For the past 8 years the reign of a ghost Socialist president, the country has slowly twisted downward, away from it's 'free enterprise' roots of the past to the European, Middle Eastern socialist culture that has permeated the world.
Our country went along with this split, kicking and screaming all the way. A vicious divide between conservative people, and ' progressives ' pulled the country, and ultimately the government apart - again. Working from within the fabric of our society, they infiltrated the minds and hearts of our folks - " the government can give you anything, just ask." ( People think here that our government is much like Denmark. If we need money, just ask the government, they've got it. )
Its remarkable how quickly the average American was able to swallow a Socialist approach as long as they didn't use those words. American politics have become an art, if not a science on what and how you tell our people what's happening.
How did this happen?
Liberals - Progressives - began to water down our schools. They eliminated basic cornerstone courses we had all consumed. Now, most of the younger generation can't discuss our history, name five countries in Europe, or 6 states in our own nation. They draw total blanks.
Citizens of the world know the ultimate outcome of a poorly educated country - we saw the results in Germany in 1939 in the Nazi films of Austria as Hitler swooped in to adoring crowds of swooning girls and women, eyes aglow with admiration. Most of them would later die in ovens.
Chilling, some of our own " leaders " continually proselytize the nation and Congress for the removal of firearms from all of the citizenry. Europe knows to well of the outcome when that happens. Adolph Hitler, Benito Mousselines, Pol Pot, Joe Stalin, and the Prime Minister of Australia demanded weapons be turned in on pain of death or imprisonment. Most of us know the results. They weren't kidding.
For decades, Americans have been howling for a change in Washington: bring in someone "NEW," not a politician. Someone with a different point of view. Now that we have one, a businessman named Donald Trump, everybody hates him because he has been very successful, and they want to elect the wife of a former president who has been so shady in the past she narrowly escaped an FBI investigation.
After the election, it has been said the new president Hillary Clinton is expected to copy the actions above and attempt to remove American's rights to own guns.
My concern is for the falling educational level of our citizens, their collective cognizance of their rights and their will to fight for it should that time come. And, I feel that time grows short after the impending election.