Nordstrom's chain is dropping Ivanka Trump's line of clothing using the excuse of light sales. Interviews of nationally known Democrats cluck approval. Ditto for the Macy's chain which has done the same.
   Politics makes strange bedfellows while half the country has hissy-fits over the Hillary Clinton election loss, the far left lemming-like reaction from Senator Schumer to your lowly city councilman seems to carry on. The Economy may soon faulter and fall as a result.
   If Hollywood can play "Ready - Fire - Aim," with stupid, mis-directed criticisms, so cn the general public. As Dr. Charles Krauthhammer said on Fox News, the people vote with their feet and their wallets.
   I for one will never vote another Democrat in my life. The childish behavior since the election is proof enough for me, their best interests and efforts are not for the country. I am an Independent, and that's the way I will stay for duration.
   I'm done with the idiots who rant and rave from Hollywood about my country, I won't put up with it. I will not patronize traitors.

Monday, February 6, 2017


The infernal griping by Democrats, leftists and semi-Communists continues unabated, and our new president hasn't been in the chair a full month, yet. Let him the Hell alone.
     I think back to any other example and only think of Ronald Reagan and hs chief critic, "Bomb Ticker" as Bill Buckley called him, saying Reagan promised a bushel of things, then, when elected had the temerity and gall to actually DO IT when elected.
For shame.
    Trump, typical CEO, not politician, actually accomplished MORE than his predecessor, BEFORE he moved in to 1600 than the day after, all due deference to his predecessor. Tra la.
    The Democrats, now in a flat dive for the ocean, criticize him for a sloppy roll out of the "BAN" as they put it, never mind they disastrous election result, November past, support for Obama's bug out and collapse of the Mid East and Rise Of ISIS. (...they gotta blame somebody, right?)
    On tonight's Tucker Carlson's TV show one lawyer known for his left leaning politics had the scrotum to say let Trump alone. Give him a chance, hell, he probably hasn't found the coffee pot and rest room in the West Wing yet.
,   Who knows, some of the Hollywood leftists may see their careers dwindle as they continue to shoot their mouths off in public about " their feelings " on President Trump.
     CONGRATULATIONS TO LADY GA-GA AT THE SUPER BOWL. You won our hearts for your tribute.

Saturday, January 21, 2017


Thank God for our First Amendment, you remember that - freedom of speech. That which has been closed down on most American campuses. It is if you express ANY opinion slightly to the right of Marx, Lenin the political haze covering North Korea or Vlad's Desha.
     Anyway, A quarter million girls show up in force in DC to proclaim their " rights," scared to death that the new Imperator, President Trump will somehow take them away. Watching carefully all the TV coverage, I've spotted their signs proclaiming
charactures of Hitler, Stalin, Murderer, he hates women ( yeah, sure - notice his penchant for beautiful blondes??).
    One interview on CNN asked "Why are you here", attractive lady with her daughters in tow. She answered something to the affect, to make our future bright for our children. The rest of her answer was just as cloudy.
     The Seattle-type violence the night before was typical. I expected that. The new police tactics are not to push them too far, but effectively. As long as they do so, arrest the bad guys (200 & counting) so be it.
     You just knew the "demonstrations" were going to be a bad scene, and, it ain't  over yet. Laughably, all the fuss of President Trump is on his 2nd day in office. I'd be surprised if he's found his personal water closet and coffee pot, yet.  So much for the critics logic.
     The TV interviewers deftly handled the ladies swathed in pink without rousing a screaming match in anti-war, anti-Trump cacophony. Kudos.
     Ratings were out: Fox News again the winner in coverage,  I think CNN came in 2nd, no word on Meghan Kelly, last seen teetering on the edge of a tall building somewhere having turned down $100 million to stay put. 100 Million!! Think of it.
     Understand, I love women. I once met Gloria Steinham and chatted briefly with her here in Tucson. She personally called me a feminist, I was proud of that. I know she comes off as strident, but personally, I think she just needs to be loved a lot more. Then, she'll warm up. Love ya, Gloria.
     I hope the feminists do their thing, and keep in mind, we're all in the same boat, all of us. And as I told Gloria, the more we work together (men and women) the happier we all can be. We need to stop the yelling at each other, dear.