In the wake of the newest school shoot-out (Fla), I seek to find out something new. Frankly, ANYTHING new. And, alas, this one bristles with all kinds of bad-ass stuff we all should holler, scream and like the Mad Mob in the Frankenstein Movie, head to City Hall, torches aflame, and raise hell with everyone who screwed up.
Screw up? Who dat? Yes, practically everyone did starting with the FBI. Don't feel safe anymore?.Well, you shouldn't. They dropped so many balls....reminded me of a news story about lack of border enforcement on Mexican/Arizona line. At the time it was so weak, a comedian said he could cross undetected. So he mounted an ELEPHANT, crossed the river into the US of A, and marched the beast up Main Street of the nearest small town, undetected.
The Fla shooter did everything to and for the FBI except a leaflet airdrop of the J Edgar Hoover Building giving time and date of his mass execution. RESULT: NOBODY HOME. ZERO. School Resource officer, it was reported on duty on the other side of the state's largest campus "without" a gun.
As an aside, President T
rump is right when it comes to the issue of mental health for our kids. Don't think so? Read the television listings for the programs. Read the TV series considered 'entertainment.' Some of that crap could bend anyone's mind. A young girl was recently jailed for murder involving a television fictional character. Movies are now geared to fantasy land: Captain Superworld and his ray gun. I know 20+ year olds who play games with others via net connections with other ner do wells around the world and little else.
Some student today at a "rally" stands up in front of the state assembly and bitchiest about the NRA and their 241 year old, out of date II Amendment crutch they lean on while "us kids have to die" in schools.
Meanwhile, where are Mom and Dad?
The adults in America need to pry open the curriculum these kids are being fed in schools when the " students " parrot such drivel. For if they come away in such emotional dishevelment.. they are not armed to lead the country in the next generation. Or, as an alternate plan, they can brush up on their Russian.