Monday, July 13, 2015


What can the average citizen walking the streets of America do about the world swirling about hi
m, do?
     The nation of Greece is about to circle the drain financially and the " news " here is it might, could, "we'll see" if it affects us. Past US history ( the 1929 Depression 25% unemployment) still ragged around the edges here, banks shut, money gone, people living in lean-to's, cars, etc, still fresh in 0lder peoples' memories. I hear talk in my country of withdrawing money and hiding it in the mattress. No kidding.
     No one I know believes anything they hear about Iran "peace talks" on the nuclear issue. Not one. The television stations stake out their talking points, but the truth lies in history, and individuals and what they've said and done in the past. Who do you believe?  I do not trust my own government, from the president on down. and that includes the Supreme  Court. Congress couldn't organize a Sunday Picnic.
     I trust John Bolton, George Will and Charles Krauthammer.
     Obama is cutting military strength just when we are going to need it. Danger, Will Robinson, Danger. China's economy as well as Greece are shining examples of the failure of what the president should be touting to all of America - the failure of Socialism. SHOULD BE TOUTING.
     But, being a socialist, he won't.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

The American Government Under (De)Construction

 Let's analyze: so far in about six years, I can account for the Health and Human Services spending (untolled ) millions of dollars in just setting up a computer system for Health Care for the government and "Obamacare." The job to do it never went out to bid. The contractor has a hazy past, the press never did a follow up on it, who were they? The IRS..hmm. Lois Lerner failed to turn over emails, documents required by Senate subcommittees even under subpoenas blocking legal investigations. Several IRS big wigs, ditto, and then resigned under " clouds of suspicion."
     Subsequent IRS operations, loss of taxpayer records, loss of work hours to employee playing during work time on house computers as reported in press stories, then recent explosions regarding the loss of 20 million taxpayer files to hackers and IRS officials waving their hands in confused desperation over the matter.
     The official response from IRS manager Koskinen? Arrogance mixed with mumbled and vague I don't knows to the Senate subcommittee who subsequently have done nothing about it.
     Meanwhile I believe the Office of Management and Budget audited somewhere near $100 million dollars in over payments to either dead people, welfare recipients and over payments to some government contractors who deliberately over billed Uncle Sam. " We are investigating."
     Then there is the recent hacker of 200 million PERSONAL FILES from OPM, another government agency. That's everything they know about us, social security cards, credit cards, your grandmother's birthday to your kids prison records. EVERYTHING. And what do we hear from our government? Zip? Zero. Nada from the White House. That's because they don't know what to do about it. God forbid the Chinese attack        
         Then, there was the woman testifying before a Senate subcommittee this week. One Senator asked, do you need help.  "yes, please, thank God," and by the next morning, she's retracting everything she said and hiding under her desk. Government pensions are hard to come by these days.
     The San Francisco killing of a beautiful young American girl has turned into a political finger pointing game of " he said-she said" as the INS, ICE, SFO, sheriff's department seek to shift blame behind the cold, dead body of their collective guild
     The girl is dead. The Illegal Alien is an ILLEGAL ALIEN, not an undocumented Democrat.
     On retrospect, in spite of what the president says, nothing in the government seems to work. To me, every time I see someone on the national level making a pronouncement, I tend to believe the opposite. This is the first time in my life I AM NOT PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN, with apologies to Michelle Obama.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

BILL COSBY -- IF it's true

I grew up on the Cos. I watched every one of his TV episodes with whats his name, Culp, was it " I Spy?" The TV series way back when. He was funny, serious, I thought a knock down drag out comedian, I spent the front end of my young life, laughing My guts out at his humor. Cos was dynamite because he was a cross-over, he could talk to all cultures, black, white, neighborhood kids in North Philly and Congress.
    Everybody listened. I listened. The death of his son hit him hard and we all felt badly for him.
    Then this thing happened. The ....molestation stories, RAPE stories. I can't even say it without choking. He's acting so strange now, different.
    Fifty women, almost all white, have come forward with about the same story, pretty close, anyway. As I recall, I don't think many of them know each other. I have to admit, I'm losing my faith in Bill Cosby. Each time a camera catches him, his wife and another woman in public, his frown is a mile wide, and his wife smiles broadly.
   I'm sad when I think of the broader implications: IF IT'S TRUE....IF. It means two extraordinarily sad things. Bill thought so little of himself, he had to drug fifty women in order to take sexual advantage of them. His public image was that of a gentleman.
   It meant he felt that was the only way he could ever be good enough to gain their trust, and access to their bodies. How devastatingly sad for him.
   Next, if it did happen, the damage to those fifty women will never be tolled. The destruction of their personal sense of safety, femininity, their emotional stability in personal relationships may have been affected or destroyed. Who knows if some, a majority or all of them have been in therapy as a result.
   One hopes not.

Sunday, July 5, 2015


I recall twenty years ago when the church and religion sect decried the sex and corruption in our movies: enter the alphabet ratings. Remember X?  Well, that proved the kiss of death for most movies so it's not around anymore.
      Now we have R, gotta be kinda grown up to see it. I don't know any movie house that enforces that one, so - so what?
      The state of entertainment these days is awful, IMO. Check out the top draws at the movie houses: fit for kids and those young adults stuck in post pubescence.

  • ant man
  • jurassic park X
  • Mr Boob goes to college
  • rocket ship to playland
    In short, mature, engrossing thoughtful movies (hopefully based on a book) are not coming to the screen. Computer graphics are. Mush minded, goofy stuff designed to send you home to your telly and Criminal Minds and Blue Bloods.

" It is dangerous to be right, when government is wrong"....Voltaire

We can trip through the directory of US government agencies and we would be hard put to find one (1) of them not recently embroiled in a public fiasco, loss of confidence, rotting from the head downward, now the butt of public late night jokes.
        IRS unanswered questions, loose problems still blowing in the wind. Benghazi, 4 Americans deserted and killed? " Oh, that was two years ago, DUDE."  Arrogance from our current government.
        Obamacare now passes an activist Supreme court as doctors bail out over the country, burned out under the avalanche of paperwork justification (I lost mine), and increased premiums for millions, as "Healthcare" experts chest beat in DC about how they got the job done. 
        Billions overpaid to illegal aliens (oops, sorry, how did THAT happen??), some states now issue drivers licenses to illegals so they can now vote (California). Hence, their new official title is no longer " Undocumented Immigrants."
        It is now Undocumented Democrats.
        During the two years leading up to WWII, there was a sizable group of Americans called the Bunde comprised of German Americans. They held loyalty meetings regularly here in the states carrying American Flags, and wearing Nazi arm bands. They supported Adolph Hitler, and  petitioned our Government to stay out of WWII
        They were steadfast in their support of Hitler and NO amount of persuasion could change them: the German American Bunde. Think about it. I see the very same thing in American fringe thinking again. 

Friday, July 3, 2015


Fourth of July, so America has been around since 1776, and today, the day before July 4, it seems everyone is got a stiff neck, a headache, cops out on the street, ready for trouble. Why?
       Because of 30,000 lunatics in the middle east running around in black underwear with large knives and machine guns threatening the US. Seven years ago, we would never have put up with this.
       Our stellar president recently compared himself to Ronald Reagan. Proportions of the body politic are so delusional (as he is) that I fear they actually believe him. When Reagan was elected back in the 80's he actually changed the culture of America. No one believed he could, but he did.
Politics at the top can affect change - he proved it.
       Under obama he was elected by the poor, dispossessed and downtrodden. Fed a constant diet of pablum and lies, he was shown the front door of the White House. And, elected, again. We are the weakest as a nation that we have ever been since before World War I.
       Our current leader has racked up more national debt, total, than ALL the presidents before him, combined, and no one seems to notice or care. Under his tutelage, we've had credit ratings of our chief form of bonds - wrecked to a level just above "junk bond" status. That means if we wish to borrow money as a nation, we're going to pay higher interest rates.
       The City of Detroit has gone bankrupt, has an appointed receiver managing it, and is just now getting the street lights back on. Puerto Rico missed a payment on their debt and is a couple of billion in debt, which news reports say, they cannot meet. Bankruptcy or bailout is in the future.
       California as a state has a debt larger than all of the countries in Central America combined. In essence, their credit card is overdrawn 40 billion dollars. Payment is now due. The governor, Jerry Brown, is busy approving new building projects, signing checks which he probably can't cover and not paying attention inside his own finance department.
       Obama has fired all the Generals he disagrees with, kept the suck ups, and when those left tell him what he needs to know to keep the country safe - he doesn't listen. He ignores them. He makes jokes when he makes speeches, though. Good jokes.
       And the public, as slow now as they were to catch on when the Japanese hit us at Pearl Harbor, continue to look at our first black president as if to say, " ah, he's alright. Everybody makes mistakes. Give the guy a break."
       Oh Yeah?  Until when?
       The picture below is our stock of B-52s now in storage in the desert in Tucson, Arizona. Time to crank them up?

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


First time I heard about this, it was free college for everybody. Then, it was for illegal aliens (along with drivers licenses, bank accounts, etc). Today, I watched Obama SAY he hopes to accomplish before he leaves office, " free 2 year tuition at Junior Colleges."
     FREE. I wonder how financially that's all going to work out. Do the colleges bill the Federal government? Yes? Where do they get the money? Hmm. Us. Taxes.
     No, not us? Where then? Local governments? THEY RAISE LOCAL TAXES.
     One would assume the local junior colleges will not work for free. Somebody, somewhere is going TO HAVE TO PAY. Since Obama tosses that word FREE around, the $$ will have to come from somewhere?
     Where? I suggest some form of increased taxes on something: auto gas, real estate taxes, income taxes, Congressional debates tedium ad naseum.
      Obama may suggest (if the issue doesn't work out they way HE wants it to, he nationalizes all the Junior Colleges and the government runs everything like health care).  My opinion is this: name the last program the government instituted that worked wonderfully.


Just when I thought America had finally found a new hero, someone to step into the shadow of the "Duke" John Wayne, Walt Longmire, county sheriff of Abseroca County, Wyoming disappears.
      Ain't that just like Hollywood?
      In a time like now, where it seems to me, half the world is in a tailspin, our country feels so depressed, the voice of the people struggling to survive by the next paycheck, it feels like 1935 all over again.
      We need someone to admire, someone to emulate, someone to set aside as a hero with qualities as homespun as the simple country lawman and Wyoming rancher that he is. I've been to Wyoming and enjoyed it. Those folks are quiet, reserved, warm and genuine.    
      As he often said, " I'm 911."
