Saturday, January 21, 2017


Thank God for our First Amendment, you remember that - freedom of speech. That which has been closed down on most American campuses. It is if you express ANY opinion slightly to the right of Marx, Lenin the political haze covering North Korea or Vlad's Desha.
     Anyway, A quarter million girls show up in force in DC to proclaim their " rights," scared to death that the new Imperator, President Trump will somehow take them away. Watching carefully all the TV coverage, I've spotted their signs proclaiming
charactures of Hitler, Stalin, Murderer, he hates women ( yeah, sure - notice his penchant for beautiful blondes??).
    One interview on CNN asked "Why are you here", attractive lady with her daughters in tow. She answered something to the affect, to make our future bright for our children. The rest of her answer was just as cloudy.
     The Seattle-type violence the night before was typical. I expected that. The new police tactics are not to push them too far, but effectively. As long as they do so, arrest the bad guys (200 & counting) so be it.
     You just knew the "demonstrations" were going to be a bad scene, and, it ain't  over yet. Laughably, all the fuss of President Trump is on his 2nd day in office. I'd be surprised if he's found his personal water closet and coffee pot, yet.  So much for the critics logic.
     The TV interviewers deftly handled the ladies swathed in pink without rousing a screaming match in anti-war, anti-Trump cacophony. Kudos.
     Ratings were out: Fox News again the winner in coverage,  I think CNN came in 2nd, no word on Meghan Kelly, last seen teetering on the edge of a tall building somewhere having turned down $100 million to stay put. 100 Million!! Think of it.
     Understand, I love women. I once met Gloria Steinham and chatted briefly with her here in Tucson. She personally called me a feminist, I was proud of that. I know she comes off as strident, but personally, I think she just needs to be loved a lot more. Then, she'll warm up. Love ya, Gloria.
     I hope the feminists do their thing, and keep in mind, we're all in the same boat, all of us. And as I told Gloria, the more we work together (men and women) the happier we all can be. We need to stop the yelling at each other, dear.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

American Women - our National Treasures

In the quiet reflective moments of retirement, the clouds part on the questions of today, the war we seem to have between the sexes, (don't tell me we don't have one - we do), and I feel closer to the truth, as to why we fight between why we fight with women.
     And, we they resist men so much.
     I can only see and feel it in the quiet moments, without the distractions, yelling, name calling, the anger that we hear so much. As a descendant of two the women in American History who helped change the course of our Nation' history,nder - look her up in Google. When she died, there was a minor shift in the " space/time continuum" as the Star Trekees like to label. She ultimately contributed to an awareness to our nation's focusing on the dangers of booze. We're still fighting that one.
     Another ancestor of mine was a mistress of President of the United States Warren G Harding. Her full name had "Fulton" placed in the middle of her signature. It is pertinent to note here that history claims she blackmailed the President for some money, succeeded in getting a few dollars, the scandal forced Harding to leave the White House and never seek another elected office. (there were other women involved)
     Harding was quoted in the press as saying, " Boys, I'm glad I wasn't born a woman. I'd be pregnant ALL the time. I just can't say NO."  My ancestor passed away peacefully early in the 20th Century in upstate New York in a rest home.
     It is in this recent history, since women have entered their era of " equal rights" that they have experienced in what I term a Male Backlash.
    This is driven by a certain section of men who frankly, can't handle the independence of women who have chosen to go their own way in the world, inspite of what their male partners think, want, desire, or hope for in their intimate relationships.
    Fair? Of course not. But, you are asking for a seismic shift in what was a pattern of behavior most men were raised under, trained, and molded for by their parents, other men, and the traditions of countless culture norms. Now, "Mom" dons a uniform leaves the husband and kids and goes off to war??
    She EXPECTS hubby to house bound himself and shelve his career ( that maybe he loves, went to college for, and maybe was paying big bucks for?) And, what drives most men NUTZ, some guys do it.
    Recent FBI stats show an alarming trend of women arrests for drunk & disorderly, vehicle infractions, and various violent crimes. TV reality shows like COPS record arrests in police stations around America of increasing mothers drunk, violent and spending the night in the drunk tank.
    All of this is new, recent and trending downward since the era in which I was born during the World War II era. Television shows depict violent dramas almost always involving young women beaten, raped and murdered. It's always women. We are up to our hips in brutalizing women. It's infecting our culture and the way we think.
    Where is the respect for our women?  The gallantry borne from " Women and Children first!!" ?  Have we bred a new nation of callous cowards?  Our precious women are the bearers, the carriers of our future generations, and deserve our respect, admiration and protection now and in the future. Espectially from the cut-throat dogs in the Middle East who would gladly put them under the knife without a second's hesitation. We should be the first to defend them. Now and always. America, we are the cavalry.