Tuesday, July 29, 2014


On the Brink of a Revolt?: NEW ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT HEADS IN WASHINGTON: Tucson: We the people, in order to form a more perfect government, have met at a local cafe and voted to establish a choice of new departmen...


Tucson: We the people, in order to form a more perfect government, have met at a local cafe and voted to establish a choice of new department heads for the current administration since they seem incapable of collectively coordinating lunchtime.

Sec'y of Treasury..............Jamie Dimon (after all, he knows where all the money is.)
Sec'y of Defense...............Ray Donovan (no one, NO ONE will mess with him, and he gives orders NO ONE will disobey)
Sec'y of HHS...................Dr. Greg House (doesn't follow the rules and gets things done FAST. Works w/out supervision)
Sec'y Homeland Security........Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Maricopa County Sheriff Arizona (Now there is a no-nonsense get 'er done lawman from the old west. 
US Border Patrol Chief.........Sheriff Babaeu, Coconino County, Arizona County Sheriff. ( first in war against the cartels, first for peace for his citizens, first against BS against the Illegal aliens.)
    Further announcements forthcoming from the committee of eleven 11.

Monday, July 28, 2014

On the Brink of a Revolt?: On My Mind --- July 2014

On the Brink of a Revolt?: On My Mind --- July 2014: There are so many things going wrong in this country, it's hard to know where to begin. If you asked me ten years ago could I ever imagi...

On My Mind --- July 2014

There are so many things going wrong in this country, it's hard to know where to begin. If you asked me ten years ago could I ever imagine affairs of America being this bad ever, I would have thought you were writing a poor novel. Yet, here we are.

  • The IRS is both spying and lying about it, and doing a lousy job at both. Your kid is stealing cookies, you catch him, and say where are they. He denies it, you can't find it, yet, there is chocolate all over his hands. Lying. On the other hands, he is charged with taxing every one, all the time, no questions asked, and we KNOW HE CHEATS. "Nope, wrong on all counts," he says. "Didn't do it." 
  • The NSA ARE spies and they are spying on US. By law, that's forbidden, but when has a law stopped anybody from breaking it? "NOPE, not us." Facts prove otherwise, the top guys before Congress lie through their teeth. More later.
  • Our chief enemy Russia is beefing up it's Air Force, our President, is emasculating ours. He has removed all tank from Europe - all of them. He has fired all Army Generals that have disagreed with him and replaced them with Reddi Whip officers. 
  • Open Borders on the southern end of America are now a reality, and we now know what it feels like to "let them in." And it feels like a swamp of diseased kids, women and gangs from Central America, MS13. I am reminded of the Mariel Boat lift from Cuba where Castro emptied his prisons put them on boats, sent them here and within months, they were in our prisons - the most violent criminals ever. Looks like this is going to be round #2.
  • Meanwhile, our president seeks the cover of darkness through all this, hits Air Force One and Fund Raise Chicken Dinners, anything, really, other than running the country. 
  • On the positive side, hand gun and long rifle sales are at an old time high in America, despite the Obama Administration's attempts at curbing it. At last count, there are more firearms in America than there are Americans.
  • ###

Monday, July 21, 2014

On the Brink of a Revolt?: TRUSTING RUSSIA? ( with my bicycle.......maybe)

On the Brink of a Revolt?: TRUSTING RUSSIA? ( with my bicycle.......maybe): When I was an elementary school near our Mexican Border (on the American side), I used to teach a simple concept to the Spanish kids who wer...

TRUSTING RUSSIA? ( with my bicycle.......maybe)

When I was an elementary school near our Mexican Border (on the American side), I used to teach a simple concept to the Spanish kids who were "Mexican," and wanted to speak Spanish in an American class room.
     " This is a great country we live in, " I would extol, pointing a hundred yards south of our school at the metal fence, beyond which was the prairie of Mexico. Occasionally, one could say an illegal alien crawling over it, fleeing INTO to the US.
    I would make the point that, " you can always tell the greatness of a country BY THE WILLINGNESS OF ANY PEOPLES OF THE WORLD TO GET INTO OUR COUNTRY, not by their willingness to get out."
    It was not lost on them. Then we would study about countries that would rule their people with armed border guards, those that would kill their citizens who did try to leave, or talk back, or cross chalk lines in pavements, or try to vote, or not vote, or vote for people NOT approved by the dictator in control.
    Like Russia, for instance. Those wonderful folks who executed over 22,000 helpless Polish Army officers in the Katyn forests in WWII. Methodically shooting each one in the back of the head, then lying, blaming it on the Germans, no saints, themselves. That was a real race to the finish for the award for demonic hell awaiting either nation.
    Joe Stalin, it is said, killed 25 million of his own. German like efficiency struck home when to save bullets, he strapped two heads together and blew one bullet through them both. One shot, two dead. Adolph would have been proud. About 25 million of his own countrymen died, and women, and children, and old people. And that in a country that boasts the oldest in the world - 125 years old in one section where they only eat yogurt. Killed them, anyway.
    Joe invented the NKVD, secret police, Lubvenka, the HQ where countless went to die, quietly, a real slaughter house, the roach motel where the trench coat crowd honed their skills at dismembering the faithless towards the anti-Joe Stalin movement.
    Flesh-forward to the modern day movement, the KGB, same story, now " white washed " in and out of existence and we have Vladmir Putin, the new top-dog in Russia. He's the new growly top-dog in charge in Russia. He thinks he's in charge. He's got our guy cowed.
    So far, he's eaten Ukraine, Crimea, and he thirsts for the old Soviet Union, but methinks he is heading for major screw ups as big and as bad as his protege, Herr Obama on this side of the Atlantic.

Friday, July 18, 2014

" Manhood" - Explained

If you can keep your head, when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it - on you.
If you can trust yourself, when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting, too.

If you can wait..and not be tired by waiting, or be lied about, and yet don't deal in lies. Or, being hated, don't give way to hating, and yet, don't look
k too good, or talk too wise.

If you can dream, and not make dreams your master, if you can think and not make thoughts your aim.
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two imposter's just the same.

If you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it all on one turn of pitch & toss, and lose...and start again at our beginnings and NEVER breath a word about your loss.

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after they are gone and so hold on when thee is nothing left within you except the WILL which says, " HOLD ON."

If you can talk with crowd and keep your virtue, or walk with Kings, nor lose the common touch, if neigher foes nor loving friends can hurt you.

If all men count with you, but none too much. If you can fill the unforgiving minute with 60 seconds worth of distance run, yours is the earth and everything that's in it, and what is more, You'll be a man, my son.

Rudyard Kipling......1905
And, for me, what counts more, is having traveled that road.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

On the Brink of a Revolt?: The Kids are Right - VOTE THEM OUT

On the Brink of a Revolt?: The Kids are Right - VOTE THEM OUT: In the "meet n greet" land around town and the telephone/Internet nation, I have detected a collapse of energy in the force field ...

The Kids are Right - VOTE THEM OUT

In the "meet n greet" land around town and the telephone/Internet nation, I have detected a collapse of energy in the force field of political life of my friends here in America. 
     They have had it. Switched off, tired - they are burned out. 
      As a example, I was in Hobby Lobby a couple of days ago, whizzing about the store, closing in on a plethora of goodies, when my wife and I got into a discussion about a certain item. We asked the store clerk about it and got a so-so answer. As I walked away, said I to my wife, " I don't believe her, " and a passer- by caught the comment on the fly, who said in retort, " and I wouldn't believe the government, either." 
     On the fly, mind you, and she was serious. THAT got us into a mid-store discussion. Just that morning, my best friend in Orlando (on a long distance call) and I had talked about the same thing. He, of the political burned out class, " I HATE all this crap, because ' I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. 
    " We are watching the country go to the dogs, and there isn't a damn thing I can do to change ANYTHING" he growled to me. And I reflected same to the woman my wife and I collared in the store. 
    She took off on the same subject. " We had a prayer meeting in church last night about it, " she said. Their attitude? They felt so helpless, "No one is listening: Senators, Congresspeople, no one. We send letters, all we get back IS FORM LETTERS. 'Thank you very much for expressing your concerns.....'
    " No one is listening to us, " she said. " For the first time ever, I think the kids are right. We should vote them all out of office and start over. Somebody has to listen to us."

Monday, July 14, 2014

On the Brink of a Revolt?: The Mysterious Bo Berghdahl

On the Brink of a Revolt?: The Mysterious Bo Berghdahl: Ok, I'm stumped. Contrary to our current " transparent " administration, which we all know is NOT, ( PS, I am), Bo, the desert...

The Mysterious Bo Berghdahl

Ok, I'm stumped. Contrary to our current " transparent " administration, which we all know is NOT, ( PS, I am), Bo, the deserter, run-away, kidnapped (?) whatever has been found, fed, fotogenicked and freed all within - what? 6 weeks?ah, the Taliban, those folks who liked to shoot women in the head with rifles in sports stadiums, we got to watch it on TV some years back on, I believe it was 60 Minutes.
      Berghdahl had a rap against him built in the media that seemed iron clad. E-mails, letters home, his squad mates testimonies that they would testify AGAINST him for desertion in a New York minute, he having put their lives in danger by walking away from his post.
      Circumstances of his "Missing in Action," still not fully explained. The question about that - do you think we will ever hear all the details??
      I think we will about the same time we get the full skinny on the IRS document dump from Lois Lerner, the full story from Clapper (Not Whittingly!!), and Hillary knowingly burps up the truth why she arbitrarily cancelled the security at Benghazi. Never mind about Obama taking a snooze when I guys were Oozied that night on the embassy roof. He's never going to tell us.
      All the e/mails tying him into the " mind-set of radical-Muslims?
      I don't know about you, but I read everything, watch cable news - all of it - research my brains out and I have heard nothing on this guy - zero, zip, blank. News black out.
      Now, today, he's on active duty, desk job they say.........DESK JOB?? This is NOT your father's US Army. Just that short while ago, they were talking about court martial, Leavenworth, firing squads, everything short of Dry Tortuga's.
      Now, a desk job is in his future.
      It's funny ( strange, not laughable as in weird) what the famous " Pen and a Phone " can do when it wants to ) It can't come up with a budget in five years, but it can quote $3.7 Billion bucks for 100,000 " refugees" on our leaky borders down south on a moments notice. Where in hell did THAT figure come from??
      I forgot, the transparency doesn't go that deep.........never mind.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

On the Brink of a Revolt?: the Prez wants $ 3.7 BILLION for what?......I don'...

On the Brink of a Revolt?: the Prez wants $ 3.7 BILLION for what?......I don'...:      Sorry...I just don't. Where in hell did he pull that number from? He gives one speech, one, ONE!! And he says, I want  3.7 Billion...

the Prez wants $ 3.7 BILLION for what?......I don't trust him.....

     Sorry...I just don't. Where in hell did he pull that number from? He gives one speech, one, ONE!! And he says, I want 
3.7 Billion for these (you fill in the catch phrase for these catch and release aliens of the day pouring over OUR borders from the south).
     You tell me: - Illegal aliens? Undocumented Democrats? Transient refugees? In loco parentis? MS 13? I don't know, the Obama administrations spin doctors are spinning so fast the language changes moment by moment, they can't get the talking points down to the border fast enough to the border guards so DC and AZ, Texas and CA are all singing off the same Hymnal at the same time.
     There's a guy working for Obama floating around I feel so sorry for - Jeh Johnson, one moment he's been in DC using one set of terms, next thing I saw, he was down here in Nogales, hustling his rear end off, using another set of adjectives and adverbs, sweating like a road runner. 
     He was really trying to get with the game, shipping people around as fast as he could. Last I caught him, the 
ah,....(latest leftward term was ' REFUGEES') were being unrefugeed, according to ole Jeh, and shipped back. 
     He says.
     The Border Patrol is still 15 miles in, whomever is down there is diapering the kids, news clamps down, local tv, radio blackouts are rife, it would make the Third Reich proud, we now don't know anything. Local outlets don't seem to complain much, just take it and grin. 
    " Investigative Reporting " a'la Watergate is a dead n' gone issue. Great movie, dead history. Third hand reports from the Mexican border just 60 miles away is the kids are coming inside the border with diseases none of us have seen in America in 40 years or more, and they will soon blend into our schools, hospitals, n such.  The question now remains - who else is sneaking through our southern border, among the top five countries is China. Who else?
    Enjoy your summers, they should be in ALL our neighborhoods soon. That's the CHANGE you voted for.

Friday, July 11, 2014

She's Got Lois Lerner Eyes...........

The "Late" Lois Lerner of the IRS, with those come hither eyes of hers reminds me of the late Betty Davis.  Now, Voyager, listen up - the ongoing scandal involving IRS bad guys and girls now heating up ( then, there are Border Wars) that shoot all kinds of thrills up my leg. 
     Fer instance, bad memories of .........(Watergate!!) shh! You'll wake Bob Woodstein. Oh, I forget, he only topples Republican Presidents. My sneaking suspicion is this thing will develop into the Prez's own Watergate as this spaghetti unrolls as Congressman Issa continues to probe, and the Federal Judge finally does something about it.
     For the first time since the WH pustule got lanced, this morning, I heard one word that was new to the discussions: JAIL. And, it involved pretty eyes Lerner. She had better cough up email city or else a Federal (hangin') Judge mentioned the word - J A I L. No kidding.
     My mind hearkened back to unraveling of the Democratic feeding frenzy known as Watergate. Hereto is the same, IN MY OPINION situation:
  • Prez want $3 Billion for border fix. WHERE did that come from? One Senator said he could do it for $30 Million. He couldn't pull a budget out of Congress in 5 years, but 3/7 billion came up within hours? Wow!!
  • TV news reports that gov't studies say various departments erroneously gave away $100 billion to... "who knows"? Dead people, criminals, etc. The list of erroneous recipients is pending. What gives?
  • NSA still spying on us?
  • Over 80% of US identify as Christian. Israel is under attack and the Prez ignores all and shoots pool. Please explain........now.
  • 40 News organizations just told the WH "you stink." We caught that, and BTW, over 70% of us agree. Any comments or are you out playing golf?
I don't want to bore anyone with the list of phony scandals, but if you could spare the time to pick up your " PHONE" and clean some of them up, we all would appreciate it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

On the Brink of a Revolt?: Impeachment...........that's pretty serious stuff

On the Brink of a Revolt?: Impeachment...........that's pretty serious stuff: So, former Governor Sarah Palin has finally said the "I" word, and as Chris Christy is famous for her incantation, " No light...

Impeachment...........that's pretty serious stuff

So, former Governor Sarah Palin has finally said the "I" word, and as Chris Christy is famous for her incantation, " No lightning came flying through the window and killed her."
     So, let's talk. Going through the steps of what it takes, we're going to hear a lot from ' LAWYERS' both for and against, a lot of palaver that is tilted both ways. I tend to distrust both chatter. Sitting on juries over my 74 years, learning from judges to trust " just the facts, mam, just the facts, " that's what I earnestly try to do.
      Stack one on the other, like building a wall, eventually, you've got what you need. Recently, I was exposed to a simpler premise. The oath of office the prez took when assuming his lofty perch.
      " To preserve, protect and defend the United States of America." In my mind, in my opinion, just since his re-election, the current president has failed miserably at all three, and in some cases deliberately back tracked or ignored his Constitutional duties on just those responsibilities inherent on that one sentence.
      And, to this simple mind, that justifies removal from office.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Assassination - in the Media

Call it for what it is - Character Assassination. It has already started. When McCain and Palin ran for the front two chairs back when, the dark horse troops pulled every dirty trick out of the bag they thought they could get away with and did.
     They pulled a few good ones, that were atrocious that, based on the fact he was black, he knew he couldn't ordinarily get away with and - surprise. He did.
     Suppose you're white, and the guy you're debating is black, and suddenly, he calls out 0 YOU RACIST PIG.  What are you going to say? Don't now about you, but I'm outta snappy come backs. POTUS isn't, but I am. Whitey here isn't trained in race warfare, the other guy should have a gun in his hand, not a nasty word. ....don't know.
     Palin has been flying around, speeches n such, and now the slightly left of Lenin media have been making jabs a her and publishing pics of her over captions serious about her running again. ONLY the pics show her sucking on a McSlurpie N straw. Not so serious, me thinks. Character assassination.
     I wonder how much money Tiny McFey got paid for those Palin walk ons during that campaign where she tried to make a fool out of Palin? She dressed up to look just like her. PS, Palin NEVER said, " You can see Russia from my house, BTW, but what the hell, alll's fair when you've got a political agenda, right?
     Ask Barry Goldwater in 64, Johnson did a " fragging " on him. Some Viet Nam vets know what Fragging is, where you throw a grenade into the john when your hated officer is busy on the toilet and you blow him up and murder him because he made you follow orders you didn't like.
     You "fragged "  Palin, right? The problem with shooting your mouth off is you NEVER have to say Vis-a-Vis: " Oh Yeah? Well,she a pussy, dumb ass conservative, she s got money and a husband with a gun. What does SHE have to worry bout? " I liked that one on Twitter. Or " Dumb-ass b&^#$%) d'ere's nuttin under that pretty hair of hers)"
anything note worth. No brains are involved, no intelligence gets used.
I thought it interesting that Clyde like her hair, though. You get the idea. Never any substantive thought coming back over the " transom.." Ah, Democrats"

AMERICA - Why we first came here

There is a joke among native born white Americans, it goes something like this, " I was born in a log cabin in the woods, which I helped to build." '
    End of joke.
    It grows from an old joke about Lincoln: "Lincoln was born......." you get the drift. As I progress into the middle of my 70th decade, this country grows further away from everything that I was taught and learned about it's great self. The old0timers like me, have to fight, sometimes our own selves to hang on to what the core feelings about what we are. Mersy own background: French, Dutch, German, English, Irish. There, you have it. Others, all different. Religions, Geez - you name it, and that's the best thing about us, I think. Run the fone directory, longest listing next to plumbers, everything from American Zulu Baptists to Zimba Cymbal Worshippers and everything in between. Whatever floats your boat. Come one, come all. At my church, we have an interesting array of colors depending on the tribes of Africa and India left side of pews, first 10 rows.
    And, businesses? That's another reason people come here. Freedom to do what they want. Remember the MARIEL boat races out of Cuba. Newspaper headlines once said, " Castro send us his worst." (Maybe) He also send us the brothers who make fine watches. They opened in New York, now they run ads in the Wall Street Journal for wrist watches that sell for $2500. Thanks Fidel.
    I'd like to believe we still are the land of the free and the home of the brave. As of July, 2014, I am sure that the core of that feeling rests with American Military. The country's heart stands behind our men and women in Uniform, there warm feelings of our people rest.
    The true nature of the current president has surfaced, his disapproval ratings, now apparent to all in the country, have shown that the mid-term elections will carry us through the last two years, of his term, washed clean of the Socialist mindset he has bent the will of the country onto and maybe, just maybe, we can right the mainsail and clear sail into port. God willing. I fear for this country today.
    I fear for the truth that will come out once the current president has vacated 1600 Avenue and we see the truth of his infidelity, starting with his left handed salute, bowing to a Saudi, Muslim Prince, and God knows what else.

    God save and protect our country.