Thursday, May 28, 2015


I'm beginning to think Fox News reporter Dana Perino and former White House presidential representative would make an excellent president herself.
     Interviewed today on Bill O'Reilly show, she detailed President Obama's recent luck with Federal Court decisions (bad ones for him) on his executive orders that didn't fly. I believe one executive
order was on immigration, can't recall the other. The Federal Judge bounced both back in the negative saying NOPE, you can't do it illegal - ' without the consent of Congress.'
     What Perino's comments were that hit a nerve with me were, " you see, we have a government where there ARE three separate sections. "  Executive, Legislative and Judicial, and like it or not, or socialistic president just got his first lesson on how this country works.
      Perino went on to say that instead of acting presidential and massaging the disaster by " working around" the defeat, Obama attacked the judges involved Personally. (small ball politics.)
      So much for " if Congress won't do it, I will." or his famous - " I have a pen and a phone." And apparently, that leads him and our government up a blind alley.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Rape of Iraq

I think it was General Colin Powell that said, if we broke it, we own it. About Iraq, in my opinion, he has been proven right.
     Jeb Bush's mixed up answer to a news caster's question set off a storm of political protest this week on that sorry excuse for a country - Iraq. First observation I draw is this: it is the cradle of civilization, some experts have told us.  most history professors will say that man crawled out of the dust bin of Iraq and developed into the dust bowl that it is today - a quagmire of tribal petty squabbles, unable to defend itself, caught in the perfect 13th century society. How do you throw out the anchor of progress and wallow in camel dung for 1000 years while man walks on the moon?
    Add WWI and WWII together and we've still been in Iraq longer, spilled American blood trying to help for people who, evidently have not the where with all to stand on there own two feet and fight for their own existence. Our army has trained up their "mighty Republican Guard" twice now, and in the face of ISIS bad guys, they throw down their weapons and run away.
Our veterans are mad, and I don't blame them - sacrifice for NOTHING. All for a quick political promise.
    The results are, just in the last 4 days, slaughter of innocent women and babies on a scale that would make the Camp Commanders of Sobibor and Dachau jealous. We have lost every major city in Iraq (after we liberated it, won the war, and handed it over to the Iraqi government) and watched the bloodthirsty ISIS fighters take them back and murder innocent women and kids there in the most vicious ways.
     Meanwhile, what does our golfer in chief do?

Thursday, May 14, 2015


 The major network news anchor is supposed to announce and analyze news of the day to an obviously gullible American public.
       George, the former high echelon aide-de-camp of Bill Clinton when he was president, has apparently donated $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation, the war chest used by Bill and Hillary much in the news lately.
        In an age today where the mere appearance of a conflict of interest invites a hangman's noose over a tree branch, Stephanopolous begged the usual mea culpa publicly. Howsomever the media brave enough to call a spade, more than a shovel are digging deeper into the story.
        George is being bumped off hosting the February presidential debates since at this writing the obvious "conflict-of-interest" of having him referee a contest between a Republican and Mrs. Clinton (someone who he patronizes with large sums of cash) would be a disaster.
        At this point in time, public knowledge of the above SHOULD pull down the wrath of everyone on the duplicitous behavior on Stephanopolous, and the Clintons for trying AGAIN, to pull a fast one on the American public. It is, in my opinion, a betrayal of the trust of Mr. Stephanopolous' viewers, the organization he works for, a veil of shame for the Clintons for they had to have known this, assuming America is that stupid.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


     The oath of office was followed by an oath that said, " President of ALL the people, all the time. We thought our nation was getting a great uniter. Now, 6 and one half years into his reign, our nation has never been more divided, more hostile between the races in my lifetime. 
     Subtle naunces filled pre-election run ups but we kept going. What I saw that struck a despondent chord within me was Michele Obama's master's degree thesis from college. It was under lock and key, unavailable to the press. The Obamas jealously guarded that work and prevented it from publication, a practice so unusual, certain elements of the press made note of it, and left wing press started a food-fight calling out racist to those opposing her secrecy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


All of the shootings are a tragedy, no doubt. I'm sorry any of them happened, regardless of the facts surrounding the deaths. What tugs at me are the racial components here in America involved in all of them.
     In almost all of them it reads like this:              WHITE COP SHOOTS BLACK SUSPECT.
                                                                               Neighborhood (black) up in arms, riot ensues.
     Ferguson, Missouri, the ancestral home of the Jesse James clan, New York City,  and Baltimore have recently been sites of the most violent race riots following the killings of black men by white
    Mostly black citizens of those towns violently rioted destroying anything they could, burning, looting, destroying everything. In all three cases. The police officers were charged after a careful investigation by police administration AND outside third party sources. Ultimately, Ferguson's officer was absolved, but you wouldn't know it by watching the nightly news cast.
Seven witnesses testified he was not guilty of any charges leveled against him. Acquitted and released, to this day, he endures daily death threats.
    The same story in the New York City case-demonstrations, city police in the streets.
    The Baltimore case against six police officers is so weak it is been judged as a possible dismissal. At the very least, they will move the case out of the city and probably out of state.
    Three hours before I write this another such case happened in Wisconsin - Identical. The DA, a young black man, released the officer after a two hour examination of the facts. He sent the cop home after clearing him of any wrong doing. All of this leads me to one conclusion:
    The racial animosity prevalent in all the large cities policed by white officers is this: as the white police are judged and found not guilty by a jury of their peers.
    A mob of angry blacks, seem to declare GUILTY before the sun goes down,& want vengeance. They still cry out for " justice."  They feel the " system" hasn't worked for them. There is a
mis-understanding of how the legal system works. Arrest, charge, booking, possible bail hearing, trail date, trail, possible imprisonment or judgement.
     The street people do not understand any of this. When they see the policeman go to jail in cuffs, they feel elated, When the system releases him, they're reaction is " the MAN" has let them down again.
     They do not know that they do NOT KNOW.

Monday, May 11, 2015

B-17s in England, WW II

As a docent in a B-17g bomber museum here in Tucson I had the privilege of speaking and making friends with old air crews of B-17s from the war who visited the museum. The 390th bomb group had acquired the airplane and tricked it out to exact specifications of the war-time bird in the ETO. It was perfect.  In my extended time there, I came to know every square inch of the aircraft, from the cockpit instrumentation to the tail guns. 
     The fascination for me was the interaction with the guests. Air crew members covered the gambit from tail gunners to pilots and everyone in between.  I worked with pilots and ball turret gunners, who were of course, pretty small guys. Surprised as I was to learn they weren't all shooting down there. They spent a lot of time, taking pictures of older bombing sites to assess damage.

Shooting for him was done mostly approaching the target, over and coming out of the target. The res of the time, he joked, was in intensive prayer.
      A full Colonel was on the staff, nearly 90 at the time. He had 3 airplanes shot out from under him, and he completed 32 missions. On one, he brought his 17 back with over 520 bullet holes in it. None of the crew had a scratch, no one was wounded, a minor miracle, said the flight surgeon. This same pilot flew another airplane back with 3 of the 4 engines out - feathered. Luckily, the one working was an inboard #2, the source of cabin heat inside the airplane. On that flight, he just made the end of the runway of Col Jimmy Stewart's air base. He didn't get to meet him, he was asleep.
     In about that same time frame, one pilot told me, Clark Gable was flying side gunner and Andy Rooney was strapped into the navigation department of another B17 on the Schweinfurt mission.
     There was a tail gunner from Montana who wandered in one day, one of the largest men I ever met. A farmer, he wore those Levi overalls. He looked like he just climbed down off of a Massey Ferguson. Clarence was at the back end of the B-17 fiddling with the twin .50 caliber machine guns, moving them back and forth. I found out he lied about his age and enlisted at 16. He was huge, easily fooling the enlistment people. He volunteered for air duty, got into the 17, and how he squeezed into the tail section is beyond me. He fooled his pilot for year, downing 6 German ME 109s. When he turned the legal age of 18, they found out about him, came to him and said, " we don't know what to do with you, arrest you, send you home, or promote you for your six kills," his CO said.
    "I'd like to stay, " Clarence told him. So, he did and went on to down another 13 enemy planes by the end of the war.

Friday, May 8, 2015


As a metaphor, I saw a news item that made me laugh: the White House is making the iron fence
around it, higher and the top will have sharp pointy tops, like on the end of spears.
     That's very funny, I thought, when one stops to think about it - like spears standing up right. Recent history surrounding the White House has interlopers jumping the fence, vaulting over it, dashing past the guards, one even made it into the bowels of the first floor where JFK's body laid in state back in the 60's. He was finally captured by a cook or a houseman or something.
     The Secret Service assigned to protect POTUS have been acting a little like the Keystone Kops the last three years, drunk on the job, hookers in Haiti, AWOL at their posts and what 'not. They've even failed to out-run the fence jumpers around the residence. Embarrassing.
     To me, the joke of the high(er) pointy fence is the symbolism of a tobacco road fix on security system at this nation's most hallowed residence- pointy, higher spears on the fence. It's a slap-dab quick fix, just like numerous other attempts at FIXES applied to our government that haven't worked. And, I predict the pointy-fence fix isn't going to work, either.
     Recent press reports say the VA waiting list problem hasn't been fixed yet and it's been over a year since Princess Screw up hit the bricks and the new guy is at the helm. Oh, by the way. the old gal is suing to get her old job back. I wonder how she's going to explain the 40 guys that died on her watch, or LACK OF WATCH. Meanwhile, Holder is out, Lynch is in. July's out on that one.
     Meanwhile, the NSA, it has been found, is now spying on EVERYONE. You, me, the postal carrier, tv weatherman, you name it. Apologies to George Orwell. And that creep that runs the tax agency? He blames the tax cut backs can't hire enough people to answer phones, sorry. You're on your own.
      Keep this date in mind will you: January 20, 2017 - His nibs last day in office. Meanwhile, keep your firearms in a safe place, he is not to be trusted. Remember, if HE can ban one, he can ban ALL of them.

Friday, May 1, 2015


I do not believe Baltimore is a city where justice can be levied honestly.
     After today, May 1st, 2015, listening to the prosecuting attorney stumbling through her first public statement on the case, fouling up the logic on the case, arresting six officers for complicity in the death of a drug dealer, I'm convinced.
     She's in over her pretty little head. Jaw cocked to one head, teeth gritted, voice sharpened, she spits her words out like bullets. Six officers arrested, oh by the way, 3 black, 3 white, one woman, and by the end of this day, all have made bail.
     Her public pronouncement?  " I tell the COUNTRY that I will get justice for Freddie Grey." She did everything except throw the noose over the tree branch.
     So much for the presumption of innocence and a perfect set up for appeal. This kid, the state's special attorney must be straight out of law school. (license issued by some auto store, no doubt).
     Racialism is everywhere in Baltimore now run by blacks from the Mayor on down. The police department is racially apportioned along Baltimore's population statistics. City employees, ditto. Their school system receives the second highest amount of federal largess of any in the country and their school system is a disaster. The rioters and looters on Monday and Tuesday were in the majority mostly Junior and Senior high school kids.
     Carbon Copy riots and marches have sprung up in a half dozen American cities. I predict gun sales will  spike again as they did after Obama's re-election. A Fox News reporter stopped a rioter who burned a CVS drug store and asked him where he would go now that the only drug store in the neighborhood was burned down.
    His reply? " I dunno, I'll have to drive somewhere else, I suppose."  During the WATTS riots of 1968, a reporter asked the same question of another person. He got the same answer. I guess nobody learns, or common sense is in short supply.


We are in a new age: reason and language, logic, fairness, history, all tumbling now in the spin dryer of tumult on the flaming streets of Baltimore.
     Reason is now rabid, and difficult to find under the burning patrol car. Logic? Out to lunch along with what passes for the city's chief executives passive compliance to play acting. Safety now under trash can lids for your kids. Let's talk? Sure, At the top of your lungs, non stop, and don't stop, never mind what the other idiot has to say, SHOUT over them. " Ministers" and logic? Not even in the same room, together. Presidential butt-buddy running interference for the Mayor.
     Peaceful is at the end of a fist full of rocks, just ask 15 hospitalized cops, told to retreat in the face of teen age attacks. Black Justice now streaming around the country, " marches" in ....what, a half dozen cities. " We want Justice" ( for a convicted drug dealer who sold drugs to teenagers in the same neighborhood that erupted in violence that started this)
     Facts on Cause of Death NOT YET IN. Marches for "Justice" a little premature for the drug dealer, eh?
    "' hands up, don't shoot".......round #2?