My handicap is I'm too old to remember past days and old customs here in America. The scene is 1963, early in the year, my fiance and I are sitting in our doctor's office and we are talking about birth control We are about to be married.
Our doctor, Samuel Ellis is near 90, a veteran of the 1918 flu epidemic, trotted his horse and buggy around west Philadelphia dodging barricades of coffins piled high (folks dying so fast they couldn't bury them with all due dispatch). Dr. Sam talked of a Lanteen Cap for us, that's cervical cup to today's generation. He walked my soon-to-be wife down the hall and installed it.
Sitting in his office he discussed in detail how it was to be used, charged me $5 for the visit which he collected at the door, slipped it in his wallet and we left.
Today, August 30, 2014, it cost us $185 for a self-pay visit to an HMO doctor who is on salary and the clock who runs through a laundry list of items and rarely touches my wife. When he does, it's ear-nose-throat-glands, jokes, script for pills and as they say on the TV doc shows, " treat m and street em."
I took an employee of mine to a local Tucson hospital who was having a heart attack and got him in a wheel chair, pushed him towards the ER entrance and they wouldn't take him in until I did the paperwork. The hospital wanted a pay guarantee while my employee sat there clutching his chest. Luckily, I had everything at the ready, he got in, the docs got to him, and they say I saved his life. That was luck.
I often wonder in the middle of some nights whether, had I not been that organized would he have died?
On many occasions, I have had cancer patients on wheel chairs trying to get in for chemo treatments, doctors visits and other life savings procedures that have been held up at the cashiers desk, and entrance has been stead-fastly refused until what I call the " WALLET - ECTOMY" has been performed.
Several times in Denver, Colorado, a few hospitals delayed chemo treatments for my late wife for just such occasions.
Part of the Hippocratic Oath doctors take is " Do No Harm." I can't help wondering if MONEY gets in the way of that sometime.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Military Suicides? Down from 325 to 300. What are the Psyches doing Wrong?
Recent news articles reveal an army sergeant, a woman shot herself at a Virginia post. She had 14 years in with the US Army, serving valiantly, decorated with meritorious badges throughout her career. She wound up in what amounts to "Personnel."
The article described her as 'enraged.' (I would be too if I had to work there.) Poorly written and terribly researched, the reporting gives us no in-depth emotional background on the woman, her duty to our country and certainly the lack of help from the psychiatry available (or not) at the post.
Listen up, 300 suicides! What ARE the military counselors doing?? Who is listening and conducting therapy? What is going on in those sessions? For three years I conducted group therapy sessions here in Tucson for oa civilian agency and lost zero patients. I had to slam a half dozen of folks into a mental health hospital for a fear they might off themselves, but in the end, they all survived. I personally disarmed three with guns, and engaged in triage for a half dozen nights - all teetering on the dangerous edge of instability and managed, successfully.
Anyone as critical as the Sergeant needed primarily to be listened to. She needed to be heard. Again, with base restriction of no guns allowed, she still managed to bring her own pistol to work, so good luck with the silly Clinton anti-gun restrictions, they are ineffective. We know the talking (and sometimes) the pharmacological cure does work.
And, I surmise some or all of the above are NOT working at BASE Psychiatry.
The article described her as 'enraged.' (I would be too if I had to work there.) Poorly written and terribly researched, the reporting gives us no in-depth emotional background on the woman, her duty to our country and certainly the lack of help from the psychiatry available (or not) at the post.
Listen up, 300 suicides! What ARE the military counselors doing?? Who is listening and conducting therapy? What is going on in those sessions? For three years I conducted group therapy sessions here in Tucson for oa civilian agency and lost zero patients. I had to slam a half dozen of folks into a mental health hospital for a fear they might off themselves, but in the end, they all survived. I personally disarmed three with guns, and engaged in triage for a half dozen nights - all teetering on the dangerous edge of instability and managed, successfully.
Anyone as critical as the Sergeant needed primarily to be listened to. She needed to be heard. Again, with base restriction of no guns allowed, she still managed to bring her own pistol to work, so good luck with the silly Clinton anti-gun restrictions, they are ineffective. We know the talking (and sometimes) the pharmacological cure does work.
And, I surmise some or all of the above are NOT working at BASE Psychiatry.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Now Legal - Guns in Schools
Argyle, Texas has just announced that 'some' teachers may be armed this fall season, as parents parade their children back into their School District public system.
At long last, the endless debate appears to be over, Guns are now in public school. Texas has broken the debate, armed teachers after training them in the use of handguns, and installed them in place in time for the fall semester.

Only time will tell of the effectiveness of the test run. After a period of time, we will be able to judge the protective edge this school system has against others around Texas, and the rest of the country.
To be sure, detractors will swarm. Irrationality will reign supreme, but in the end, the protection of our most precious resource, our nation's children is tantamount to our best efforts.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
"When God Created Fathers"
(with apologies to the late, great Erma Bombeck)
When God created fathers, he started with tall frames, I am told, way higher than little kids. And they angel complained..." that's not fair. These little rug rats, so close to the ground, this guy has to stoop so close to play marbles, pick them up, tuck them in, change their diapers, sit and hold them when they cry!! It's just not fair, these guys are BIG!"
And God said, " it'll be alright. It will give his kids someone to look up to. Some they can feel safe with, someone who will come home to each night, knowing Daddy's home. Guys will grow so attached to hearing that."
The angel still pecked away, " look at those hands - huge!! Big and puffy, way too big to help little girls!! How's he gonna help them with paws like that?"
" It will work out fine, " God said, " hands will be big enough to hold all the stuff in their little pockets when they come home, yet big enough to hold their tiny faces in his hands when he wants to kiss them good night. And, I imagine he's going to do that alot."
Yeah, another angel chimed in, but this guy's got no lap, the little girl is gonna fall right thru to the floor. God thought for a second and replied, " sure, but those broad shoulders can lift her up high and carry her all the way home, pull her on a sled through the snow and best of all hold her stead on a bike while she learns how to ride.
When God created fathers, he started with tall frames, I am told, way higher than little kids. And they angel complained..." that's not fair. These little rug rats, so close to the ground, this guy has to stoop so close to play marbles, pick them up, tuck them in, change their diapers, sit and hold them when they cry!! It's just not fair, these guys are BIG!"
And God said, " it'll be alright. It will give his kids someone to look up to. Some they can feel safe with, someone who will come home to each night, knowing Daddy's home. Guys will grow so attached to hearing that."
The angel still pecked away, " look at those hands - huge!! Big and puffy, way too big to help little girls!! How's he gonna help them with paws like that?"
" It will work out fine, " God said, " hands will be big enough to hold all the stuff in their little pockets when they come home, yet big enough to hold their tiny faces in his hands when he wants to kiss them good night. And, I imagine he's going to do that alot."
Yeah, another angel chimed in, but this guy's got no lap, the little girl is gonna fall right thru to the floor. God thought for a second and replied, " sure, but those broad shoulders can lift her up high and carry her all the way home, pull her on a sled through the snow and best of all hold her stead on a bike while she learns how to ride.
The O.K.Corral in Tombstone
I am shocked! I just reviewed their web site and I am horrified. First let me say that I speak from the position of not just a lover of history, west devotee of southwestern history and all things wrapped around the Earp Family and the OK Corral - BUT, I was in the one hundredth anniversary GUNFIGHT AT THE OK CORRAL in the OK Corral on October 26, 1981, dressed as one of the cow boys.
I am a published author and have written and published extensively about that period of time, and about that gunfighter family, and that gunfight. I speak with some experience.
I personally knew and befriended Earp Historian Glenn G Boyer who was not only an author and historian on the subject, but personally knew the family. He knew where Wyatt's guns are. He passed away last year.
I digress. I haven't looked at Tombstone in over three years, and after reviewing the web site today, am shocked.
The OK Corral looks nothing like the original OK Corral. It looks like the OK Garage. Millionaires with no particular mission in life, retired with nothing to do except screw up sacred historical relics.
The web site? Turn your kid lose with a 35 mm SLR auto lens and he's bound to get about the same product, minus any sense of depth, composition or feeling of what the hell he's shooting. For Tombstone, the town to dumb to die, the kid who shot these pictures trying to depict the toughest gunfight of good over evil forever depicted in a huge grocery cart full of movies, books, paintings and such, he might as well been photographing fruit.
Oh, and he mis-spelled Coral. Oh Well. so much for the old worst.
I am a published author and have written and published extensively about that period of time, and about that gunfighter family, and that gunfight. I speak with some experience.
I personally knew and befriended Earp Historian Glenn G Boyer who was not only an author and historian on the subject, but personally knew the family. He knew where Wyatt's guns are. He passed away last year.
I digress. I haven't looked at Tombstone in over three years, and after reviewing the web site today, am shocked.
The OK Corral looks nothing like the original OK Corral. It looks like the OK Garage. Millionaires with no particular mission in life, retired with nothing to do except screw up sacred historical relics.
The web site? Turn your kid lose with a 35 mm SLR auto lens and he's bound to get about the same product, minus any sense of depth, composition or feeling of what the hell he's shooting. For Tombstone, the town to dumb to die, the kid who shot these pictures trying to depict the toughest gunfight of good over evil forever depicted in a huge grocery cart full of movies, books, paintings and such, he might as well been photographing fruit.
Oh, and he mis-spelled Coral. Oh Well. so much for the old worst.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
African Nations -- Starving People -- Our Generosity -- When will it end
It hit me during the Ebola crisis today, how easy it is to spread over there. I heard one African doctor say the worst conditions in America are normal there. Not to beat a dead horse, but why? We and other civilized nations have been pouring people money, food, clothing, missionaries, Oprah Winfrey, comedians, educators into dirt poor African countries for as long as I can remember (73 years) and still as the Bible says, the poor will be with us.
BUT, pictures of DIRT poor Africans haunt our screens of bone weary mothers and children knawing on roots in a dry river bed as they are prey to other savage tribes in the "dark continent" and yet will are still conditioned to pour our aid into such places.
My question: what of their governments? What of the ceaseless foreign aid? How much money does our government give and where does it go? Where is 60 minutes with their prying cameras? I fear OUR present governmental administration may not want too many prying eyes delving that deep into the end of the tracks as far as the foreign aid train goes.
If we are funneling Billion$$ to African Countrie$, how much, how often, to whom and how is it spent? Why are the poor souls still so desperately hungry, run over by their own people, and not taken care of by what appears to be their own corrupt government?
BUT, pictures of DIRT poor Africans haunt our screens of bone weary mothers and children knawing on roots in a dry river bed as they are prey to other savage tribes in the "dark continent" and yet will are still conditioned to pour our aid into such places.
My question: what of their governments? What of the ceaseless foreign aid? How much money does our government give and where does it go? Where is 60 minutes with their prying cameras? I fear OUR present governmental administration may not want too many prying eyes delving that deep into the end of the tracks as far as the foreign aid train goes.
If we are funneling Billion$$ to African Countrie$, how much, how often, to whom and how is it spent? Why are the poor souls still so desperately hungry, run over by their own people, and not taken care of by what appears to be their own corrupt government?
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
American Gun Rights VS. ISIS coming to America - Beware Yon Cassius
So, you think you have a friend in government, do you? Beware the government that fears your guns. Quick reviews of history shows the governments that disarm their citizens will show you who rules in fear and who in freedom. Obama has quietly been moving to quench the supply of guns and ammo into the market but, frustrated by the free market place. Guns sales are still up. Women are the fastest growing market segment for pistols.
As of today, there are more guns than Americans.
The lunatic fringe in ISIS those wonderful folks from the 11th Century have the idea they're coming here to lop off our heads with swords, have not yet learned history from the Japanese.
Fellow Americans: - ARM YOURSELVES. When the minimalist authorities decry our very Constitution, it is up to us to protect home and hearth. The First Amendment protects the Second Amendment, which protects all the rest.
If ISIS, comes here and I believe they will try, then we MAY have to meet them in the streets. If we do, Ferguson, Missouri may be a block party by comparison.
As of today, there are more guns than Americans.
The lunatic fringe in ISIS those wonderful folks from the 11th Century have the idea they're coming here to lop off our heads with swords, have not yet learned history from the Japanese.
Fellow Americans: - ARM YOURSELVES. When the minimalist authorities decry our very Constitution, it is up to us to protect home and hearth. The First Amendment protects the Second Amendment, which protects all the rest.
If ISIS, comes here and I believe they will try, then we MAY have to meet them in the streets. If we do, Ferguson, Missouri may be a block party by comparison.
Friday, August 15, 2014
On the Brink of a Revolt?: He did it --AGAIN!! " No More Boots On The Ground!...
On the Brink of a Revolt?: He did it --AGAIN!! " No More Boots On The Ground!...: We're back in Iraq, Jack, Marines with boots - - - combat boots. Secretary of State, the long distance medal thrower of Viet Nam, John K...
He did it --AGAIN!! " No More Boots On The Ground!! ( 24 hours later - Boots on the ground!!)
We're back in Iraq, Jack, Marines with boots - - - combat boots. Secretary of State, the long distance medal thrower of Viet Nam, John Kerry, looks deeply into the camera lens and drones on - " We will not put boots on the ground in Iraq!"
And, in just a squeegee over a day -, 75, I think they said, no, maybe I50, the transparent Obama administration dithers on the facts these days, such Marines are indeed on the ground back in Iraq protecting something around, in, near, Sinjar. DC hollers that the cops in the stix should be more CLEAR and CONCISE when reporting facts to the public. Hmm, something like Commissioner Mumbles of the IRS in front of Darrel Issa's committee on who stole the cookie jar, I suppose.
Unlike the goings on in Rowdyville Missouri on the shooting just five days ago, tough to discern who hit John. Yes, our head Boy Scout chimed in again, throwing his 3 cents into the melee, offering his " advice to local cops to shape up and be TRANSPARENT to the local community. Transparent.....reminds me of the old Jewish joke about the guy who kills his parents and throws himself on the mercy of the court claiming he is an orphan. Called chutzpah.
As we speak the bad guys murdered 80 men, women, children Iraqui Christians ( THAT I believe) the info, it came from them, not DC.
The Catholics have the pictures on their web-sites. Not for the faint of heart. Lotsa blood.
Babies in Swadling clothes without heads. These beasts are crazy and we are going to have to kill them. Remember, There is a reason the 2nd Amendment is our original Homeland Security. I'm afraid we may need it........and soon if these animals get loose over here.
Stay safe, America. Semper Fe
And, in just a squeegee over a day -, 75, I think they said, no, maybe I50, the transparent Obama administration dithers on the facts these days, such Marines are indeed on the ground back in Iraq protecting something around, in, near, Sinjar. DC hollers that the cops in the stix should be more CLEAR and CONCISE when reporting facts to the public. Hmm, something like Commissioner Mumbles of the IRS in front of Darrel Issa's committee on who stole the cookie jar, I suppose.
Unlike the goings on in Rowdyville Missouri on the shooting just five days ago, tough to discern who hit John. Yes, our head Boy Scout chimed in again, throwing his 3 cents into the melee, offering his " advice to local cops to shape up and be TRANSPARENT to the local community. Transparent.....reminds me of the old Jewish joke about the guy who kills his parents and throws himself on the mercy of the court claiming he is an orphan. Called chutzpah.
As we speak the bad guys murdered 80 men, women, children Iraqui Christians ( THAT I believe) the info, it came from them, not DC.
The Catholics have the pictures on their web-sites. Not for the faint of heart. Lotsa blood.
Babies in Swadling clothes without heads. These beasts are crazy and we are going to have to kill them. Remember, There is a reason the 2nd Amendment is our original Homeland Security. I'm afraid we may need it........and soon if these animals get loose over here.
Stay safe, America. Semper Fe
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
On the Brink of a Revolt?: Overcome with Grief, I feel the Nation is at a Tip...
On the Brink of a Revolt?: Overcome with Grief, I feel the Nation is at a Tip...: Suicides and deaths of famous people have gripped the nation in the last 72 hours. The lightning media saturating our lives with repetition ...
Overcome with Grief, I feel the Nation is at a Tipping Point....
Suicides and deaths of famous people have gripped the nation in the last 72 hours. The lightning media saturating our lives with repetition of the same drum-beat of death and sadness, I feel a hallowed out cry from folks that creek under the groan of pain screaming out sadness from shock and unremitting grief.
Mimic crimes, police shootings, falls from windows, petty thefts, riots and such have broke out all over the nation since Americas beloved comedian decided to end his own life just 72 hours ago. The man made everyone laugh, every ONE of us couldn't wait until he hit the stage, and now it is obvious he was in pain most of his life, living out a private hell of depression, that blazing, painful sword that sits inside of your gut from throat to tail-bone blazing away most days, often so bad, reducing you to a day of pain killers in bed, you head swimming in bad dreams, mother and or your father swimming around your during you marathon sleep-a-thons, till you finally wake up, fresh and ready to go.
There it is, a break - maybe you get a whole two days free and clear, before it's back, bad dreams, ghosts while you're awake, talking to yourself swimming in a fog.
It goes like that. Then your boss wants to see you. " How you feelin? " Oh, alright I suppose, just taking new medication, a little foggy. You do that too often in corporate America, you're walking the street.
Enuf to make you mad, angry, crazy. I wonder if it's going to get worse. Add to it the world worries: America's political situation ( no need to elaborate there), taxes, lousy television fall elections, America's current mood, (ugh), Prices, joblessness, we got all the lost jobs back BUT, personal income dropped 33% (how'd the HELL that happen??
Top it off the Funniest Man in America, maybe the whole damn world- just offed himself. How bad is that?? About 15 years ago I was in San Fran and my buddy drove me around Mr. Williams Sea Cliff estate. WOW!! Sea Cliff it's San Fran's Beverly Hills. Yesterday, they showed the house he lived in where he did the deed. It looked like a boat house. You could have fit it INSIDE a wing of the one I saw 15 years ago. I heard he had money problems. I've been there. And when you do, you gotta do, what you gotta do. I felt so bad for him. I just wanted to Say
Naa-nuu, Naa-Noo.
Mimic crimes, police shootings, falls from windows, petty thefts, riots and such have broke out all over the nation since Americas beloved comedian decided to end his own life just 72 hours ago. The man made everyone laugh, every ONE of us couldn't wait until he hit the stage, and now it is obvious he was in pain most of his life, living out a private hell of depression, that blazing, painful sword that sits inside of your gut from throat to tail-bone blazing away most days, often so bad, reducing you to a day of pain killers in bed, you head swimming in bad dreams, mother and or your father swimming around your during you marathon sleep-a-thons, till you finally wake up, fresh and ready to go.
There it is, a break - maybe you get a whole two days free and clear, before it's back, bad dreams, ghosts while you're awake, talking to yourself swimming in a fog.
It goes like that. Then your boss wants to see you. " How you feelin? " Oh, alright I suppose, just taking new medication, a little foggy. You do that too often in corporate America, you're walking the street.
Enuf to make you mad, angry, crazy. I wonder if it's going to get worse. Add to it the world worries: America's political situation ( no need to elaborate there), taxes, lousy television fall elections, America's current mood, (ugh), Prices, joblessness, we got all the lost jobs back BUT, personal income dropped 33% (how'd the HELL that happen??
Top it off the Funniest Man in America, maybe the whole damn world- just offed himself. How bad is that?? About 15 years ago I was in San Fran and my buddy drove me around Mr. Williams Sea Cliff estate. WOW!! Sea Cliff it's San Fran's Beverly Hills. Yesterday, they showed the house he lived in where he did the deed. It looked like a boat house. You could have fit it INSIDE a wing of the one I saw 15 years ago. I heard he had money problems. I've been there. And when you do, you gotta do, what you gotta do. I felt so bad for him. I just wanted to Say
Naa-nuu, Naa-Noo.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
On the Brink of a Revolt?: Christians in Iraq, BENGHAZI ---CHAPTER 2????
On the Brink of a Revolt?: Christians in Iraq, BENGHAZI ---CHAPTER 2????: Our prez reminds me of an old black and white comedy movie, the husband getting out of bed late in the morning, rushing through breakfast, g...
Christians in Iraq, BENGHAZI ---CHAPTER 2????
Our prez reminds me of an old black and white comedy movie, the husband getting out of bed late in the morning, rushing through breakfast, gulps coffee, the kids, pecks the wife, throws on the coat, out the door and runs for the trolley car which just left.
Here he is, running, brief case in one hand, the other stretched out trying desperately for the rung of the tail end of the trolley, just one snag it, then, he's on.
And here we are with Obama and Iraq. Less than 24 hours before I write this, we had 40,000 Christians hanging, starving off a mountain top in Iraq, Christians whose history goes back before
Abraham and Lot split the sheets and parted ways and began the killing.
These 40,000 were stranded on this mountain top because the baddest of the bad were below, killing anyone who didn't worship their GOD they way they wanted. Yes, bend your knee, the way I do. That's it. Simple as that. They would put to their swords every child, baby, woman, grandmother to death as violently as they could for just that " SIN," as they determined.
Not since the Saracens has it been this bad.
And our prez, as late as yesterday, wasn't quite sure what to do. 40,000 hanging in the balance, huddled in church pews, waiting for water, and rescue. Waiting for cavalry coming over the hill.
Now is the time to save his presidency, don't you think?
Here he is, running, brief case in one hand, the other stretched out trying desperately for the rung of the tail end of the trolley, just one snag it, then, he's on.
And here we are with Obama and Iraq. Less than 24 hours before I write this, we had 40,000 Christians hanging, starving off a mountain top in Iraq, Christians whose history goes back before
Abraham and Lot split the sheets and parted ways and began the killing.
These 40,000 were stranded on this mountain top because the baddest of the bad were below, killing anyone who didn't worship their GOD they way they wanted. Yes, bend your knee, the way I do. That's it. Simple as that. They would put to their swords every child, baby, woman, grandmother to death as violently as they could for just that " SIN," as they determined.
Not since the Saracens has it been this bad.
And our prez, as late as yesterday, wasn't quite sure what to do. 40,000 hanging in the balance, huddled in church pews, waiting for water, and rescue. Waiting for cavalry coming over the hill.
Now is the time to save his presidency, don't you think?
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Nietzsche the dead German philosopher once said, " he who does not remember his history, is condemned to repeat it."
Wise words from a dead German.
Or, as an American (me) is about to say, " here we go again."
Top Guy at the Pentagon Dempsey said recently in a TV interview about the Russkie's amassing a jillion troops on the Russian border next door next door to Ukraine, " looks like they are going in. We haven't seen this since 1939."
That, dear friends was when Adolph unleashed the storm troopers on Poland, free to do 5 years' of god's work: raping women and young girls, bayoneting young babies for drill practice, and shooting old men for rifle targets.
It was the Russians, you may recall, who entered Berlin in 1945 and raped 10,000 helpless German women, their men having fled the city in a panic. None remained, leaving their women alone and helpless to the frothing red soldiers from the east.
Ten thousand rapes and we are told, you could hear the screams all night long. From which, it is written, a thousand women killed themselves by lunch time the next day. This is beyond a civilized society, even a civilized war. Not even 6 million dead in concentration camps, humanity ran amok, crazed peoples mad with vengeance, a blood libel coursing through the streams of all Europe.
It seems that as in Ebola virus, only death will burn it all out, and death it was.
Russia, hoping that all have forgotten the lessons of just 75 years ago, now plunges ahead with Insanity 2.0, either unaware, or unafraid of the repercussions. Certainly unafraid of America, neutered and sidelined by it's CEO, sitting on the sidelines, on the bench, staring out on the field, watching at the plays run, the playings being sacked, wishing for an answer, wondering about the outcome.
" You'll have to give me more time," he told the Russian President in front of a hot mike some time ago, " I'll have more flexibility after the elections."
One wonders now, what he meant.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Obama Deserting Chicago?.....
It would seem so with the down payment, or escrow on his palatial estate high over the Hollywood Hills in scenic far-off, golden Hollywood, California.
Scant television coverage ( gee, I wonder why?) has given the peasants inside views of the compound ( yes, "compound, multi-buildings atop this hill-top spread just like the Kennedy's on the east coast), which reportedly cost over millions.
Sorry, can't quote exact figures, don't have them, but Hollywood press has them, IF THEY DARE report them. Lame-stream press says he's most 'comfortable' amongst the glitterati since most of them got him there with their soft-core porn movies featuring their jelly-like gooey adoration in substance if not style - see Jamie in White House Down. His after party rap, stage performance featured him screaming, " let's hear it folks for Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Barack Obama!!"
For some unknown reason, the prez, never silent on anything except gunfire in his hometown Chicago, has chosen to announce his leaving Chi-town post 2016 for the vaunted silver be-decked hills of Champagne City and the marble columned halls of whomever paid for it, but gone he will be.
Rahm E will be left to pick up the bodies, sweep up the blood and handle the criticism, BHO, sipping the bubbly, watching gunfights from CNN that far away, wishing him the very best.
I feel your pain, too, Rahm.
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