I was washing dishes yesterday my wife is sick, and thinking about hum-drum things as I often do, this is what LIFE as I know it is really like.
Having written and published scores of pieces about Wyatt Earp and the OK Corral, it occurred to me his life was punctuated by a dozen dramatic events lasting just minutes but in reality he drifted languorously through 89 years or so of monotonous periods of average time. Just like me.
Everybody knows he refereed the Sharkey Fitzsimmons fight in San Francisco for a long count. The public raised cain about it. He was carring one of his old .45 single six pistols that night. The police
He washed dishes, shooed his horses, ironed clothes, bought groceries, entertained the neighborhoods kids, had a drink (never two) at the local bistro, a night out with the Mrs, in short - lived a life. At one point, late in life, he and Sadie lived in San Francisco around 1906 during the San Francisco earthquake. Records indicate he used to sit in the square in front of that famous hotel and entertain the children that played in the park, Union Square. Wyatt would hand out little Chicklet boxes you remember the ones with two chicklets in each box. He carried handfulls of them every day. The kids called him the " Chicklet Man" and when he was out, he would settle down to read his paper each morning.
I thought to share some inside information I knew thanks to my knowledge and friendship with Glenn G Boyer, Colonel, United States Air Force, and inside historian on the " Earp Boys of Tombstone."
Wyatt was the ringleader, although not the oldest. He ws the roughest, toughest of the bunch. He married or lived with some tough women, one was a call girl. He was, as my grandfather used to phrase - not well liked - by the female side of the family. Once in Tombstone someone came to his home shouting and screaming for him, and he hid behind the kitchen door for 45 minutes while another Earp wife argued with the caller knowing Wyatt was sweating his ears off behind the door. The intruder left, Wyatt collapsed into a chair and the family laughed at the joke.
Wyatt and Ike Clanton chatted it up in the garden behind the Golden Nugget Saloon one afternoon right before the stage hold-up. Witnesses thought it was collusion, later proved innocent. Wyatt arrested Ike to prove a point.
Only two people ever frightened Earp: his first wife drunk with a pistol, and the second was one gunman back in Dodge, who, when he walked into the saloon, Wyatt sat with his back against the wall with his Colt cradled on his lap.
No matter what you hear or see, Wyatt Earp always carried Colts. Winchesters had to be broken apart on the top to re-load. When he cracked guys on the head, that had a tendency to weaken the toggle that snapped the parts of the pistol and eventually, it would break. The Colt single action is one piece - a solid piece of steel.
Since he was known for cracking guys on the head more than shooting them, that's why he preferred Colt pistols. The longer the barrel, the better. His favorite was " My Little Betsy."
He married a Jewish dance hall girl who he chased all over the west and caught up with in Denver. She was beautiful. Josephine Sarah Marcus daughter of a wealthy San Francisco Mercantile merchant. Earp was broke. Later, he gained some funds racing horses, buying an dwelling real estate, and various other ventures. He lusted after Gold Mining and came back to western Arizona for a while. Sadie followed him everywhere.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
I am exhausted listening to the feckless mayor of New York trying to talk his way out of the toilet he has dropped himself into with his Police Department. His big mouth and butt-buddy, left wing relationship with the race-baiter "Rev" Al Sharpton has gotten him into more trouble with his small army of Elite Police Department.
His far left wing comments about his own cops threw them " under the bus" over a recent death of a large black man in New York, video tapping broadcast far and wide, the take=down done by five cops, overseen by an on scene black sergeant.
The left wing press in New York raged, the public, police hating crowds raged, DeBlasio never one to pass up a crisis followed along after the crowds waving his verbal hate speech at his own law enforcement establishment.
As I write, he babbles forth on live TV, trying to repair what is now known as a national catastrophe of gargantuan proportions, his own troops turning their backs on him as he marches into the NY Police Athletic League. Methinks he has alot of 'splainin to do.
DeBlasio, long on words, short on meat, wanders the verbal landscape, searching for hard ground, finally stepping on emotional rocks which he delivers with the impact of pebbles. It is impossible to tell the length and breadth of the damage this incident has done to hizzoner.
Slow, low applause. Chief Bratton, a Boston Brahman, stands by his side, reaps the adoration of his own troops, everyone knows it, he Dutch Uncles the Mayor, you screwed up sir. Polite, applause, Mayor exists, lesson learned? I don't think so. Bratton goes on the mic to extol his own and received the rave reviews from the troops. All is well from the hands on deck.
So far.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Monday, December 15, 2014
The Fathers in our Lives
The Hollywood version of fatherhood has always been glamorous, kind of dashing, hard working, Father-know-best.
No...maybe that's the TV version. I remember Robert Young like that, or other TV actors playing Dad, even the bumbling Ozzie of Ozzie and Harriet fame. When Oz stumbled out of the fog to step up to his sons when they needed some guidance, Oz cleared his head offered his best, hands in his pockets, maybe an arm wave, " Gee, guys, maybe
I watched those shows. I listened to the Dads, My three sons with Fred MacMurry, listened to him, and others. I wanted to know how to act, walk, talk, think like a man.
I wasn't getting it at home. My father was never there. He wasn't there WHEN HE WAS THERE. He was busy, busy, busy with the Atlantic Refining company, or the Atlantic Refining bowling league 4 nights a week, or the Redfield Street Card Club, or the US Coast Guard Reserve Officer Temporary Squadron 4 times a month.
My mother raised me. She did a wonderful job, more about that later.
The importance of fathers on the job being fathers is the keystone of a family. The effect on me, and the AFFECT on me is felt to this day. Large pieces of what should have been me are missing and I know it. I hate sports and I made up for it in other, strange ways. We never had a good relationship, never close, often antagonistic. He once attacked me with a golf iron. His passion for sports was re-directed towards my sister.
Any semblance of normalcy in the family relationship was skewed from childhood on. My father's desire to be close to his children was never there. My sister and I suffered a deprivation until his death, then neither of us felt any great loss after his departure. That in itself was a great loss.
My emotional balance had been effected by all this turmoil from my early adulthood through most of my life, at the loss of a firm foundation that a relationship with my father could have provided.
I would encourage others to explore what ever counseling, psychiatric intervention into a bruised family relationship exists in repairing this problem before any further damage continues for the same of everyone involved.
No...maybe that's the TV version. I remember Robert Young like that, or other TV actors playing Dad, even the bumbling Ozzie of Ozzie and Harriet fame. When Oz stumbled out of the fog to step up to his sons when they needed some guidance, Oz cleared his head offered his best, hands in his pockets, maybe an arm wave, " Gee, guys, maybe
I watched those shows. I listened to the Dads, My three sons with Fred MacMurry, listened to him, and others. I wanted to know how to act, walk, talk, think like a man.
I wasn't getting it at home. My father was never there. He wasn't there WHEN HE WAS THERE. He was busy, busy, busy with the Atlantic Refining company, or the Atlantic Refining bowling league 4 nights a week, or the Redfield Street Card Club, or the US Coast Guard Reserve Officer Temporary Squadron 4 times a month.
My mother raised me. She did a wonderful job, more about that later.
The importance of fathers on the job being fathers is the keystone of a family. The effect on me, and the AFFECT on me is felt to this day. Large pieces of what should have been me are missing and I know it. I hate sports and I made up for it in other, strange ways. We never had a good relationship, never close, often antagonistic. He once attacked me with a golf iron. His passion for sports was re-directed towards my sister.
Any semblance of normalcy in the family relationship was skewed from childhood on. My father's desire to be close to his children was never there. My sister and I suffered a deprivation until his death, then neither of us felt any great loss after his departure. That in itself was a great loss.
My emotional balance had been effected by all this turmoil from my early adulthood through most of my life, at the loss of a firm foundation that a relationship with my father could have provided.
I would encourage others to explore what ever counseling, psychiatric intervention into a bruised family relationship exists in repairing this problem before any further damage continues for the same of everyone involved.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Fox News - Happening Now - 12/02/14
" The reality the American people have got to come to grips with is that most young black men, when they cross paths with their local police departments, they will more than likely be shot and killed."
Thus spake an attorney and Fox News Contributor on Gretchen Carlson's " Happening Now" program not twenty minutes ago as a back drop on the continuing Ferguson debate. The attorney who is white unloaded on the ex-policeman from the town, now without a job, wife on maternity leave, both under threats on their lives for him doing his job.
All evidence to the contrary, ( 93 % of black killings are done by black people) the Fox contributor continues to propagate the falsehood since debunked in the Grand Jury debate and judgement FOR the defendant.
To all those losers in the Ethernet who continue to label Fox News - Faux News, this is a sterling example of ' FAIR AND BALANCED, ' as this person has witnessed. And as the WITLESS out on the net can gather, Fox should be a perfect place to gather BOTH SIDES OF ANY QUESTION.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
I've heard all the ta$k, listened to all the chest beating, absorbed all the phony histrionics from the far left cable tv news reports to the far right.
Done it all. I am a reasonable, intelligent, college graduate.
Got it.
My first presidential vote was for Jack Kennedy....actually got to shake his hand once when he hit Philadelphia, heard him say, Belker and Strelker - the two Russian monkeys. Then I got to meet Nixon, when he toured Philadelphia, and his lovely wife Pat. Nice couple.
In later years, I lucked out with a personal handshake with Presidents Johnson, Ford, vice president Al, I invented the Internet Gore and a few others. All very nice people
My last touch was Slick Willie at the Radisson Hotel in Denver.
Lotsa talk. now. I avoid watching any of it.
Here's my solution - watch something else, and send a letter to everyone saying what I do, " Oh yeah? Well, what are you going to do about it RIGHT NOW?" What can be done, besides talk? What actions are you ready to take to FIX the problem?"
That's it. Check this, all of this malarkey is just talk, no one is telling us WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO TO FIX IT.
Done it all. I am a reasonable, intelligent, college graduate.
Got it.
My first presidential vote was for Jack Kennedy....actually got to shake his hand once when he hit Philadelphia, heard him say, Belker and Strelker - the two Russian monkeys. Then I got to meet Nixon, when he toured Philadelphia, and his lovely wife Pat. Nice couple.
In later years, I lucked out with a personal handshake with Presidents Johnson, Ford, vice president Al, I invented the Internet Gore and a few others. All very nice people
My last touch was Slick Willie at the Radisson Hotel in Denver.
Lotsa talk. now. I avoid watching any of it.
Here's my solution - watch something else, and send a letter to everyone saying what I do, " Oh yeah? Well, what are you going to do about it RIGHT NOW?" What can be done, besides talk? What actions are you ready to take to FIX the problem?"
That's it. Check this, all of this malarkey is just talk, no one is telling us WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO TO FIX IT.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Ferguson----Lack of Leadership
Whatever happens, whatever catastrophe befalls that community, the fault is on the leadership of the president of the United States of America, the Attorney General, the Reverend Al Sharpton, the Governor of Missouri and the Mayor of St Louis and of Ferguson itself.
These are the leaders who are cowardly, politically craven and without morality that have shirked their duties as people with conscience to stand up to do as Spike Lee once said, " The Right Thing. "
Ferguson is not about race. It is about fairness, human character, Biblical equality of loving each other as one loves themselves.
Or, as H L Mencken the noted author, and Baltimore newsman once said, " every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under. "
Like now.
These are the leaders who are cowardly, politically craven and without morality that have shirked their duties as people with conscience to stand up to do as Spike Lee once said, " The Right Thing. "
Ferguson is not about race. It is about fairness, human character, Biblical equality of loving each other as one loves themselves.
Or, as H L Mencken the noted author, and Baltimore newsman once said, " every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under. "
Like now.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
WHAT'S UP WITH THAT? NEWS FLASH,THE SIXTIES ARE OVER!!~ I talked to a fifty year old school teacher in Yuma (town has a rep for drop out, burned out hippies) who looks like he just rolled outta bed in 1968.
I asked him about the anti-war posters in his classroom long grey pony tail, anti-war shit around the room. ' like DUDE wassup w/that? You know, the war is like erah, OVER.'
And he says after a long stare, " I guess I never grew up."
Get the message? GET THE FRIGGIN' MESSAGE??
I asked him about the anti-war posters in his classroom long grey pony tail, anti-war shit around the room. ' like DUDE wassup w/that? You know, the war is like erah, OVER.'
And he says after a long stare, " I guess I never grew up."
Get the message? GET THE FRIGGIN' MESSAGE??
......things people tell me......death of a belly gunner
Charley Wilson, fairm guy, loved getting his dirty back in Iowa, doesn't remember how he got to Tucson, but here he landed, so to speak.
They built B-17s here for a while, he got so fascinated with what became the largest airplane he ever saw, he wanted to fly in one, so, he dropped his wrench, got to know one of the test pilots, bought a few drinks at the local airport bar and hitched a test ride. He was a short five feet, 2 inches tell, ideal for a ball turret gunner position.
The rest as he puts it was history. Wilson enlisted in 41, asked the Army Air Corps if they had a spot on one of the 17's for him and they asked why he was so hot for a seat.
" Cause I built them," he replied. They figured since he was that close to the rivets, it would be a good fit for the plane, him, the pilot and crew, let alone the country.
12 weeks of training later, Texas, Wichita and back east, he found his crew and airplane, Sassy Lady, headed out over the pond towards Ireland, first stop. None of the ten man crew had ever been on that side of the Atlantic, so Ireland and their base in England was a hell of an adjustment.
Refueled in Ireland, land in East Anglia, England, settle in with the bomb squadron, in a week, they began their European raids Wilson had to survive 30 missions to earn the right to go home. He survived being shot down twice and escaped capture. Wounded twice by flak and aircraft gunfire, and once, the only crew to survive other than the pilot who landed his airplane with only one engine working out of 4.
Charley Wilson was lucky. He had one chance in three of completing the required 30 missions and he did it. Lucky for a ball turret gunner.
He died at the age of 91 in a car crash last weekend. Killed by a drunk driver. One of our heroes, killed by Bourbon.
They built B-17s here for a while, he got so fascinated with what became the largest airplane he ever saw, he wanted to fly in one, so, he dropped his wrench, got to know one of the test pilots, bought a few drinks at the local airport bar and hitched a test ride. He was a short five feet, 2 inches tell, ideal for a ball turret gunner position.
The rest as he puts it was history. Wilson enlisted in 41, asked the Army Air Corps if they had a spot on one of the 17's for him and they asked why he was so hot for a seat.
" Cause I built them," he replied. They figured since he was that close to the rivets, it would be a good fit for the plane, him, the pilot and crew, let alone the country.
12 weeks of training later, Texas, Wichita and back east, he found his crew and airplane, Sassy Lady, headed out over the pond towards Ireland, first stop. None of the ten man crew had ever been on that side of the Atlantic, so Ireland and their base in England was a hell of an adjustment.
Refueled in Ireland, land in East Anglia, England, settle in with the bomb squadron, in a week, they began their European raids Wilson had to survive 30 missions to earn the right to go home. He survived being shot down twice and escaped capture. Wounded twice by flak and aircraft gunfire, and once, the only crew to survive other than the pilot who landed his airplane with only one engine working out of 4.
Charley Wilson was lucky. He had one chance in three of completing the required 30 missions and he did it. Lucky for a ball turret gunner.
He died at the age of 91 in a car crash last weekend. Killed by a drunk driver. One of our heroes, killed by Bourbon.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Doc Holliday - Doctor John Henry Holliday - Frontier Gunman
Famous for his frontier gunfight with the Earp party in the OK Corral in Tombstone, many do not know much about the Confederate Dentist before the famous gunfight.
Folklore has the Georgia native schooling at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. Not true. Grab pen and paper folks - here's the lowdown. Doc Holliday got his book learnin' at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia at the School of Dental Medicine located at 4001 Spruce Street in west Philadelphia 19104.
Myownself graduated from Penn's Wharton School and unknowingly passed by that very same original building numerous times not knowing it's western history. It still stands and is now a library.
A call to the head librarian will most likely give you some background on Holiday's residency there. Doc was the oldest son of a Confederate Colonel from Valdosta, Georgia, stricken with a debilitating lung disease, that part of history, very true. The liquor bad for him, the sunny, dry air of the southwestern US was perfect for his weak lungs.
Tucson had been a haven for " lungers" back in the day,one of the original hospitals - St Mary's - still operates on the western edge of the city. Some say Holliday was an occasional visitor. He certainly was in downtown Tucson's gambling and bordello haunts.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
This week's movie reviews just came out with the opening night's statistics for Friday and Saturday night's gate sales.
Always interesting to the Hollywood producers, directors, stars, and the money men who back the weird stuff that hits the nations' screens. e m
What with our own beloved Professor Gruber running around calling all of us Americans stupid I thought it would be instructive to review the gate on this weekend's take on " the movies."
Since the good professor Gruber sees us all as a low-fore headed crowd of dolts, we note that the lead movie in revenue is Dumb and dumber, to, that high brow, intellectual bucket of rivets from Jim Carrey.
Jeff Daniels trying to resuscitate his career from that nutty TV far-left wing "news cast" show grabs at this mis-cast brass ring hoping for another leg up. For me, I think his best work was the Michigan commercials and Gettysburg. Very endearing.
For Carry, well, I don't know he may be beyond help after his political dust-up with the cast of Fox News The Five. upi
Gruber's contention is that the American people are STUPID. The receipts for this weekend recount an IQ equivalent to a guard house dog because that's all that's needed to enjoy such a stupid movie.
How else should one interpret this?
As for Professor Gruber, I thank God we have him. He will forever
ever serve as wonderful comedic material to shoot Obama & company in the rear end for their reinforcing the shibboleth that all politicians lie through their teeth. But then again, that's just how I see it, I could be wrong.
Always interesting to the Hollywood producers, directors, stars, and the money men who back the weird stuff that hits the nations' screens. e m
What with our own beloved Professor Gruber running around calling all of us Americans stupid I thought it would be instructive to review the gate on this weekend's take on " the movies."
Since the good professor Gruber sees us all as a low-fore headed crowd of dolts, we note that the lead movie in revenue is Dumb and dumber, to, that high brow, intellectual bucket of rivets from Jim Carrey.
Jeff Daniels trying to resuscitate his career from that nutty TV far-left wing "news cast" show grabs at this mis-cast brass ring hoping for another leg up. For me, I think his best work was the Michigan commercials and Gettysburg. Very endearing.
For Carry, well, I don't know he may be beyond help after his political dust-up with the cast of Fox News The Five. upi
Gruber's contention is that the American people are STUPID. The receipts for this weekend recount an IQ equivalent to a guard house dog because that's all that's needed to enjoy such a stupid movie.
How else should one interpret this?
As for Professor Gruber, I thank God we have him. He will forever
ever serve as wonderful comedic material to shoot Obama & company in the rear end for their reinforcing the shibboleth that all politicians lie through their teeth. But then again, that's just how I see it, I could be wrong.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Vietnam War Protestors - Go Home
Something happened yesterday at the Veterans Day celebration in DC that throws everything back to the Anti-War days and I hate it. Bruce Springsteen and his piss-poor songs at the nationally televised Veterans Day celebration of our veterans.
Brucie has passed his prime. Like an overdone steak on a cold grill, his crusty exterior and strained notes give me chills that he will bust a gut and have a stroke, bleed out while he blurts his anti-American, anti-GI song lyrics out to a blindly dumbfounded public.
Listen to his lyrics. Read his words. Listen up, folks, he doesn't like us, or our patriotism, or our warriors or what we stand for and never has. He loves the crowds, and our money, but he mush-mouths the words so badly that most of us don't understand him.
Love da beat, tho. Right? Wake up. The old dude is running outta steam, he and buddy Jane Fonda must hang out together in the same Anti-VietNam, anti-war, anti-everything American crowd you can think of. He's had it and his screeching at the TV cameras proves it. What the hell does Springsteen think he is doing, bringing resurrecting the 60's? We tried all that and it was a frigging mess!! What did our culture get out of that: drugs, abortions, feminism, Obama, Ferguson, four massive cities that are murder capitals and a country unsafe at any speed.
Disrespect popped out of Martin Mathers M & M during his FU&@ing rants on stage as well. Fox news kept track and scored his profanity laced cursing at the VETS at 28 times. UNDERSTAND, he cursed at the VETS 28 times during a performance HONORING them.
In my opinion, we should give this trashy punk a half hour with Seal Team Six at your favorite
neighborhood bar ( M&M's choice) broken beer bottles at six paces and see how tough the little snot nose really is.
Given a choice between Seal Team Six and Martin Mathers, which do you think represents the betterment of American Culture?
Brucie has passed his prime. Like an overdone steak on a cold grill, his crusty exterior and strained notes give me chills that he will bust a gut and have a stroke, bleed out while he blurts his anti-American, anti-GI song lyrics out to a blindly dumbfounded public.
Listen to his lyrics. Read his words. Listen up, folks, he doesn't like us, or our patriotism, or our warriors or what we stand for and never has. He loves the crowds, and our money, but he mush-mouths the words so badly that most of us don't understand him.
Love da beat, tho. Right? Wake up. The old dude is running outta steam, he and buddy Jane Fonda must hang out together in the same Anti-VietNam, anti-war, anti-everything American crowd you can think of. He's had it and his screeching at the TV cameras proves it. What the hell does Springsteen think he is doing, bringing resurrecting the 60's? We tried all that and it was a frigging mess!! What did our culture get out of that: drugs, abortions, feminism, Obama, Ferguson, four massive cities that are murder capitals and a country unsafe at any speed.
Disrespect popped out of Martin Mathers M & M during his FU&@ing rants on stage as well. Fox news kept track and scored his profanity laced cursing at the VETS at 28 times. UNDERSTAND, he cursed at the VETS 28 times during a performance HONORING them.
In my opinion, we should give this trashy punk a half hour with Seal Team Six at your favorite
neighborhood bar ( M&M's choice) broken beer bottles at six paces and see how tough the little snot nose really is.
Given a choice between Seal Team Six and Martin Mathers, which do you think represents the betterment of American Culture?
Saturday, November 8, 2014
On the Brink of a Revolt?: Laura Alexis, I gave you your Name
On the Brink of a Revolt?: Laura Alexis, I gave you your Name: It wasn't until your mother's stomach protroded beyond the dining room table top that we settled the long running dispute - what to ...
Laura Alexis, I gave you your Name
It wasn't until your mother's stomach protroded beyond the dining room table top that we settled the long running dispute - what to call you.
You see, I got first dibbs on your sister, Michelle, she wanted you. Ok, I thought, but I wanted your second name. I picked it.
She didn't think anything about that at all, a kind of throw a way deal, but i -
I mined your middle name for femininity, delicate, demure light touches of what makes a woman - a woman.
Your mom picked a good one in "Laura," popular at the time in 1970. Jack Kennedy's sister in law was named Laura, an absolute stunner. I picked
" Alexis" as your middle name, after the co-star of the wildly popular TV detective series Peter Gunn. Her name was Alexis Smith, a tall, dark haired, smoky, beauty who followed her pal detective Peter Gunn through years of adventures.
So, that's how you did it - that was you, Laura Alexis Fulton.
No, I'm not going to use your current last name, out of privacy to you, I know how you feel about it, but this is something I've never told you before.
And, like your sister, I still love the both of you two, irrespective of your stupid mistakes -----and mine.
Your dad.
You see, I got first dibbs on your sister, Michelle, she wanted you. Ok, I thought, but I wanted your second name. I picked it.
She didn't think anything about that at all, a kind of throw a way deal, but i -
I mined your middle name for femininity, delicate, demure light touches of what makes a woman - a woman.
Your mom picked a good one in "Laura," popular at the time in 1970. Jack Kennedy's sister in law was named Laura, an absolute stunner. I picked
" Alexis" as your middle name, after the co-star of the wildly popular TV detective series Peter Gunn. Her name was Alexis Smith, a tall, dark haired, smoky, beauty who followed her pal detective Peter Gunn through years of adventures.
So, that's how you did it - that was you, Laura Alexis Fulton.
No, I'm not going to use your current last name, out of privacy to you, I know how you feel about it, but this is something I've never told you before.
And, like your sister, I still love the both of you two, irrespective of your stupid mistakes -----and mine.
Your dad.
Michelle Melin Rogovin-I gave you your name
This past July, 45 years ago, I looked down on you, nestled in your mother's arms and thought you heavenly. The ensuing 45 years things went horribly wrong except for one thing = I never stopped loving you.
You fled, Chicago, I couldn't have picked a worse place for you, but that's your choice. You have your mother's nature - YOUR way. No matter what. Sometimes, no matter how much I want to protect you, shit happens.
When you were "on the way," I told your mom, if it was a girl, "Michelle" was to be her name. We negotiated - Michelle Elizabeth sounded like a princess. I liked that. And nine months later, Madame, you graced us.
I named you for a Beatles Album - "Michelle" popular during the early Sixties, the one with the very beautiful tight shot of Jean Shrimpton on the cover. The opening song of Michelle, I couldn't get it out of my head for years, " Michelle, my belle" - and then, French.
If you hear that song by Paul McCartney (who still occasionally lives northwest of here in the Catalinas) do think of that magical moment when we brought you into the world and hence the good works you've done since you've been here.
I still do. I'm your father.
You fled, Chicago, I couldn't have picked a worse place for you, but that's your choice. You have your mother's nature - YOUR way. No matter what. Sometimes, no matter how much I want to protect you, shit happens.
When you were "on the way," I told your mom, if it was a girl, "Michelle" was to be her name. We negotiated - Michelle Elizabeth sounded like a princess. I liked that. And nine months later, Madame, you graced us.
I named you for a Beatles Album - "Michelle" popular during the early Sixties, the one with the very beautiful tight shot of Jean Shrimpton on the cover. The opening song of Michelle, I couldn't get it out of my head for years, " Michelle, my belle" - and then, French.
If you hear that song by Paul McCartney (who still occasionally lives northwest of here in the Catalinas) do think of that magical moment when we brought you into the world and hence the good works you've done since you've been here.
I still do. I'm your father.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Here's an example, this has been my experience, my opinion, so far, and it has been bad. Guard your wallets!!
I called a dental office to fix a damage denture. She answers and I tell her my problem. " I'll make an appoint for you to see the dentist."
I called a dental office to fix a damage denture. She answers and I tell her my problem. " I'll make an appoint for you to see the dentist."
No, I just want you to sand down rough edges and give it back. It's obvious, it should take about twenty minutes, I've had it done before, I can wait, charge me whatever, a dental assistant has done it before elsewhere."
She says, " sorry sir, our dentist has to see you and that $4 9 appointment fee for the "examination" then on to the sanding and repair. He will tell you what will what the cost will be at the time of his examination.
So, there is no way you can tell me the total cost right now?
So, I've gotta pay you $49 just for his opinion?
That's about right, sir.
Click - I was born at night, but I wasn't born LAST NIGHT.
Then, the costs can be lowered. Negotiate, negotiate.......etc.
I heard this in an office in Oklahoma (and I thought they were stupid). " Sir, the doctor only works in precious metals." No kidding, they actually said that.
I replied, " so do I, Silver and gold - MINE. Always remember dentists are all around you, get up and leave go find another, tell them you're only checking prices. That Oklahoma dentist told me
" I just fix teeth, I hired a business company to run my business and manage the money, you'll have to deal with them."
Dentist offices today are geared to soak you of every dime during every visit, so don't look for any compassion. It's no longer there. take a clip board along with you and chart the various costs, or, if you have lots of money, go ahead and swoon over Dr. Good Looks, you're paying for it.
Monday, November 3, 2014
On the Brink of a Revolt?: " JOE-THE-PLUMBER" AND BARACK ( SIX YEARS AGO
On the Brink of a Revolt?: " JOE-THE-PLUMBER" AND BARACK ( SIX YEARS AGO: remember back then? Remember the one TV interview that haunted everyone, the one where Obama faced a big, sweaty, balding guy in a shirt, ju...
remember back then? Remember the one TV interview that haunted everyone, the one where Obama faced a big, sweaty, balding guy in a shirt, just home from work, shook hands with Barack Obama and they start to talk.
Obama razzle-dazzles Joe with his plans for a New Economy as Joe-the-Plumber starts to wipe the copious sweat off his forehead.
Barack continues, " what I want to do with our economy is.......
I want to spread around the wealth," he continues as Joe's eyes widen like pizza pies.
"Whadda you mean?" he blurts out.
" I want to spread the wealth around a little, " Barack continues.
" THAT'S SOCIALISM," JOE-THE-PLUMBER practically shouts at the future president. And, he was right. Socialism is what Robin Williams used to call Communism Light, like Diet Coke, same concept only without all those calories.
Look at it this way, that sweat on Joe's forehead? He got it that day from busting his aggies out at a job site that day with a bunch of contract plumbers, then (enter Barack's favorite economic system-Socialism) the government takes away more than they should and gives it to some of the people who DIDN'T EARN IT SITTING AROUND IN Jersey, SO Joe's GOT TO WORK UP A SWEAT FOR SOMEBODY ELSE.
Socialism. Not a lot of fun.
It is no small coincidence that the people in DC running around supporting said politics usually knock down high (government) salaries, drive big beautiful cars, benefit from government goodies, or are on government payrolls or contracts of some sort. If you think they are not, YOU ARE NOT LOOKING HARD ENOUGH, OR YOUR UNCLE IS INVOLVED.
Remember this tomorrow when you vote, eh?
Obama razzle-dazzles Joe with his plans for a New Economy as Joe-the-Plumber starts to wipe the copious sweat off his forehead.
Barack continues, " what I want to do with our economy is.......
I want to spread around the wealth," he continues as Joe's eyes widen like pizza pies.
"Whadda you mean?" he blurts out.
" I want to spread the wealth around a little, " Barack continues.
" THAT'S SOCIALISM," JOE-THE-PLUMBER practically shouts at the future president. And, he was right. Socialism is what Robin Williams used to call Communism Light, like Diet Coke, same concept only without all those calories.
Look at it this way, that sweat on Joe's forehead? He got it that day from busting his aggies out at a job site that day with a bunch of contract plumbers, then (enter Barack's favorite economic system-Socialism) the government takes away more than they should and gives it to some of the people who DIDN'T EARN IT SITTING AROUND IN Jersey, SO Joe's GOT TO WORK UP A SWEAT FOR SOMEBODY ELSE.
Socialism. Not a lot of fun.
It is no small coincidence that the people in DC running around supporting said politics usually knock down high (government) salaries, drive big beautiful cars, benefit from government goodies, or are on government payrolls or contracts of some sort. If you think they are not, YOU ARE NOT LOOKING HARD ENOUGH, OR YOUR UNCLE IS INVOLVED.
Remember this tomorrow when you vote, eh?
Saturday, November 1, 2014
I have in my hands a fresh Gallup poll that says " LESS THAN HALF OF AMERICANS SUPPORT STRICTER GUN LAWS."
The second Gallup poll right behind it says, PERSON SAFETY TOP REASON AMERICANS OWN GUNS TODAY.... there, you have it
I received an email today headlined 86% of all Arizonans want blah-blah on gun controls and it was from group with a watered down superflous name Common Sense on Guns. Whatever the hell that could mean.
It was false. The Gallup poll, world headquarters in Washington DC look it up yourselves, at Gallup.com they are free poll reports, doesn't cost you a penny, deadly accurate, they are used by everyone to measure the public's temperature.
They are published on Facebook, Twitter and Linkdn..
When I came here in the early 70's, the sleepy desert town was so small, everybody knew everyone else. Sneeze downtown, and on the outskirts ten minutes away, someone would holler, "GOD BLESS," it seemed. Frequently when car breakdowns happened, one would pull over raise the hood and a native would stop, sleeves rolled with a howdy neighbor. It was too damned hot to be stranded.
Now deep into the 21st century, forget it. We are deep into poverty 6th poorest town in America according to the GAO, and every local vendor who hasn't been run outta town by a national company with a local truck and a couple of local guys with a pre rehearsed sales pitch courtesy of the New York home office ( ged da money no madda wat!) now prowl the streets looking for aged retirees.
That's us. Tucson is filled with folks who flee to here, now, making their living someplace else cause you can't make a decent living here. Make you killing in Buffalo, bring it here, buy a cheap home, I guess compared to Buffalo, (definitely Portland, Ore) they are all cheaper than there - bring your dollars here, set them up, then put your shill radar sets on for the robber barons here in the old Pueblo that will not hesitate to rob you blind for so much as a leaky faucet.
In my opinion, it appears to me that getting the kitchen sink fixed will run you $1800 if you don't know what you're doing. The " fix " is in here in Tucson in the plumbing world.
Invite the wrong plumber into your home and you will be subjected to an hour of a waterfall of language, sales pitch, negative barrage of wrack and ruin about your supposed plumbing problem, then a quote that would range from $1.49 cents to a $1,000 if he even raises a wrench. Oh, by the way, can I have a check NOW, please??
Graft and corruption is so bad, they've installed a referee between the customer and vendors just to keep them honest. It's an ombudsman, great Danish word meaning, if you're getting gouged, go to them and scream. They will settle it.
And dentists. Phew. Got a tooth ache. Jesse and Frank James Dental Clinic and Car Repair Corp won't even touch you, even if you're comatose in pain until your credit checks out, or your credit card clears for $5000. When it does, the anesthetic goes in your mouth. Short of that, the candy dish is on the counter and the smiles at the door are about all you're gonna get. The Doctor's Caddy is in the back lot, thank you very much. Other dental giants drive higher bargains, but the "WALLET=ECTOMY " performed at various front desks is first before you every see a while coat in Tucson Arizona, the state's 2nd largest city. Yuma, Arizona is the worst city in Arizona for dental care AND patient compassion. All doctors who reside there are all revenue driven in my opinion.
My do's and don'ts: DO- ask for referrals from friends, " who do you use? As more than one. Don't every use a Referral Service - they operate on a fee basis, doc pays them to get listed. Beware of the empty waiting room...why? If you don't have insurance, ask them for special terms - discounts. If they don't do it - screw em. You shouldn't be there. Think about that.
Ask the dentist for a half dozen of his/her business cards after your first visit if you're happy. " I'd like to pass them to my friends, I really appreciate your dental care!!" May pay off for you.
Now deep into the 21st century, forget it. We are deep into poverty 6th poorest town in America according to the GAO, and every local vendor who hasn't been run outta town by a national company with a local truck and a couple of local guys with a pre rehearsed sales pitch courtesy of the New York home office ( ged da money no madda wat!) now prowl the streets looking for aged retirees.
That's us. Tucson is filled with folks who flee to here, now, making their living someplace else cause you can't make a decent living here. Make you killing in Buffalo, bring it here, buy a cheap home, I guess compared to Buffalo, (definitely Portland, Ore) they are all cheaper than there - bring your dollars here, set them up, then put your shill radar sets on for the robber barons here in the old Pueblo that will not hesitate to rob you blind for so much as a leaky faucet.
In my opinion, it appears to me that getting the kitchen sink fixed will run you $1800 if you don't know what you're doing. The " fix " is in here in Tucson in the plumbing world.
Invite the wrong plumber into your home and you will be subjected to an hour of a waterfall of language, sales pitch, negative barrage of wrack and ruin about your supposed plumbing problem, then a quote that would range from $1.49 cents to a $1,000 if he even raises a wrench. Oh, by the way, can I have a check NOW, please??
Graft and corruption is so bad, they've installed a referee between the customer and vendors just to keep them honest. It's an ombudsman, great Danish word meaning, if you're getting gouged, go to them and scream. They will settle it.
And dentists. Phew. Got a tooth ache. Jesse and Frank James Dental Clinic and Car Repair Corp won't even touch you, even if you're comatose in pain until your credit checks out, or your credit card clears for $5000. When it does, the anesthetic goes in your mouth. Short of that, the candy dish is on the counter and the smiles at the door are about all you're gonna get. The Doctor's Caddy is in the back lot, thank you very much. Other dental giants drive higher bargains, but the "WALLET=ECTOMY " performed at various front desks is first before you every see a while coat in Tucson Arizona, the state's 2nd largest city. Yuma, Arizona is the worst city in Arizona for dental care AND patient compassion. All doctors who reside there are all revenue driven in my opinion.
My do's and don'ts: DO- ask for referrals from friends, " who do you use? As more than one. Don't every use a Referral Service - they operate on a fee basis, doc pays them to get listed. Beware of the empty waiting room...why? If you don't have insurance, ask them for special terms - discounts. If they don't do it - screw em. You shouldn't be there. Think about that.
Ask the dentist for a half dozen of his/her business cards after your first visit if you're happy. " I'd like to pass them to my friends, I really appreciate your dental care!!" May pay off for you.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Officer Harris - Ferguson====MIA??
I read a news report today that the blonde haired policeman who was involved in the shooting in Ferguson is now among the missing. No further word............what is going on?
Marysville, Washington = Seattle Area School Shooting
Frustrations are boiling over at that High School, parents, students, the media, they are all going nuts on the subject of gun violence in schools. Everybody is throwing up their hands, what to do? Who to blame? I'm surprised they are not picketing the big, bad NRA.
In a way, I don't blame them. They don't know what to do, and in this case, I would recommend the following - DO NOTHING.
Yup. Sit tight til everything cools down. This one is far too complicated to just jump in and react to what has already been an emotional set up. Don't think so? Try this on for size. The following elements have been virtually " cocked and ready for such a tragedy"
Brady Handgun Control out of DC
Democrats running for election looking for " something" to grab hold of
i.e. " the October Surprise."
Washington is a far left liberal state and they are fishing for a cause to push for a
virtual GUN BAN law. This may be their ammo.
Indians hate White law and will fight any such movements tooth and nail.
Obvious problems that will stick in the craw of common sense: show me (or you) any law they will pass that would have prevented the HS shooting under the current fact load.
1 shooter 15, illegal to own, carry, shoot pistol in that state.
2 Father's gun, readily accessible to son. Under state (or tribal law?) was he liable for not
locking up the pistol? It was under his care custody and control? Not reported but
was shooter & family living on reservation? (different laws)
3. Would ANY law have prevented the boy shooter from obtaining Dad's gun, texting his
COUSINS to the lunch table and prevented him from shooting them?
4. There are enough handguns in America to give one to every man, woman and child -
guaranteed a right under the Constitution???
5. Oh, yes, remember the public discussion sometime back about metal detectors at schools?
also armed teachers and security guards. Don't tell me you FORGOT?? Yes, that would
helped. To paraphrase Samuel Colt, " better that they were there and you didn't need it than
need it and it not be there."
The English tried to take our firearms away 200+ years ago and it didn't work out so well for them, either. 70 years ago, the Germans confiscated (they thought) guns from the French. Near wars end, the renegades dug them up and killed a lot of Nazis with them.
So tell me, what law or laws do you suggest that will quell the handgun violence? What solution will be effective? Maybe, the answer is to screen people who want to buy them? Think about that?
In a way, I don't blame them. They don't know what to do, and in this case, I would recommend the following - DO NOTHING.
Yup. Sit tight til everything cools down. This one is far too complicated to just jump in and react to what has already been an emotional set up. Don't think so? Try this on for size. The following elements have been virtually " cocked and ready for such a tragedy"
Brady Handgun Control out of DC
Democrats running for election looking for " something" to grab hold of
i.e. " the October Surprise."
Washington is a far left liberal state and they are fishing for a cause to push for a
virtual GUN BAN law. This may be their ammo.
Indians hate White law and will fight any such movements tooth and nail.
Obvious problems that will stick in the craw of common sense: show me (or you) any law they will pass that would have prevented the HS shooting under the current fact load.
1 shooter 15, illegal to own, carry, shoot pistol in that state.
2 Father's gun, readily accessible to son. Under state (or tribal law?) was he liable for not
locking up the pistol? It was under his care custody and control? Not reported but
was shooter & family living on reservation? (different laws)
3. Would ANY law have prevented the boy shooter from obtaining Dad's gun, texting his
COUSINS to the lunch table and prevented him from shooting them?
4. There are enough handguns in America to give one to every man, woman and child -
guaranteed a right under the Constitution???
5. Oh, yes, remember the public discussion sometime back about metal detectors at schools?
also armed teachers and security guards. Don't tell me you FORGOT?? Yes, that would
helped. To paraphrase Samuel Colt, " better that they were there and you didn't need it than
need it and it not be there."
The English tried to take our firearms away 200+ years ago and it didn't work out so well for them, either. 70 years ago, the Germans confiscated (they thought) guns from the French. Near wars end, the renegades dug them up and killed a lot of Nazis with them.
So tell me, what law or laws do you suggest that will quell the handgun violence? What solution will be effective? Maybe, the answer is to screen people who want to buy them? Think about that?
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Guns--Creeping Gun Confiscation --- An unarmed public ---Abe Lincoln
When I was a young passionate hot-head (about nearly everything) I belonged to various clubs, associations and organizations in my 20's through my late 30's. Marriage, two kids, a school board appointment, feeding, housing, clothing the family and fighting my way through two bastard economic downturns diverted the passions to more practical considerations.
However, my membership in the NRA was useful in that I read back in the 70s about their various concerns about government confiscation of guns. Gun registration, they said would come first, mandatory registration, knocking on doors, demanding to see paperwork, maybe even police confiscating firearms from the home some day.
This was the 'fever' back in the mid 70's. Ok, I thought, I wasn't excited about it, but I listened.
The Constitution is a valuable thing. Tear it down and there is nothing that protects us. Nothing. In 45 years I have gone from a mildly interested bystander ( I owned a gun when my attorney said,
" I would join the NRA if I were you, guns are under attack legally - all the time.") and this from a five foot, wall-eyed homosexual Philadelphia lawyer in the mid 70's.
So, I did. Not so much as a "gun nut" but, I had a minor in law from Wharton, so thought I'd
" take it out for a walk" so to speak.
Now, today, the constitutional amendment is so under attack, branches of our government seek to undermine, by any means necessary Amendment 2.
No? you say? The administration has banned the importation of cheaper ammunition into this country that target shooters have been using for decades.
Politically friendly northeastern states have hiked taxes on gun manufacturers who founded their businesses in those states during the American Revolution, so high, they have been forced to move to the south lands where they have been greeted warmly by job-hungry and low tax environments.
Bills in left wing states like California and New York that crush individual rights on gun ownership continue to be introduced and/or passed have yet to reduce gun crimes because DC politicians have yet to grasp that thrill killers, bank robbers and convenience store stick up men don't follow laws - any laws. Gun bans in Chicago are laughable, the murder capital of the US where no guns are allowed, none, and the cops there admit to a dozen murders every weekend. The FBI KNOWS of 8 million handguns in the city where it is ILLEGAL to buy or sell them.
Ask yourself two questions: in Chicago, how could your practically stop those punks from killing each other with guns? (remember, I said PRACTICAL) 2. In 2 years, Obama & Co is moving to Hollywood Hills to a mansion. He's moving, leaving, gone. If the President can't fix it?
In Connecticut a certain kind of rifle was purchased by a whole bunch of people and they had to register it with the police. Then, later, it was declared illegl, they had to turn it in. They didn't. Last I heard ( no the media didn't cover the story - surprised?) the cops said they were going into that neighborhood to knock on every door and collect the guns. Now the cops had the lists. Police went to the homes and took the guns away, door to door. Harken back 40 years to the NRA's worst fear: REGISTRATION LEADS TO GUN CONFISCATION.
My question to the reader -- why does the government want your guns?? 99.9% of all gun owning Americans didn't shoot anybody last night.
Abe Lincoln said it best, " If America falls, it will be because of the enemy within."
However, my membership in the NRA was useful in that I read back in the 70s about their various concerns about government confiscation of guns. Gun registration, they said would come first, mandatory registration, knocking on doors, demanding to see paperwork, maybe even police confiscating firearms from the home some day.
This was the 'fever' back in the mid 70's. Ok, I thought, I wasn't excited about it, but I listened.
The Constitution is a valuable thing. Tear it down and there is nothing that protects us. Nothing. In 45 years I have gone from a mildly interested bystander ( I owned a gun when my attorney said,
" I would join the NRA if I were you, guns are under attack legally - all the time.") and this from a five foot, wall-eyed homosexual Philadelphia lawyer in the mid 70's.
So, I did. Not so much as a "gun nut" but, I had a minor in law from Wharton, so thought I'd
" take it out for a walk" so to speak.
Now, today, the constitutional amendment is so under attack, branches of our government seek to undermine, by any means necessary Amendment 2.
No? you say? The administration has banned the importation of cheaper ammunition into this country that target shooters have been using for decades.
Politically friendly northeastern states have hiked taxes on gun manufacturers who founded their businesses in those states during the American Revolution, so high, they have been forced to move to the south lands where they have been greeted warmly by job-hungry and low tax environments.
Bills in left wing states like California and New York that crush individual rights on gun ownership continue to be introduced and/or passed have yet to reduce gun crimes because DC politicians have yet to grasp that thrill killers, bank robbers and convenience store stick up men don't follow laws - any laws. Gun bans in Chicago are laughable, the murder capital of the US where no guns are allowed, none, and the cops there admit to a dozen murders every weekend. The FBI KNOWS of 8 million handguns in the city where it is ILLEGAL to buy or sell them.
Ask yourself two questions: in Chicago, how could your practically stop those punks from killing each other with guns? (remember, I said PRACTICAL) 2. In 2 years, Obama & Co is moving to Hollywood Hills to a mansion. He's moving, leaving, gone. If the President can't fix it?
In Connecticut a certain kind of rifle was purchased by a whole bunch of people and they had to register it with the police. Then, later, it was declared illegl, they had to turn it in. They didn't. Last I heard ( no the media didn't cover the story - surprised?) the cops said they were going into that neighborhood to knock on every door and collect the guns. Now the cops had the lists. Police went to the homes and took the guns away, door to door. Harken back 40 years to the NRA's worst fear: REGISTRATION LEADS TO GUN CONFISCATION.
My question to the reader -- why does the government want your guns?? 99.9% of all gun owning Americans didn't shoot anybody last night.
Abe Lincoln said it best, " If America falls, it will be because of the enemy within."
Friday, October 24, 2014
Wyatt Earp's Guns -- I know where they are......
Glenn G. Boyer told me many years ago, cloistered in the book-filled basement of this then residence in southern Arizona near Tombstone. My friend Glenn and I had become very close in those years, he tutored me in writing skills, and I spent many weekend overnights in his basement spare room, reading volumes of his collected works, doodling on his computers and venturing out over Wyatt Earp Country.
He passed away just about a year and a half ago, so revealing his secret about Wyatt Earp Guns, kinda, doesn't seem altogether unfaithful on my part. I know where they are.
Glenn told me that over the years, many, many attempts were made by charletons to " disclose" there whereabouts or discovery by false claims, all of which were false. One such, he said, was a man from Australia who called and made a bid on a "Wyatt Gun" (emphasis mine) which he never even saw, of over $5 grand, site unseen.
He always had to prove to me, how close he was to the Earp family.
As a bomber pilot in World War II, he and his crew flew in the Pacific on some hairy missions. When he got back his passion had been to track down and write about the " Earp Boys from Tombstone." That's a big club he joined, me, too.
After the war, Boyer bought a giant reel-to-reel tape recorder and searched out all the Earp descendants he could find and spent his Air Force retirement hot roding around the country interviewing them about the Earp family, and the boys from Tombstone. The results were a ton of his books in that basement I was sleeping in during the weekends. And I wasn't the only one, Glenn was generous with his time and talent with a lot of younger writers.
On day, to prove a point, or maybe out of frustration, or maybe one of his books weren't selling well, I'm not sure - he just popped. We were down in his cellar/den he picked up the tape recorder and played one of phone recent phone calls he made to a relative of Josephine Marcus Earp's. Remember, Josie was Wyatt's wife, Jewish, and a member of a very rich clothier family from San Francisco.
The phone call was with a woman, " Oh, hi Glenn, the woman said. " Very familiar with Glenn, the call went on for 30 minutes about family matters, then Glenn broaches Wyatt Earp, " did you see this recent nonsense about Wyatt's guns in the national press?"
" Oh yes, " she says, " why do they do that. We know that's a lie, Wyatt's guns are up here in the......" and Glenn cuts off the tape so I don't hear the exact location in San Francisco.
I KNOW where they are, Glenn intones in that deep vibrato of his. And he never told me where. I can guess, I can make an approximation but when it comes down to it.
I don't know. Glenn died about two years ago and all his " stuff " s now scattered to the winds. All the history is gone. What a sad tale.
He passed away just about a year and a half ago, so revealing his secret about Wyatt Earp Guns, kinda, doesn't seem altogether unfaithful on my part. I know where they are.
Glenn told me that over the years, many, many attempts were made by charletons to " disclose" there whereabouts or discovery by false claims, all of which were false. One such, he said, was a man from Australia who called and made a bid on a "Wyatt Gun" (emphasis mine) which he never even saw, of over $5 grand, site unseen.
He always had to prove to me, how close he was to the Earp family.
As a bomber pilot in World War II, he and his crew flew in the Pacific on some hairy missions. When he got back his passion had been to track down and write about the " Earp Boys from Tombstone." That's a big club he joined, me, too.
After the war, Boyer bought a giant reel-to-reel tape recorder and searched out all the Earp descendants he could find and spent his Air Force retirement hot roding around the country interviewing them about the Earp family, and the boys from Tombstone. The results were a ton of his books in that basement I was sleeping in during the weekends. And I wasn't the only one, Glenn was generous with his time and talent with a lot of younger writers.
On day, to prove a point, or maybe out of frustration, or maybe one of his books weren't selling well, I'm not sure - he just popped. We were down in his cellar/den he picked up the tape recorder and played one of phone recent phone calls he made to a relative of Josephine Marcus Earp's. Remember, Josie was Wyatt's wife, Jewish, and a member of a very rich clothier family from San Francisco.
The phone call was with a woman, " Oh, hi Glenn, the woman said. " Very familiar with Glenn, the call went on for 30 minutes about family matters, then Glenn broaches Wyatt Earp, " did you see this recent nonsense about Wyatt's guns in the national press?"
" Oh yes, " she says, " why do they do that. We know that's a lie, Wyatt's guns are up here in the......" and Glenn cuts off the tape so I don't hear the exact location in San Francisco.
I KNOW where they are, Glenn intones in that deep vibrato of his. And he never told me where. I can guess, I can make an approximation but when it comes down to it.
I don't know. Glenn died about two years ago and all his " stuff " s now scattered to the winds. All the history is gone. What a sad tale.
Friday, October 17, 2014
" TO HELL......IN A HANDBASKET" .......Americans View their Country
We are so low, so depressed as Americans the polling companies, those organizations that "take out temperature" have found that about 58% of us feel that our country is going to "Hell in a Handbasket." This is an old American saying that we've been shot in the rear end, going down to the ground, we're out of gas, grinding to a halt, we're done, out of ideas, energy, nothing works, depleted, out of options.
You get the idea.
For just myself, the cause is 6 years of Barack Obama and his fiddling with the rudder of the nation. I shant explain further. Traveling over the world, I've gotten a feel of the mindset of other places, some very good, others complacent, some indifferent, some evil, bad, bloodthirsty, some we must be eternally vigilent against.
There will always be enemies here at home, always. Tearing us down, chewing at out roots, weakening our super structure they see our collapse for good or ill, as some pay off, for what I know not. To me, they are as dangerous as the enemy abroad.
Some paint us in such a bad light, with such eloquence as to sway other Americans to their lights, I am often confounded by others stupidity. Other nations dwll on pain and suffering and inhuman degredation of women, children, animals and defenseless, while we give shelter to homeless and worry about the the safety of all, and weep about the little dogs that are household companions of care givers.
We shelter the poor, while fighters in other nations willingly debauch the unprotected.
My culture raised me in the belief that the calvulry will come galloping over the hill in one last thundering beat, bugle blasting, swords and rifles blaring, rescuing the undermanned, saving those souls left abandoned to certain death. Americans need to care for the down trodden.
Pictures of GI's taken in the battlefields of the world are sent back hugging babbies Japanese, Iraquis, even back in the Civil War, troops from both sides often were seen and photographed with children.
It seems thi
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Have the Communists Returned?
When I was 13, I sat in the Benn Theatre in south Philadelphia, back in the days when they showed the "movie-tone" news clips before the feature show. At the height of the Korean War, the Communists were committing all kinds of barbarous acts, stuff I never dreamed of. The Army newsreels showed us the Korean villages with kids, women, old people shot dead, bodies stack up like chord wood, all lined up in a row, 20 feet, 30 feet long, as high as your waist.
Dead bodies, all dressed in white linen, blood stains everywhere, little kids, riddled with bullet holes. These bastards didn't care who they killed, young girls - dead, shot in the head. Old grandmothers - clothes ripped off of them, cut up, shot in the head.
Some of our soldiers were crying it was so awful. Our soldiers were THERE, trying to help, trying to rescue them from the barbaric slaughter.
Flash forward 60 years, we have a chief golfer who sits on his hands now with a whole town full of Christians surrounded by animals with guns, who openly threaten to do the same to 50,000 people.
The same thing. We do what our military chiefs laughingly call pin prick air strikes. They even make jokes about it. " No more deadly than dropping hand grenades."
And our chief? He goes GOLFING, HE GOES TO FUND RAISING. And he meets his saviour, he will have to answer for this.
Dead bodies, all dressed in white linen, blood stains everywhere, little kids, riddled with bullet holes. These bastards didn't care who they killed, young girls - dead, shot in the head. Old grandmothers - clothes ripped off of them, cut up, shot in the head.
Some of our soldiers were crying it was so awful. Our soldiers were THERE, trying to help, trying to rescue them from the barbaric slaughter.
Flash forward 60 years, we have a chief golfer who sits on his hands now with a whole town full of Christians surrounded by animals with guns, who openly threaten to do the same to 50,000 people.
The same thing. We do what our military chiefs laughingly call pin prick air strikes. They even make jokes about it. " No more deadly than dropping hand grenades."
And our chief? He goes GOLFING, HE GOES TO FUND RAISING. And he meets his saviour, he will have to answer for this.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Paso Por Acqui...........I Went This Way
It seemed like only yesterday that I sat inside my armoire in my second floor back bedroom listening to the rainstorm rattle on the tin roof of my south Philadelphia row house. It was 1947, two years after the end of the war, my dog Gem nestled at the foot of my bed, room dark, rain poured down, the light of the far away refinery torch flared up and down. I was seven.
I pushed my kid sister down the front lawn covered in snow. She shot out on the street right under an oil truck. Thanks God, she was unhurt. The driver had a heart attack, Mom cried, I died, we all had hot cocoa, and sis and I joked about that until a week before she died in Yuma, Arizona 60 years later.
Pat had a career of helping kids, probably because she had no help from mom or dad. Teaching school, she gave back a hundred fold, they loved her. Her children eventually became governors, launched rockets from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, became teachers, doctors, had families, heroes, went to war and died.
And me? I lived a life that took me from south Philadelphia around the world. I cleaned fish in Portugal, had dinner at a castle in Faro, Portugal where El Cid was killed, made it to the Vatican twice, stood on the grave of TS Eliot in Westminster and sat quietly in the apartment of Percy Bythe Shelley in Rome where his wife, Mary wrote Frankenstein.
I did other stuff, too. And still, I feel unfulfilled.
I pushed my kid sister down the front lawn covered in snow. She shot out on the street right under an oil truck. Thanks God, she was unhurt. The driver had a heart attack, Mom cried, I died, we all had hot cocoa, and sis and I joked about that until a week before she died in Yuma, Arizona 60 years later.
Pat had a career of helping kids, probably because she had no help from mom or dad. Teaching school, she gave back a hundred fold, they loved her. Her children eventually became governors, launched rockets from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, became teachers, doctors, had families, heroes, went to war and died.
And me? I lived a life that took me from south Philadelphia around the world. I cleaned fish in Portugal, had dinner at a castle in Faro, Portugal where El Cid was killed, made it to the Vatican twice, stood on the grave of TS Eliot in Westminster and sat quietly in the apartment of Percy Bythe Shelley in Rome where his wife, Mary wrote Frankenstein.
I did other stuff, too. And still, I feel unfulfilled.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Tell me I'm dreaming. Tell me I'm imagining things. The race riots in St. Louis are peaking up again. The blacks are in the streets after another shooting, this time the incident is clear: policeman fired upon by black shooter three times. Policeman (unidentified as to race) returns fire kills shooter. Shooter's gun AND slugs recovered.
Doesn't matter, the rioters are in the street anyway hollering " DON'T SHOOT." I don't get it, Don't Shoot???" The guy shot at the cop, right? Cop shot back. In any town in America, that's ok. As one radio DJ put it, they have no back up in St. Louis, no police chief, no Mayor, no Governor to watch their backs. TOTAL LAWLESSNESS.
Mexico's president calls us racists for trying to enforce our border laws against his citizens for crossing over into our country. IMAGINE? Infuriating!! He thinks we're racists for enforcing our laws in OUR country. And he has the gall to live it up in Governor Moonbeam's mansion over in California a couple of months ago.
All Americans should re-think that vacation south of the Border and head north, just to make a point.
Meanwhile, our pin-prick air strikes are barely giving ISIS an Excedrin headache as they bare down on that border town in Syria while they sharpen their knives on that town's 10,000 trapped women and children.
Our Golfer and chief managed to make off for another fund raiser or two while those poor people make peace with their God while awaiting their beheadings. I wonder how long it will take our fearless leader to dream up a foolproof way to denude our Republic of our own personal firearms so we won't have personal protection when ISIS hits our shores??
Doesn't matter, the rioters are in the street anyway hollering " DON'T SHOOT." I don't get it, Don't Shoot???" The guy shot at the cop, right? Cop shot back. In any town in America, that's ok. As one radio DJ put it, they have no back up in St. Louis, no police chief, no Mayor, no Governor to watch their backs. TOTAL LAWLESSNESS.
Mexico's president calls us racists for trying to enforce our border laws against his citizens for crossing over into our country. IMAGINE? Infuriating!! He thinks we're racists for enforcing our laws in OUR country. And he has the gall to live it up in Governor Moonbeam's mansion over in California a couple of months ago.
All Americans should re-think that vacation south of the Border and head north, just to make a point.
Meanwhile, our pin-prick air strikes are barely giving ISIS an Excedrin headache as they bare down on that border town in Syria while they sharpen their knives on that town's 10,000 trapped women and children.
Our Golfer and chief managed to make off for another fund raiser or two while those poor people make peace with their God while awaiting their beheadings. I wonder how long it will take our fearless leader to dream up a foolproof way to denude our Republic of our own personal firearms so we won't have personal protection when ISIS hits our shores??
Monday, September 29, 2014
Koch Industries and the Younger Leftist Rebels (brainless idiots)
(Maybe THAT will get some attention) Things that annoy me #1 Brainless TV commercials like Cox TV where the lady with Internet doesn't work and she gets a dimwit at Brane Central. Hi, my Internet doesn't work!! You know the one. It's always the men in the commercials who appear dimwitted, right? Ok, we can take it.
Title - the pseudo communists who mouth off about the Koch brothers money buying Republicans votes, etc, blah, blah. Like it's the ONLY large political contributor in the world. " do the name George Soros from Greece strike FAMILIAH NOTE wit y'all?" Brother George, father of the money tree farm brags about how he loves to de-stabilize organizations and countries with the infusion of massive amounts of cash in the right places.
Now, guess who gets it?
The Right Rev, Holiness Al Sharpton, armed to the teeth with invictive against the white devils, only when it suits him. Vis-a-vis, Ferguson, Missouri, but not University of Virginia, or other locales a huge black thug murdered a diminutive white, English female victim. So far - no word from the wandering Al.
Sorry,Jesse, no word from Al, we take it, no savior from the White House, no phone calls, no assurances of filial assimilation's from the head shed, big guy.
You, as they say, are up poop creek, paddle-less. News Reports say that victims, at this writing, are starting to re-appear, and the detectives surfacing patterns DNA wise as they say, from Texas to Virginia, it looks like they're gonna keep you so rest comfortably, Jess ole boy.
Looks like "jail-city," you're in for the long haul. Hope you don't get out, Mr. Matthews. If you do, I'd avoid southern Arizona. They're finding bodies out in the desert almost weekly. I just read a story about them finding one been out there for 3 years. The animals been picking them apart.
Imagine, Jesse.
Title - the pseudo communists who mouth off about the Koch brothers money buying Republicans votes, etc, blah, blah. Like it's the ONLY large political contributor in the world. " do the name George Soros from Greece strike FAMILIAH NOTE wit y'all?" Brother George, father of the money tree farm brags about how he loves to de-stabilize organizations and countries with the infusion of massive amounts of cash in the right places.
Now, guess who gets it?
The Right Rev, Holiness Al Sharpton, armed to the teeth with invictive against the white devils, only when it suits him. Vis-a-vis, Ferguson, Missouri, but not University of Virginia, or other locales a huge black thug murdered a diminutive white, English female victim. So far - no word from the wandering Al.
Sorry,Jesse, no word from Al, we take it, no savior from the White House, no phone calls, no assurances of filial assimilation's from the head shed, big guy.
You, as they say, are up poop creek, paddle-less. News Reports say that victims, at this writing, are starting to re-appear, and the detectives surfacing patterns DNA wise as they say, from Texas to Virginia, it looks like they're gonna keep you so rest comfortably, Jess ole boy.
Looks like "jail-city," you're in for the long haul. Hope you don't get out, Mr. Matthews. If you do, I'd avoid southern Arizona. They're finding bodies out in the desert almost weekly. I just read a story about them finding one been out there for 3 years. The animals been picking them apart.
Imagine, Jesse.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
The Oklahoma Cutthroat......ISIS? .....or, Workplace Violence??
Already slanting the news away from objective, no-nonsense, straight arrow reporting, the dark-hued news readers of CNN have begun leaning left-wise away from obvious facts as reported on other networks.
The facts about the Oklahoma Cutthroat:
* He's an avowed radical Muslim
* His Facebook fotos and rants say so and have been telecast for all to see.
* He has been reported as having ranted in Arabic while beheading his victim.
* His M.O. is identical to ISIS killers previously filmed from IRAQ
* While an American, he changed his name to a Muslim one posted it on line
* He has a violent past and a long criminal record.
The reporters while interviewing the former head of the CIA posed questions sprinkled with suggestions about the incident possibly being " work place violence," a term the Obama Administration loved to use at Fort Hood with Major Hassan and his mass shooting of soldiers.
The interviewee answered that suggestion was preposterous. It was directly connected to Al Queda in his mind, he stated. Further there were other such attacks not reported in the media he said, one such involved a multiple murder in New Jersey, four citizens died. The details are not public.
The facts about the Oklahoma Cutthroat:
* He's an avowed radical Muslim
* His Facebook fotos and rants say so and have been telecast for all to see.
* He has been reported as having ranted in Arabic while beheading his victim.
* His M.O. is identical to ISIS killers previously filmed from IRAQ
* While an American, he changed his name to a Muslim one posted it on line
* He has a violent past and a long criminal record.
The reporters while interviewing the former head of the CIA posed questions sprinkled with suggestions about the incident possibly being " work place violence," a term the Obama Administration loved to use at Fort Hood with Major Hassan and his mass shooting of soldiers.
The interviewee answered that suggestion was preposterous. It was directly connected to Al Queda in his mind, he stated. Further there were other such attacks not reported in the media he said, one such involved a multiple murder in New Jersey, four citizens died. The details are not public.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Jesse Been Found........but the girl still gone, Hmmm
Here's this Man Mountain Dean kinda fella standing up in front of a TV screen in Virginia, back home, lookin' at a judge, now and then, nodding.
" yes judge,.......no judge....ok judge." Ole Jesse walks off with a gorgeous English coed at the University of Virginia late one night. He, a mountain of a man, towering over her at 6" 4" and nearly 300 pounds,a huge black man wearing a football shirt, black short pants, almost a stereotype cartoon figure. He got outta town fast, got all the way to Texas. Guess he was hiding. I guess.
She, a dainty, white English teen age co-ed with an angelic smile, a music major, drinking cocktails with friends at a nearby bistro. Late into the night she leaves the mall, and a TV camera traces her movements up and down the long hallway, with ole giant Jesse hot on her trail. At the wee hours, almost no one is around. Could have happened anywhere I suppose: Isle of White, Faro, but...it happened there in Charlottesville.
First she goes one-way, Jesse follows, then back the other way, Jesse sniffing along behind. A witness sees her get into Matthew's red car and speed off.
Col Tim Long of the Charlottesville Police makes an emotional and impassioned nationwide tv plea for Jesse's return to the station. He did come back briefly with family, demand an attorney who aided him to immediately leave, no questions, thank you very much. And, he left.
No word, national TV exposure, still no word.
The FBI offers help Col Luongo accepts, forensics vacuums everything in site and arrest warrants are issued. Local and FBI are involved in the arrest and in the clink he goes.
Cable police reporters are negative about the sweet young coed's survivability. Our black Knight's purposes have, by their decades of past experience have proved to be lurid, dark and awful. My worst fears are for the dread and grief that this night falls over our young coed from Britain and the painful death she suffered at the hands of this violent brute.
" yes judge,.......no judge....ok judge." Ole Jesse walks off with a gorgeous English coed at the University of Virginia late one night. He, a mountain of a man, towering over her at 6" 4" and nearly 300 pounds,a huge black man wearing a football shirt, black short pants, almost a stereotype cartoon figure. He got outta town fast, got all the way to Texas. Guess he was hiding. I guess.
She, a dainty, white English teen age co-ed with an angelic smile, a music major, drinking cocktails with friends at a nearby bistro. Late into the night she leaves the mall, and a TV camera traces her movements up and down the long hallway, with ole giant Jesse hot on her trail. At the wee hours, almost no one is around. Could have happened anywhere I suppose: Isle of White, Faro, but...it happened there in Charlottesville.
First she goes one-way, Jesse follows, then back the other way, Jesse sniffing along behind. A witness sees her get into Matthew's red car and speed off.
Col Tim Long of the Charlottesville Police makes an emotional and impassioned nationwide tv plea for Jesse's return to the station. He did come back briefly with family, demand an attorney who aided him to immediately leave, no questions, thank you very much. And, he left.
No word, national TV exposure, still no word.
The FBI offers help Col Luongo accepts, forensics vacuums everything in site and arrest warrants are issued. Local and FBI are involved in the arrest and in the clink he goes.
Cable police reporters are negative about the sweet young coed's survivability. Our black Knight's purposes have, by their decades of past experience have proved to be lurid, dark and awful. My worst fears are for the dread and grief that this night falls over our young coed from Britain and the painful death she suffered at the hands of this violent brute.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Jesse Matthews.......vs the Charlotteville Police Department
Where you 'at, Jesse? You mountain of a man, all six feet, four inches of muscle and hustle the last known human who was with the little English co-ed from UVA? C'mon, man, stop running and turn yourself in.
Tim Luongo of the Police department is a nice guy, he just wants to ask you a few quick questions about .......oh, blood stains, where did you hide the body, and probably, does the name Natalie Holloway??
Joke, man, I'm just making jokes, that's all.
Look, here's how I see it. They got you on tape. YOU are the last person to see this pretty white chick ALIVE. The cops have gone through your car with microscopes twice and your apartment twice and collected BAGS of stuff.
YOU, your clever beaver you, you ask for a lawyer, then split, no, not calmly, at a " high rate of speed," so much so, they got a bench warrant out for reckless driving. You seem to do things in a sloppy way.
Now, I'm not Sam Spade, but I got a feelin' this is not going to end well for you. You stand out in a crowd, pal. Tough for you to hide. I live in Arizona, and I know way more about you than I ever want to know, and I've been to your city, and I carry a gun.
Riddle me this: if you didn't do it, and I'm not saying you did, why did you run? If you didn't, go back to see Col. Tim and holler, " strap on the lie detector."
The results will guarantee one thing, Jesse! Rev Al Sharpton will be on the first flight down.
Friday, September 19, 2014
N.F.L......$250+ MILLION DOLLARS .BEER MONEY.....$44 Mill salary ......Beating up the families
1 The top guy at the NFL gets over $40 Mill in salary per year I am told. That's called golden handcuffs in the high-roller trade. You can hush up a lot of crap to keep that kind of gold rolling into your checking account. Just sayin' Reviewing his resume in Wicked, he has a degree in Economics from (I don't believe from an Ivy League) school, and spent his "quality" time with Tagliabeau his predecessor on the way up to the head seat. i.e. "massive letter writing campaign. "
2. Much has been made of the statistics of the abusive nature of the players in the NFL being " half" of what the general Population is. Uh-huh. Now, how do you suppose, hundreds of over sized, under-educated giants raised in the south in poorly educated families ( Charles Barkley, CBS sports broadcast last week quoted) who are by nature VIOLENT, are 1/2 as violent with their women and kids as Willie-Boy at the local Bodega at 4th and Slaughter Streets. I can offer a suggestion: the head office is hiding the statistics.
3. Let's talk about race and violence. Within the last two months, 5 arrests were made of NFL players, all of them were they size of Sequoia trees - huge, all black, all from southern families. Mr. Charles Barkley commented on CBS sports TV after the Alexander domestic violence affair,
" all these guys are from southern black families. They all were raised by fathers that did this to them. I WAS RAISED LIKE THIS. DO SOMETHING WRONG, AND YOU GET A BEAT DOWN. YOU GET WELTS AND BRUISES. IT HAPPENED ALL THE TIME. Look at me, I turned out alright."
4. My point, who says he is alright? Him? Who is he to judge? His reputation in public is certainly open to question, I am not a fan of his sport or of his public pronouncements.
5. If the public wants the weight of the law on the NFL, their collective judgement has to be on ticket sales, and on beer sales. The sponsor invests over $250 million dollars into this venture and the more notoriety in bruisers beating up helpless wives and children will soon eat into their profits The public will have to choose: Morals, or Monday Night Football?
2. Much has been made of the statistics of the abusive nature of the players in the NFL being " half" of what the general Population is. Uh-huh. Now, how do you suppose, hundreds of over sized, under-educated giants raised in the south in poorly educated families ( Charles Barkley, CBS sports broadcast last week quoted) who are by nature VIOLENT, are 1/2 as violent with their women and kids as Willie-Boy at the local Bodega at 4th and Slaughter Streets. I can offer a suggestion: the head office is hiding the statistics.
3. Let's talk about race and violence. Within the last two months, 5 arrests were made of NFL players, all of them were they size of Sequoia trees - huge, all black, all from southern families. Mr. Charles Barkley commented on CBS sports TV after the Alexander domestic violence affair,
" all these guys are from southern black families. They all were raised by fathers that did this to them. I WAS RAISED LIKE THIS. DO SOMETHING WRONG, AND YOU GET A BEAT DOWN. YOU GET WELTS AND BRUISES. IT HAPPENED ALL THE TIME. Look at me, I turned out alright."
4. My point, who says he is alright? Him? Who is he to judge? His reputation in public is certainly open to question, I am not a fan of his sport or of his public pronouncements.
5. If the public wants the weight of the law on the NFL, their collective judgement has to be on ticket sales, and on beer sales. The sponsor invests over $250 million dollars into this venture and the more notoriety in bruisers beating up helpless wives and children will soon eat into their profits The public will have to choose: Morals, or Monday Night Football?
Saturday, September 13, 2014
It's time for a cooling off period in Ferguson....and I mean everyone. We have had enough.
Think about it more deeply than the surface racism that is racing through the scene as we speak: one cannot even say the word, Ferguson without inciting passions, hot words, the thought of threats against somebody(s).
Now is the time to throw water on this imbroglio until --- the facts can be collected in an orderly legal manner, lawyers can be hired for both sides, prosecutors and judges called in, and most fairly, I think the PRESS should be paired down to a system of
"pool reporters."
What we do not need is three city blocks of TV cameras hounding the hell out of every paper boy, store clerk and racist truck driver in town.
Remember how " well " the press handled nightly broadcasts of the Vietnam War into our dining rooms? In case you forgot WE WON TET, although in the midst of the negative reporting from the major tv stations at the time, you would think we lost it.
So, as good Americans, it will do no good to run around break things,, punch people in the nose, fire off pistols and act stupid. We have relied on a legal system for over 200 years to settle justice.
I have personally sat on four juries in my life, and tough though the duty is ( and at times, I wanted to brain one or two of the jurors with my chair,) the decisions did come out right. I believe in my whole heart in the jury system.
Why don't we give the system room to breathe?
Think about it more deeply than the surface racism that is racing through the scene as we speak: one cannot even say the word, Ferguson without inciting passions, hot words, the thought of threats against somebody(s).
Now is the time to throw water on this imbroglio until --- the facts can be collected in an orderly legal manner, lawyers can be hired for both sides, prosecutors and judges called in, and most fairly, I think the PRESS should be paired down to a system of
"pool reporters."
What we do not need is three city blocks of TV cameras hounding the hell out of every paper boy, store clerk and racist truck driver in town.
Remember how " well " the press handled nightly broadcasts of the Vietnam War into our dining rooms? In case you forgot WE WON TET, although in the midst of the negative reporting from the major tv stations at the time, you would think we lost it.
So, as good Americans, it will do no good to run around break things,, punch people in the nose, fire off pistols and act stupid. We have relied on a legal system for over 200 years to settle justice.
I have personally sat on four juries in my life, and tough though the duty is ( and at times, I wanted to brain one or two of the jurors with my chair,) the decisions did come out right. I believe in my whole heart in the jury system.
Why don't we give the system room to breathe?
Friday, September 12, 2014
I do not feel safe in my own country.
For the first time in my 74 years, I do not feel safe in my own country. Even as a child, standing on the shore line of Ocean City, New Jersey, during war time (WWII), watching the gunfights out at sea at night, and examining the flotsam that washed ashore the next day, as frightening as that was, I still do not feel safe TODAY.
Yes, I knew Nazi subs shelled Atlantic City during WWII. I heard that they landed spies on our coasts down south. Our FBI caught them, and they were eventually executed.
Today, now, under the current conditions in Washington, DC my country is not safe. I do not feel safe. What I know, see, watch, read, hear - I KNOW MY COUNTRY IS NOT SAFE for Americans.
Why? C'mon........I do not trust the NSA, I do not trust the IRS. Not until they come clean with Darrell and his committee. We all know, if nothing happened, just blurt out the truth and get back to worth. I believe we have a geniune WATERGATE going on. How deep is this going to go??
Actually, does anybody? Ever? Anyone in the White House? the president? For that matter, ANYTHING he says? The VP? Secretary of state whose credibility is paper thin? The Bobsey-twins who speak for the state department? The sailor in Chief who speaks with forked tongue for the Pentagon? The five-headed Ambassador to the UN who can't get her messages straight?
Actually, does anybody? Ever? Anyone in the White House? the president? For that matter, ANYTHING he says? The VP? Secretary of state whose credibility is paper thin? The Bobsey-twins who speak for the state department? The sailor in Chief who speaks with forked tongue for the Pentagon? The five-headed Ambassador to the UN who can't get her messages straight?
Oh, yeah, are we in a war, or not? Is it a non-war? If so, is it then ok to " lead from behind? If so, cause we're doin' a pretty good job of that, if you're counting heads, so to speak. I try to remember that just because He says something,................ doesn't mean it's so!!
I wish Arthur Godfrey were still alive. He and his ukulele could do a lot of comedy on the above. I need a laugh.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
World War II - on the homefront
When the sirens went off at 11:30 at night, my mother grabbed my sister and I and dumped us into the bathtub on the second floor. " The Nazi bombers are coming, " she said quietly, as quietly as she might have announced the horse drawn milk truck was coming up the street. ("don't upset the kids")
Tearing around the top floor of our three story southwest Philadelphia rowhouse in 1945, she ripped the curtains shut, rooms darkened as she flew through them, passed by our bathroom door like a maddened witch two, three times, then in with us, lit candle in hand.
With the bathroom door shut, my kid sister asked in her adorable baby babble, "Mommy, why you scared?" So, mom said, kinda, I just want to protect you from the German bombers.
"Germans gabobers" Pat answered. "Oh, never mind, honey. We lived like that during the war. No, the Germans never got like that, but the fear was there. All over.
Vacations to the nearby sea-shore included fathers that helped man the Coast Guard watch-towers. At night, the eastern sky out at sea were lit with naval gunfire, and the morning, the tides would wash in the blood and refuse from the previous night's fighting. That onto American shores.
My father was a Coast Guard Port Guide and carried a gun. My best friend's father worked at a naval shipyard building fighting ships that my father helped secure from spies. Everyone I knew during the war was a part time air raid warden - everyone.
Nazis infiltrated America, not everyone supported the war. Charles Lindbergh was against it and fought like hell to keep us out. He alienated President Roosevelt in the process. The enemy infiltrated the transportation unions in Philadelphia and caused a strike crippling the city. The General in charge took over the system by force and fired most of the systems bosses and got the transportation system back functioning again.
Almost everyone I knew during the war, had encounters with air raid wardens, military troops coming or going in the war efforts.
Tearing around the top floor of our three story southwest Philadelphia rowhouse in 1945, she ripped the curtains shut, rooms darkened as she flew through them, passed by our bathroom door like a maddened witch two, three times, then in with us, lit candle in hand.
With the bathroom door shut, my kid sister asked in her adorable baby babble, "Mommy, why you scared?" So, mom said, kinda, I just want to protect you from the German bombers.
"Germans gabobers" Pat answered. "Oh, never mind, honey. We lived like that during the war. No, the Germans never got like that, but the fear was there. All over.
Vacations to the nearby sea-shore included fathers that helped man the Coast Guard watch-towers. At night, the eastern sky out at sea were lit with naval gunfire, and the morning, the tides would wash in the blood and refuse from the previous night's fighting. That onto American shores.
My father was a Coast Guard Port Guide and carried a gun. My best friend's father worked at a naval shipyard building fighting ships that my father helped secure from spies. Everyone I knew during the war was a part time air raid warden - everyone.
Nazis infiltrated America, not everyone supported the war. Charles Lindbergh was against it and fought like hell to keep us out. He alienated President Roosevelt in the process. The enemy infiltrated the transportation unions in Philadelphia and caused a strike crippling the city. The General in charge took over the system by force and fired most of the systems bosses and got the transportation system back functioning again.
Almost everyone I knew during the war, had encounters with air raid wardens, military troops coming or going in the war efforts.
Monday, September 8, 2014
I even met Gloria Steinhem in a speech in Portland, Oregon. To me, at the time, she seemed reasonable. I said so on the public address system. Guys stopped me in the street in Tucson for weeks after with " aren't you the guy who stood up and asked Steinhem.......?"
Yeah, I'm him. I had a lot to live down. I'm 74 now, born in February 1940, slowly fading down the trail behind the barn, and tken as a whole I've dec ided this feminist thing is a mixed bag for the culture.
I don't like it. AS OF TODAY, young woman have been burped out the other end of the culture, rude. They are. Young women are not ladies as I recall.
My mother taught me " treat every woman and give her a chance to prove she is a lady." So, I did. My father and I didn't get a long but he did teach me the basics. Don't ever hit your sister. Not ever for any reason, never. She was two years younger and a wonderful girl and love her still, two years dead and gone. My father told me you never hit a woman, NO EXCUSES. And I didn't .
I digress. I watch TVs " The Five " on Fox and have a tough time with those women screeching at each other. Not feminine. The girls can and (use to) get the point across much more effectively without this combat between each other, let alone trying to scream over men.
And the men fight with women verbally to do the same.
Women do NOT have to act like men to be equal to them. I have a large photo of the late Marilyn Monroe in my den, the queen of womanhood, dressed in grey sweater and skirt, facing the camera. The caption reads, " Women who want to be equal to men -- Lack Ambition." She convinces me.
"Feminists" who attack men turn them off, pissing off the very advocates they can recruit to their cause. My late wife Janet had a tactic that worked well with me and every man in the law firm she helped manage in Philadelphia. She was a beautiful woman, blond, blue eyes, tall, and when the room got loud, she dropped her voice to a low purr.
The men quieted down to listen. ( Atta boys, she thought. Now, she had them) In moments she was passing out agendas, instructions, and what became an easy afternoon for a bunch of pushy, ego-driven Philadelphia lawyers. And one of them was used to dealing with Jack Kennedy.
Today, one TV host - a lawyer - is proud of yelling during interviews and boasting that she can kick ass with anybody who gives her trouble.
I think of my late wife, and her management of the world, the life around her ( and me ) and of people like Deborah Kerr, Ava Gardner, Audrey Hepburn - where have the likes of those wonderful women gone?
Yeah, I'm him. I had a lot to live down. I'm 74 now, born in February 1940, slowly fading down the trail behind the barn, and tken as a whole I've dec ided this feminist thing is a mixed bag for the culture.
I don't like it. AS OF TODAY, young woman have been burped out the other end of the culture, rude. They are. Young women are not ladies as I recall.
My mother taught me " treat every woman and give her a chance to prove she is a lady." So, I did. My father and I didn't get a long but he did teach me the basics. Don't ever hit your sister. Not ever for any reason, never. She was two years younger and a wonderful girl and love her still, two years dead and gone. My father told me you never hit a woman, NO EXCUSES. And I didn't .
I digress. I watch TVs " The Five " on Fox and have a tough time with those women screeching at each other. Not feminine. The girls can and (use to) get the point across much more effectively without this combat between each other, let alone trying to scream over men.
And the men fight with women verbally to do the same.
Women do NOT have to act like men to be equal to them. I have a large photo of the late Marilyn Monroe in my den, the queen of womanhood, dressed in grey sweater and skirt, facing the camera. The caption reads, " Women who want to be equal to men -- Lack Ambition." She convinces me.
"Feminists" who attack men turn them off, pissing off the very advocates they can recruit to their cause. My late wife Janet had a tactic that worked well with me and every man in the law firm she helped manage in Philadelphia. She was a beautiful woman, blond, blue eyes, tall, and when the room got loud, she dropped her voice to a low purr.
The men quieted down to listen. ( Atta boys, she thought. Now, she had them) In moments she was passing out agendas, instructions, and what became an easy afternoon for a bunch of pushy, ego-driven Philadelphia lawyers. And one of them was used to dealing with Jack Kennedy.
Today, one TV host - a lawyer - is proud of yelling during interviews and boasting that she can kick ass with anybody who gives her trouble.
I think of my late wife, and her management of the world, the life around her ( and me ) and of people like Deborah Kerr, Ava Gardner, Audrey Hepburn - where have the likes of those wonderful women gone?
Sunday, September 7, 2014
NURSES and Nursing
It is 1954, 2:30 in a bleak, snowy, frigid morning in southwest Philadelphia, and an ER nurse is struggling through snow drifts trying to make a bus stop two blocks from her house. In a wind storm, snow drifts pile the white stuff high along the row of cars, and a little nurse wearing high nylons, low, white nurse uniform skirts is somewhat warm, struggles to cross the snow drifts.
Two, three, then four cars drift by, rubber wheels whiz, spin and grind by her, then-one stops. The door opens, and a deep, dark voice booms out of the back seat, " Hey nursie, want a lift to your hospital?"
Cautious, dark, and cold, her feet squeak in small steps to the car door, peek in and it's full of 5 black guys in heavy Navy Pea coats all drinking coffee and beer. There is an array of guns on the floor of the back seat.
" C'mon, hon, we'll drive you to work, which hospital?" the driver blurts out.
Without a minute's pause, she says, Presbyterian, St Lukes. " Les' Go!" He says, and they're down the street, slush out into the main thoroughfare and on their way.
Unusual? Out of character? Not a bit. The nurse is my mother, and she's as smart, if not wiser than the mid 50's gang bangers she's riding with. Spreading her feet out on the back seat floor so as not to trip over the guns, she rests easily next to one hulking hood and says, " How you boys doing tonight?"
Mom told me that she frequently rode with gang bangers to and from the hospital, and felt safe doing it. I was floored. My Mom??
Think about it, she said. We had a deal. If they got shot up or knifed they knew where I worked, and if they got hurt, they came right to me, I was the Charge Nurse of the ER. When they hit the front door, I took excellent care of them, and, once in a while I saved their lives. We knew each other and got along real well. This was my five foot one inch mother who went to church with me every Sunday. Amazing. I never knew until she told me on her death bed, and she never told my father.
Two, three, then four cars drift by, rubber wheels whiz, spin and grind by her, then-one stops. The door opens, and a deep, dark voice booms out of the back seat, " Hey nursie, want a lift to your hospital?"
Cautious, dark, and cold, her feet squeak in small steps to the car door, peek in and it's full of 5 black guys in heavy Navy Pea coats all drinking coffee and beer. There is an array of guns on the floor of the back seat.
" C'mon, hon, we'll drive you to work, which hospital?" the driver blurts out.
Without a minute's pause, she says, Presbyterian, St Lukes. " Les' Go!" He says, and they're down the street, slush out into the main thoroughfare and on their way.
Unusual? Out of character? Not a bit. The nurse is my mother, and she's as smart, if not wiser than the mid 50's gang bangers she's riding with. Spreading her feet out on the back seat floor so as not to trip over the guns, she rests easily next to one hulking hood and says, " How you boys doing tonight?"
Mom told me that she frequently rode with gang bangers to and from the hospital, and felt safe doing it. I was floored. My Mom??
Think about it, she said. We had a deal. If they got shot up or knifed they knew where I worked, and if they got hurt, they came right to me, I was the Charge Nurse of the ER. When they hit the front door, I took excellent care of them, and, once in a while I saved their lives. We knew each other and got along real well. This was my five foot one inch mother who went to church with me every Sunday. Amazing. I never knew until she told me on her death bed, and she never told my father.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
A WEAK president - SOMEBODY Do Something
I am sick and tired of all the talk. All right, I get it. He's in over his head. The Prez no longer waits 24 hours to flip flop, he does it in the next sentence. Instead of keeping secrets on war plans, he announces them over broadcast media.
I get it, I get it. Hell, even the blood thirsty ISIS gets it. The knife wielding, armed to the teeth 13th century warriors from the stone ages not only have our advance plans broadcast to them by our own "leader, they've got our very own tanks, trucks, and up-to-date war equipment left behind by the Iraqis who fled off the field in a panic.
This status-of-forces thingee I don't know. Our guys just left the stuff and shipped out. The Iraqi Army was supposed to pick it up (trained they were) and use it. Maliki subsequently fires all the Generals that weren't in HIS tribe and hires all the deadbeats, the "fish" starts to die from the head on down, the bad guys attack, and all hell breaks loose.
Our Golfer-in-chief? 10th hole in the links along the Bay off the northeast coast. Chicken Dinners, fund raisers, n such. A head rolls in the sand some where, he nods and weathers a few words into a mike and goes back up to his vacation again.
Vacation. The wife makes a promo tape on school lunches. Another head rolls, even less of a reaction. " The world is a MESSY place," he intones.
I am told the conservatives in the Senate and House, as well as the nut wing of the Liberal base, as well as the military advisers in the Pentagon, and the like minded members of the cabinet all advise hiszoner to do something -- nay, anything.
He ignores, and slips further into a smaze of lethargy, almost snoring his way into a somnambulance of indifference, inaction or a coma.
We are now weak, vulnerable, and open to attack, and I wonder if our country is going to be hit. I hope not. But, I fear something disastrous is about to happen.
I get it, I get it. Hell, even the blood thirsty ISIS gets it. The knife wielding, armed to the teeth 13th century warriors from the stone ages not only have our advance plans broadcast to them by our own "leader, they've got our very own tanks, trucks, and up-to-date war equipment left behind by the Iraqis who fled off the field in a panic.
This status-of-forces thingee I don't know. Our guys just left the stuff and shipped out. The Iraqi Army was supposed to pick it up (trained they were) and use it. Maliki subsequently fires all the Generals that weren't in HIS tribe and hires all the deadbeats, the "fish" starts to die from the head on down, the bad guys attack, and all hell breaks loose.
Our Golfer-in-chief? 10th hole in the links along the Bay off the northeast coast. Chicken Dinners, fund raisers, n such. A head rolls in the sand some where, he nods and weathers a few words into a mike and goes back up to his vacation again.
Vacation. The wife makes a promo tape on school lunches. Another head rolls, even less of a reaction. " The world is a MESSY place," he intones.
I am told the conservatives in the Senate and House, as well as the nut wing of the Liberal base, as well as the military advisers in the Pentagon, and the like minded members of the cabinet all advise hiszoner to do something -- nay, anything.
He ignores, and slips further into a smaze of lethargy, almost snoring his way into a somnambulance of indifference, inaction or a coma.
We are now weak, vulnerable, and open to attack, and I wonder if our country is going to be hit. I hope not. But, I fear something disastrous is about to happen.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
The " Wallet-ectomy" a new medical Procedure$$$
My handicap is I'm too old to remember past days and old customs here in America. The scene is 1963, early in the year, my fiance and I are sitting in our doctor's office and we are talking about birth control We are about to be married.
Our doctor, Samuel Ellis is near 90, a veteran of the 1918 flu epidemic, trotted his horse and buggy around west Philadelphia dodging barricades of coffins piled high (folks dying so fast they couldn't bury them with all due dispatch). Dr. Sam talked of a Lanteen Cap for us, that's cervical cup to today's generation. He walked my soon-to-be wife down the hall and installed it.
Sitting in his office he discussed in detail how it was to be used, charged me $5 for the visit which he collected at the door, slipped it in his wallet and we left.
Today, August 30, 2014, it cost us $185 for a self-pay visit to an HMO doctor who is on salary and the clock who runs through a laundry list of items and rarely touches my wife. When he does, it's ear-nose-throat-glands, jokes, script for pills and as they say on the TV doc shows, " treat m and street em."
I took an employee of mine to a local Tucson hospital who was having a heart attack and got him in a wheel chair, pushed him towards the ER entrance and they wouldn't take him in until I did the paperwork. The hospital wanted a pay guarantee while my employee sat there clutching his chest. Luckily, I had everything at the ready, he got in, the docs got to him, and they say I saved his life. That was luck.
I often wonder in the middle of some nights whether, had I not been that organized would he have died?
On many occasions, I have had cancer patients on wheel chairs trying to get in for chemo treatments, doctors visits and other life savings procedures that have been held up at the cashiers desk, and entrance has been stead-fastly refused until what I call the " WALLET - ECTOMY" has been performed.
Several times in Denver, Colorado, a few hospitals delayed chemo treatments for my late wife for just such occasions.
Part of the Hippocratic Oath doctors take is " Do No Harm." I can't help wondering if MONEY gets in the way of that sometime.
Our doctor, Samuel Ellis is near 90, a veteran of the 1918 flu epidemic, trotted his horse and buggy around west Philadelphia dodging barricades of coffins piled high (folks dying so fast they couldn't bury them with all due dispatch). Dr. Sam talked of a Lanteen Cap for us, that's cervical cup to today's generation. He walked my soon-to-be wife down the hall and installed it.
Sitting in his office he discussed in detail how it was to be used, charged me $5 for the visit which he collected at the door, slipped it in his wallet and we left.
Today, August 30, 2014, it cost us $185 for a self-pay visit to an HMO doctor who is on salary and the clock who runs through a laundry list of items and rarely touches my wife. When he does, it's ear-nose-throat-glands, jokes, script for pills and as they say on the TV doc shows, " treat m and street em."
I took an employee of mine to a local Tucson hospital who was having a heart attack and got him in a wheel chair, pushed him towards the ER entrance and they wouldn't take him in until I did the paperwork. The hospital wanted a pay guarantee while my employee sat there clutching his chest. Luckily, I had everything at the ready, he got in, the docs got to him, and they say I saved his life. That was luck.
I often wonder in the middle of some nights whether, had I not been that organized would he have died?
On many occasions, I have had cancer patients on wheel chairs trying to get in for chemo treatments, doctors visits and other life savings procedures that have been held up at the cashiers desk, and entrance has been stead-fastly refused until what I call the " WALLET - ECTOMY" has been performed.
Several times in Denver, Colorado, a few hospitals delayed chemo treatments for my late wife for just such occasions.
Part of the Hippocratic Oath doctors take is " Do No Harm." I can't help wondering if MONEY gets in the way of that sometime.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Military Suicides? Down from 325 to 300. What are the Psyches doing Wrong?
Recent news articles reveal an army sergeant, a woman shot herself at a Virginia post. She had 14 years in with the US Army, serving valiantly, decorated with meritorious badges throughout her career. She wound up in what amounts to "Personnel."
The article described her as 'enraged.' (I would be too if I had to work there.) Poorly written and terribly researched, the reporting gives us no in-depth emotional background on the woman, her duty to our country and certainly the lack of help from the psychiatry available (or not) at the post.
Listen up, 300 suicides! What ARE the military counselors doing?? Who is listening and conducting therapy? What is going on in those sessions? For three years I conducted group therapy sessions here in Tucson for oa civilian agency and lost zero patients. I had to slam a half dozen of folks into a mental health hospital for a fear they might off themselves, but in the end, they all survived. I personally disarmed three with guns, and engaged in triage for a half dozen nights - all teetering on the dangerous edge of instability and managed, successfully.
Anyone as critical as the Sergeant needed primarily to be listened to. She needed to be heard. Again, with base restriction of no guns allowed, she still managed to bring her own pistol to work, so good luck with the silly Clinton anti-gun restrictions, they are ineffective. We know the talking (and sometimes) the pharmacological cure does work.
And, I surmise some or all of the above are NOT working at BASE Psychiatry.
The article described her as 'enraged.' (I would be too if I had to work there.) Poorly written and terribly researched, the reporting gives us no in-depth emotional background on the woman, her duty to our country and certainly the lack of help from the psychiatry available (or not) at the post.
Listen up, 300 suicides! What ARE the military counselors doing?? Who is listening and conducting therapy? What is going on in those sessions? For three years I conducted group therapy sessions here in Tucson for oa civilian agency and lost zero patients. I had to slam a half dozen of folks into a mental health hospital for a fear they might off themselves, but in the end, they all survived. I personally disarmed three with guns, and engaged in triage for a half dozen nights - all teetering on the dangerous edge of instability and managed, successfully.
Anyone as critical as the Sergeant needed primarily to be listened to. She needed to be heard. Again, with base restriction of no guns allowed, she still managed to bring her own pistol to work, so good luck with the silly Clinton anti-gun restrictions, they are ineffective. We know the talking (and sometimes) the pharmacological cure does work.
And, I surmise some or all of the above are NOT working at BASE Psychiatry.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Now Legal - Guns in Schools
Argyle, Texas has just announced that 'some' teachers may be armed this fall season, as parents parade their children back into their School District public system.
At long last, the endless debate appears to be over, Guns are now in public school. Texas has broken the debate, armed teachers after training them in the use of handguns, and installed them in place in time for the fall semester.

Only time will tell of the effectiveness of the test run. After a period of time, we will be able to judge the protective edge this school system has against others around Texas, and the rest of the country.
To be sure, detractors will swarm. Irrationality will reign supreme, but in the end, the protection of our most precious resource, our nation's children is tantamount to our best efforts.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
"When God Created Fathers"
(with apologies to the late, great Erma Bombeck)
When God created fathers, he started with tall frames, I am told, way higher than little kids. And they angel complained..." that's not fair. These little rug rats, so close to the ground, this guy has to stoop so close to play marbles, pick them up, tuck them in, change their diapers, sit and hold them when they cry!! It's just not fair, these guys are BIG!"
And God said, " it'll be alright. It will give his kids someone to look up to. Some they can feel safe with, someone who will come home to each night, knowing Daddy's home. Guys will grow so attached to hearing that."
The angel still pecked away, " look at those hands - huge!! Big and puffy, way too big to help little girls!! How's he gonna help them with paws like that?"
" It will work out fine, " God said, " hands will be big enough to hold all the stuff in their little pockets when they come home, yet big enough to hold their tiny faces in his hands when he wants to kiss them good night. And, I imagine he's going to do that alot."
Yeah, another angel chimed in, but this guy's got no lap, the little girl is gonna fall right thru to the floor. God thought for a second and replied, " sure, but those broad shoulders can lift her up high and carry her all the way home, pull her on a sled through the snow and best of all hold her stead on a bike while she learns how to ride.
When God created fathers, he started with tall frames, I am told, way higher than little kids. And they angel complained..." that's not fair. These little rug rats, so close to the ground, this guy has to stoop so close to play marbles, pick them up, tuck them in, change their diapers, sit and hold them when they cry!! It's just not fair, these guys are BIG!"
And God said, " it'll be alright. It will give his kids someone to look up to. Some they can feel safe with, someone who will come home to each night, knowing Daddy's home. Guys will grow so attached to hearing that."
The angel still pecked away, " look at those hands - huge!! Big and puffy, way too big to help little girls!! How's he gonna help them with paws like that?"
" It will work out fine, " God said, " hands will be big enough to hold all the stuff in their little pockets when they come home, yet big enough to hold their tiny faces in his hands when he wants to kiss them good night. And, I imagine he's going to do that alot."
Yeah, another angel chimed in, but this guy's got no lap, the little girl is gonna fall right thru to the floor. God thought for a second and replied, " sure, but those broad shoulders can lift her up high and carry her all the way home, pull her on a sled through the snow and best of all hold her stead on a bike while she learns how to ride.
The O.K.Corral in Tombstone
I am shocked! I just reviewed their web site and I am horrified. First let me say that I speak from the position of not just a lover of history, west devotee of southwestern history and all things wrapped around the Earp Family and the OK Corral - BUT, I was in the one hundredth anniversary GUNFIGHT AT THE OK CORRAL in the OK Corral on October 26, 1981, dressed as one of the cow boys.
I am a published author and have written and published extensively about that period of time, and about that gunfighter family, and that gunfight. I speak with some experience.
I personally knew and befriended Earp Historian Glenn G Boyer who was not only an author and historian on the subject, but personally knew the family. He knew where Wyatt's guns are. He passed away last year.
I digress. I haven't looked at Tombstone in over three years, and after reviewing the web site today, am shocked.
The OK Corral looks nothing like the original OK Corral. It looks like the OK Garage. Millionaires with no particular mission in life, retired with nothing to do except screw up sacred historical relics.
The web site? Turn your kid lose with a 35 mm SLR auto lens and he's bound to get about the same product, minus any sense of depth, composition or feeling of what the hell he's shooting. For Tombstone, the town to dumb to die, the kid who shot these pictures trying to depict the toughest gunfight of good over evil forever depicted in a huge grocery cart full of movies, books, paintings and such, he might as well been photographing fruit.
Oh, and he mis-spelled Coral. Oh Well. so much for the old worst.
I am a published author and have written and published extensively about that period of time, and about that gunfighter family, and that gunfight. I speak with some experience.
I personally knew and befriended Earp Historian Glenn G Boyer who was not only an author and historian on the subject, but personally knew the family. He knew where Wyatt's guns are. He passed away last year.
I digress. I haven't looked at Tombstone in over three years, and after reviewing the web site today, am shocked.
The OK Corral looks nothing like the original OK Corral. It looks like the OK Garage. Millionaires with no particular mission in life, retired with nothing to do except screw up sacred historical relics.
The web site? Turn your kid lose with a 35 mm SLR auto lens and he's bound to get about the same product, minus any sense of depth, composition or feeling of what the hell he's shooting. For Tombstone, the town to dumb to die, the kid who shot these pictures trying to depict the toughest gunfight of good over evil forever depicted in a huge grocery cart full of movies, books, paintings and such, he might as well been photographing fruit.
Oh, and he mis-spelled Coral. Oh Well. so much for the old worst.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
African Nations -- Starving People -- Our Generosity -- When will it end
It hit me during the Ebola crisis today, how easy it is to spread over there. I heard one African doctor say the worst conditions in America are normal there. Not to beat a dead horse, but why? We and other civilized nations have been pouring people money, food, clothing, missionaries, Oprah Winfrey, comedians, educators into dirt poor African countries for as long as I can remember (73 years) and still as the Bible says, the poor will be with us.
BUT, pictures of DIRT poor Africans haunt our screens of bone weary mothers and children knawing on roots in a dry river bed as they are prey to other savage tribes in the "dark continent" and yet will are still conditioned to pour our aid into such places.
My question: what of their governments? What of the ceaseless foreign aid? How much money does our government give and where does it go? Where is 60 minutes with their prying cameras? I fear OUR present governmental administration may not want too many prying eyes delving that deep into the end of the tracks as far as the foreign aid train goes.
If we are funneling Billion$$ to African Countrie$, how much, how often, to whom and how is it spent? Why are the poor souls still so desperately hungry, run over by their own people, and not taken care of by what appears to be their own corrupt government?
BUT, pictures of DIRT poor Africans haunt our screens of bone weary mothers and children knawing on roots in a dry river bed as they are prey to other savage tribes in the "dark continent" and yet will are still conditioned to pour our aid into such places.
My question: what of their governments? What of the ceaseless foreign aid? How much money does our government give and where does it go? Where is 60 minutes with their prying cameras? I fear OUR present governmental administration may not want too many prying eyes delving that deep into the end of the tracks as far as the foreign aid train goes.
If we are funneling Billion$$ to African Countrie$, how much, how often, to whom and how is it spent? Why are the poor souls still so desperately hungry, run over by their own people, and not taken care of by what appears to be their own corrupt government?
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
American Gun Rights VS. ISIS coming to America - Beware Yon Cassius
So, you think you have a friend in government, do you? Beware the government that fears your guns. Quick reviews of history shows the governments that disarm their citizens will show you who rules in fear and who in freedom. Obama has quietly been moving to quench the supply of guns and ammo into the market but, frustrated by the free market place. Guns sales are still up. Women are the fastest growing market segment for pistols.
As of today, there are more guns than Americans.
The lunatic fringe in ISIS those wonderful folks from the 11th Century have the idea they're coming here to lop off our heads with swords, have not yet learned history from the Japanese.
Fellow Americans: - ARM YOURSELVES. When the minimalist authorities decry our very Constitution, it is up to us to protect home and hearth. The First Amendment protects the Second Amendment, which protects all the rest.
If ISIS, comes here and I believe they will try, then we MAY have to meet them in the streets. If we do, Ferguson, Missouri may be a block party by comparison.
As of today, there are more guns than Americans.
The lunatic fringe in ISIS those wonderful folks from the 11th Century have the idea they're coming here to lop off our heads with swords, have not yet learned history from the Japanese.
Fellow Americans: - ARM YOURSELVES. When the minimalist authorities decry our very Constitution, it is up to us to protect home and hearth. The First Amendment protects the Second Amendment, which protects all the rest.
If ISIS, comes here and I believe they will try, then we MAY have to meet them in the streets. If we do, Ferguson, Missouri may be a block party by comparison.
Friday, August 15, 2014
On the Brink of a Revolt?: He did it --AGAIN!! " No More Boots On The Ground!...
On the Brink of a Revolt?: He did it --AGAIN!! " No More Boots On The Ground!...: We're back in Iraq, Jack, Marines with boots - - - combat boots. Secretary of State, the long distance medal thrower of Viet Nam, John K...
He did it --AGAIN!! " No More Boots On The Ground!! ( 24 hours later - Boots on the ground!!)
We're back in Iraq, Jack, Marines with boots - - - combat boots. Secretary of State, the long distance medal thrower of Viet Nam, John Kerry, looks deeply into the camera lens and drones on - " We will not put boots on the ground in Iraq!"
And, in just a squeegee over a day - fifty....no, 75, I think they said, no, maybe I50, the transparent Obama administration dithers on the facts these days, such Marines are indeed on the ground back in Iraq protecting something around, in, near, Sinjar. DC hollers that the cops in the stix should be more CLEAR and CONCISE when reporting facts to the public. Hmm, something like Commissioner Mumbles of the IRS in front of Darrel Issa's committee on who stole the cookie jar, I suppose.
Unlike the goings on in Rowdyville Missouri on the shooting just five days ago, tough to discern who hit John. Yes, our head Boy Scout chimed in again, throwing his 3 cents into the melee, offering his " advice to local cops to shape up and be TRANSPARENT to the local community. Transparent.....reminds me of the old Jewish joke about the guy who kills his parents and throws himself on the mercy of the court claiming he is an orphan. Called chutzpah.
As we speak the bad guys murdered 80 men, women, children Iraqui Christians ( THAT I believe) the info, it came from them, not DC.
The Catholics have the pictures on their web-sites. Not for the faint of heart. Lotsa blood.
Babies in Swadling clothes without heads. These beasts are crazy and we are going to have to kill them. Remember, There is a reason the 2nd Amendment is our original Homeland Security. I'm afraid we may need it........and soon if these animals get loose over here.
Stay safe, America. Semper Fe
And, in just a squeegee over a day - fifty....no, 75, I think they said, no, maybe I50, the transparent Obama administration dithers on the facts these days, such Marines are indeed on the ground back in Iraq protecting something around, in, near, Sinjar. DC hollers that the cops in the stix should be more CLEAR and CONCISE when reporting facts to the public. Hmm, something like Commissioner Mumbles of the IRS in front of Darrel Issa's committee on who stole the cookie jar, I suppose.
Unlike the goings on in Rowdyville Missouri on the shooting just five days ago, tough to discern who hit John. Yes, our head Boy Scout chimed in again, throwing his 3 cents into the melee, offering his " advice to local cops to shape up and be TRANSPARENT to the local community. Transparent.....reminds me of the old Jewish joke about the guy who kills his parents and throws himself on the mercy of the court claiming he is an orphan. Called chutzpah.
As we speak the bad guys murdered 80 men, women, children Iraqui Christians ( THAT I believe) the info, it came from them, not DC.
The Catholics have the pictures on their web-sites. Not for the faint of heart. Lotsa blood.
Babies in Swadling clothes without heads. These beasts are crazy and we are going to have to kill them. Remember, There is a reason the 2nd Amendment is our original Homeland Security. I'm afraid we may need it........and soon if these animals get loose over here.
Stay safe, America. Semper Fe
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
On the Brink of a Revolt?: Overcome with Grief, I feel the Nation is at a Tip...
On the Brink of a Revolt?: Overcome with Grief, I feel the Nation is at a Tip...: Suicides and deaths of famous people have gripped the nation in the last 72 hours. The lightning media saturating our lives with repetition ...
Overcome with Grief, I feel the Nation is at a Tipping Point....
Suicides and deaths of famous people have gripped the nation in the last 72 hours. The lightning media saturating our lives with repetition of the same drum-beat of death and sadness, I feel a hallowed out cry from folks that creek under the groan of pain screaming out sadness from shock and unremitting grief.
Mimic crimes, police shootings, falls from windows, petty thefts, riots and such have broke out all over the nation since Americas beloved comedian decided to end his own life just 72 hours ago. The man made everyone laugh, every ONE of us couldn't wait until he hit the stage, and now it is obvious he was in pain most of his life, living out a private hell of depression, that blazing, painful sword that sits inside of your gut from throat to tail-bone blazing away most days, often so bad, reducing you to a day of pain killers in bed, you head swimming in bad dreams, mother and or your father swimming around your during you marathon sleep-a-thons, till you finally wake up, fresh and ready to go.
There it is, a break - maybe you get a whole two days free and clear, before it's back, bad dreams, ghosts while you're awake, talking to yourself swimming in a fog.
It goes like that. Then your boss wants to see you. " How you feelin? " Oh, alright I suppose, just taking new medication, a little foggy. You do that too often in corporate America, you're walking the street.
Enuf to make you mad, angry, crazy. I wonder if it's going to get worse. Add to it the world worries: America's political situation ( no need to elaborate there), taxes, lousy television fall elections, America's current mood, (ugh), Prices, joblessness, we got all the lost jobs back BUT, personal income dropped 33% (how'd the HELL that happen??
Top it off the Funniest Man in America, maybe the whole damn world- just offed himself. How bad is that?? About 15 years ago I was in San Fran and my buddy drove me around Mr. Williams Sea Cliff estate. WOW!! Sea Cliff it's San Fran's Beverly Hills. Yesterday, they showed the house he lived in where he did the deed. It looked like a boat house. You could have fit it INSIDE a wing of the one I saw 15 years ago. I heard he had money problems. I've been there. And when you do, you gotta do, what you gotta do. I felt so bad for him. I just wanted to Say
Naa-nuu, Naa-Noo.
Mimic crimes, police shootings, falls from windows, petty thefts, riots and such have broke out all over the nation since Americas beloved comedian decided to end his own life just 72 hours ago. The man made everyone laugh, every ONE of us couldn't wait until he hit the stage, and now it is obvious he was in pain most of his life, living out a private hell of depression, that blazing, painful sword that sits inside of your gut from throat to tail-bone blazing away most days, often so bad, reducing you to a day of pain killers in bed, you head swimming in bad dreams, mother and or your father swimming around your during you marathon sleep-a-thons, till you finally wake up, fresh and ready to go.
There it is, a break - maybe you get a whole two days free and clear, before it's back, bad dreams, ghosts while you're awake, talking to yourself swimming in a fog.
It goes like that. Then your boss wants to see you. " How you feelin? " Oh, alright I suppose, just taking new medication, a little foggy. You do that too often in corporate America, you're walking the street.
Enuf to make you mad, angry, crazy. I wonder if it's going to get worse. Add to it the world worries: America's political situation ( no need to elaborate there), taxes, lousy television fall elections, America's current mood, (ugh), Prices, joblessness, we got all the lost jobs back BUT, personal income dropped 33% (how'd the HELL that happen??
Top it off the Funniest Man in America, maybe the whole damn world- just offed himself. How bad is that?? About 15 years ago I was in San Fran and my buddy drove me around Mr. Williams Sea Cliff estate. WOW!! Sea Cliff it's San Fran's Beverly Hills. Yesterday, they showed the house he lived in where he did the deed. It looked like a boat house. You could have fit it INSIDE a wing of the one I saw 15 years ago. I heard he had money problems. I've been there. And when you do, you gotta do, what you gotta do. I felt so bad for him. I just wanted to Say
Naa-nuu, Naa-Noo.
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